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People Divulge The Most Genuine Things You Can Say To Someone Suffering From Depression
Thiago Barletta on Unsplash

Depression sucks.

It's hard to live with and near impossible to overcome.

I know, I struggle everyday.

It's always appreciative to have people who "try" to empathize.

But often the sentiment doesn't fit the delivery.

There are ways to comfort a sad person that doesn't make it worse.

I know you're trying your best.

But let's make your best... the greatest.

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People Break Down The Absolute Worst Parts Of Depression
Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Depression, anxiety, PTSD, sadness, trauma... it's haunting many of us.

Even those of us loathe to admit it.

But we have to talk about it.

You are not alone.

Let's talk about the sadness.

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People Explain The Scary Truths Humanity Needs To Accept
Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

They say ignorance is bliss. The more you think about the things that can raise your stress levels, you could find yourself headed on a downward spiral.

Who has the time for that? Most of us would rather not worry about immediate life problems and focus on the present.

While that's all well and good and not dwelling on the negative is perceived as a benefit, realists would rather be mentally and emotionally prepared for inevitable misfortune or catastrophe.

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I didn't understand pain–the real, agonizing kind–until I had some health problems some years ago that landed me in the hospital. It was a horrible experience and I remember thinking that I would never experience relief from it.

I'm one of the lucky ones and have since recovered. But the experience was a humbling one, and I can tell you that it changed how I view other people's struggles.

Pain is debilitating! Be kind to the people around you who are dealing with.

That bit about being kind? That's the general theme of the stories here, which people were keen to share after Redditor PhilosoFeed asked the online community,

"What did you not understand until you experienced it?"
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People Share What Everyone Should Fear Less
Sammie Chaffin on Unsplash

Everyone has a fear they wish they could overcome but just can't.

Some fears are specific and too complex to attempt at conquering, like a fear of heights, spiders, or even a fear of clowns.

Other fears are actually harmless, and it's possibly due to people being socialized to believe otherwise.

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