Women Break Down The Things Men Do That Aren't Nearly As Attractive As They Think They Are

Women Break Down The Things Men Do That Aren't Nearly As Attractive As They Think They Are
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Being a man is tricky, isn't it?

While it seems like it's easy on the outside, there's no rulebook for how to properly behave for women we're interested in. As such, this means a lot of the times men will act in wild, sometimes innappropriate ways, to attract a woman who's just not at all interested in what we're presenting.

And they're willing to tell us.

Reddit user, u/Stalagmyte, wanted to know where men make missteps when they asked:

Ladies, what's not as attractive or sexy as men think it is?

Puffing Out Your Chest

Confidence comes from within. If you're aware of your self-worth and your own power, there's no need to ever speak it out to the world. The world will recognize it naturally. So if you're running your mouth like these guys, then you might be in trouble.

Throwing Around Your Pennies

Money? Not like having a good salary, that's a good thing I guess but not always necessary. But useless display of money is, for me, so unattractive. I think the biggest turn off is men talking about their finance on first dates and/or making huge effort to make sure I'm aware of the price of their car, their clothes, etc. Make me feel like I'm just another thing they think they can buy.


If You Have To Say It, You're Not

Telling me that you're an "alpha". It makes you come across as an insecure loser.

It also reminds me of that line Tywin Lannister says to Joffrey in GoT: "A man who has to say 'I am the King!' is no true king", or something.


Confidence Does Not Equal Bragging


I guess when it turns to smugness, it's really unattractive. I like confidence, not bold declarations of your a--holery.


"Wanna See Me Do 17 Push-Ups Right Now??"

Playing the macho man.

Or playing the 'fake dom'. Just relax and try to make us laugh.


Having Feelings In The Wrong Direction

As men, we're never given proper role models who show us how to correctly manage our feelings.

This definitely shows.

You Need Some Feelings To Feel

Being a jerk or being cold and unaffectionate


"We Know Everything!"

I knew this one guy in college who would make wild assumptions about women off of a small comment of theirs, probably with good intentions to connect with them and show he's paying attention, but they would be never be right and it put all of us off immediately.

Example: My girl friend: "Man, I'm not excited for this Biology test on Monday" Him: "Oh, so science doesn't make a lot of sense to you?" Girl: "No...no, that's my major. I was just saying how early the test is." Him: "Oh, so you hate mornings? You're a complete night owl, I called it." Her: "Again, not exactly..."

And repeat for 20 minutes or so until the girl usually snuck away.


Making A Misstep In The Romance Department

Romance isn't easy for anyone, but if you're pulling your romance tips from the worst part of the internet, then maybe reconsider your idols.


The d!ckcopter.

Though hilarious, it has no seductive qualities. Keep doing it though.


Don't Be That Dude

To me, huge bodybuilder muscles.

And d-ck pics.


ESPECIALLY when they're unsolicited...dude, nobody needs to see that without permission first


"Because It's Not Manly."

Not knowing or refusing to do/learn basic life skills like cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, grocery shopping, being financially responsible, etc. I am not your mother!


It sounds cliche, but being yourself is always the best way to go. Don't oversell yourself, don't try to be something you're not, and for the love of all that is holy, never send an unsolicited d-ck pic.

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