People Recount The Worst Thing A Teacher Ever Said In Front Of The Entire Class

Maybe being an educator isn't your calling friend.

People Recount The Worst Thing A Teacher Ever Said In Front Of The Entire Class
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Being an educator is not for the faint of heart. Being a teacher takes discipline, hard work, nerves of steel, a quick mind and a daily case of Merlot. Just don't guzzle the Merlot on school grounds. While in front of students teachers have to be aware of their surroundings and think before they speak, even if it means stifling some truth. But once and awhile some teachers tend to let loose the thoughts and the tongue and the drama afterwords is always entertaining.

Redditor u/UNIQUE-USERNAME-853 wanted to know who has been left stunned by their educators by asking them to reveal.... Users of reddit what is the worst thing your teacher has ever said in front of a class?


cindy brady smh GIF by HULUGiphy

"At least half of you will be dead by the time you reach 20 years old" to a class of 11 year olds...


I once had a teacher (between 4-6 grade, not sure) say that about 1/4 of us would die before the end of high school, statistically speaking.

I've been lucky enough to not have any of my friends die, yet. i-hate-this-life

Sex Education

During English class we were watching Tomorrow When the War began. Those of you who have seen the movie know they start the movie talking about sex.

The teacher goes, 'Sex is not that great, I have actually not had sex' He's a full 30 year old man and says that to a bunch of 13-14 year olds.

Those were the days....


Too Soon

The father of a class-mate died in a motorcycle accident, he went into a corner too fast and crashed into a tree.

A couple of days after the accident (which was the first day my class-mate went to school again), our physics teacher decided that it is a good moment to teach the "speed doesn't kill you, acceleration does"-lesson. With the example of a motorcycle driving into a tree.



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During one year of high school in a bio class, the students were fooling around in class not doing their work and the young (had to be in her late 20s) professor yelled "you all stop jerking off!" Then turned red as she realized what she had just said.

You can only imagine how that went in a room full of 16-17 year olds lol.


Shut Up Teach....

Class mate explained he couldn't get through the 20-page assignment in time due to his dyslexia, Old-timey teacher says " there's no such thing, you're just lazy".

Only about 6 or 7 years ago, too.


I had a history teacher who would take points off for every spelling mistake. My dyslexic friend basically had to beg him to exempt him from that rule.


Boys are dumb....

I had a Spanish teacher who was either extremely inappropriate or extremely oblivious (with him, it is legitimately hard to tell, he may actually not have known). He was talking about how you make flan one day and how you take the ingredients mix them together then you "BEAT IT BEAT IT BEAT IT BEAT IT" along with a hand motion. The boys in class thought this was hilarious so they would continually ask him how to make flan, so he would tell them.

Honestly, he could have just been completely oblivious and was thinking "Hey, the students are smiling, cool, I'm a good teacher". My family had had to deal with his teaching for decades so we know he never learned a thing about students.


Oh Well

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Worst thing and also best thing. History class. Kid punches the kid in front of him in the back of the head. Teacher sees this and says, "now he's gonna punch you in the head and your all gonna sit there and watch because there's nothing you can do about it".


Daddy Issues....

I had a prof that had given us an in class assignment. He was a sh!tty teacher and we were first year students so we didn't finish it and he told us to take it home and finish it and when we were done to "bring to me. Bring it to daddy." He was Greek and didn't know the context, but he was the head of the department so we all held back our giggles and left.


License & Registration

drunk alcohol GIF by TV LandGiphy

I had an art teacher that got caught drinking. Apparently someone from the previous period told on her. The vice principal came into our class and told her to come with him. We all heard her yell "they drove me to drink" from the hallway.


One of the art teachers at my high school openly talked about drinking in class and dared the administration to fire him. "I'm not here because I need the money, I'm here because I enjoy it. This is how I keep enjoying it."



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