Women Share The Most Heart-Melting Compliments They've Ever Received

Women Share The Most Heart-Melting Compliments They've Ever Received
Image by Tú Anh from Pixabay

Everyone wants to receive compliments. It's not hard to comprehend. Who wouldn't want to be told nice things about themselves? The tricky part is accepting it, as in admitting to yourself that what the other person said has value and is truthful. For these women, they overcame that hurdle, internalizing these compliments to hold onto forever.

Reddit user, u/DivergentG, wanted to hear how your day was made when they asked:

Girls of reddit, what was the most heart melting compliment you heard from a boy?

Victory Over All

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"Mommy, you're the best mommy in the whole world." - My son.


Different Levels Of Intelligence

Me, when he was graduating top 3 in our class: Congratulations, I wish I could be as smart as you.

Him: Yeah, but I'll never have the level of emotional intelligence you do.

He spoke like it was obvious, but it was the first time I realized that was something valuable.


Thinking About The Future Together

I'm not sure if this is a compliment but my SO and I have been together for quite some time now and he didn't go to college (sad story behind it) and then I found him one day looking up and listing down possible courses to get and I told him I was happy for him and that I would support him all the way but for some reason, I asked him why and he said that he wants to get better jobs and save up for our future.

I tried my best not to tear up


Being Recognized And Seen

"The work that you do everyday amazes me" and "I love the way you care so much about other people".

I have a really emotionally-demanding career and have worked really hard to get where I am. there is no better compliment to me than one that shows how much my partner SEES me, you know?


Something To Listen To Again And Again

From my boyfriend: You are so beautiful. Not just physically. Everything about you is beautiful. The way you create things, the things you like, all of it. I'm infatuated with you.

I replay that in my head over and over when I'm feeling inadequate.


Scoring No Matter Where You Go

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One time when I was in a train station in Pompeii (we missed our train) and I had to sit down but there were only like 3 benches and 100 people so you do the math. So I sat on the ground in pain and sweat and this Italian guy walks past me and says something in Italian. I can't speak it so I just nodded and smiled, he then asked if I spoke Italian and I said no. He then said "well I just said you were beautiful". That still makes me happy everyday


No Matter The Age, Only The Player

I was approached by a nice young man the other day who told me I'm cute

(I am 70 years old!)!


Please Only Annoy Me

"There's nobody else that I would want irritating me on a daily basis, than you, my love"

~my husband

We have good banter.


When It's All Natural

My boyfriend said "I love you" for the first time the other night and we were chatting the night after and I told him that it really surprised me. He said "it just felt natural, everything with you feels really natural". He doesn't talk about feelings much but that made my turn to mush.


Saving The Planet

I was literally just picking up trash and he said "you're the type of person that's gonna change the world"


I should pick trash more then :D


The Best...Around.

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When I was in third grade my teacher had us all group up in boy-girl pairs for a project. The girls would sit at a table, and the boys would pick which girl they wanted to work with. One boy who I had a crush on immediately walked over my table and sat down. When I asked him why he chose to work with me he said, "Because you're the best girl out of all of them."

I still think about it today, it was such a sweet compliment.


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