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Bride Furious After Her Sister's Lack Of Drinking At Her Wedding Leads Everyone To Believe She's Pregnant
AZemdega via Getty Images

The sister of the bride at a recent wedding rolled in to the celebration fresh off a massive, positive life decision.

But no good deed goes unpunished. Her discipline, attempted courtesy to others, and hard work were rewarded with blindsiding rumors and a heavy scolding from the bride.

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Recovering Alcoholic's Wife Throws Out His Expensive Bottle Of Maple Syrup, And The Internet Is Understandably Divided
GMVozd/Getty Images

When one of your loved ones is a recovering addict, you may feel like you have to take extra precautions around them to avoid any potential triggers.

But in this particular couple's case, the wife was more triggered by the steps her husband was choosing to take in his recovery.

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Actress and singer Demi Lovato has now been sober for six months following her overdose last July 2018.

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