People Break Down All The Reasons They Think Winter Is A Wonderland

🎵Walking in a winter wonderland...🎶

There are so many exquisite reasons to love Winter. The snow, the sky... Santa.

I feel like the world is separated into two camps, the Winter people and the Summer people and a compromise is never in reach.

I'm part of the Fall people—the truly perfect group.

Has anyone checked in on the Spring people?

But first, let's chat about Winter.

Redditorstay__wildwanted to discuss all the glory of winter, so they asked:

"People who like winter, why do you like it?"

Cold isn't awful, as long as you have a warm destination waiting.

The fight between cold and hot is eternal.


"All insects f**king die. Or are at least nowhere to be seen." ~ Yisuscrais69


The Best

"No mosquitos." ~ lemick

"Nor alligators. Nor traitors. Winter is the best. Get to go outside and chop firewood without breaking a sweat. Get to start the wood stove before dawn and let a Yankee pot roast go on top in a dutch oven slow cooking all day long. I wouldn't trade it for anything." ~ badluckbrians


"I get to pretend that my introverted lifestyle is only seasonal." ~ NeighratorPI

"I lived in San Diego for a while and having sunny weather every day was great. But I found I felt guilty sitting indoors reading. You feel this pressure to be out all the time. Eventually though, you manage to work it all out." ~ dudeARama2

The Dead

"I love those nights where there's a nice steady snow coming down, and it's dead quiet. It's very calming. Plus, it's hockey season." ~ ladies-pmme-nudespls

"Fun fact: because of their geometry, when clustered together snowflakes actually do make it quieter as they act as a natural aural insulator. If it ever seems quieter when it snows, that’s usually because it is!" ~ ReaverRogue

So Sunny

"Not sweaty, no sunburns, amazing sleep at night, able to enjoy warm showers after a cold day outside. Weather isn’t always soo sunny and up in your eyes." ~ Background_Bridge821


No bugs is always a plus.

And it does seem like light is less harsh in winter.

Alright... Alright...

"Because summer is bull with its hot, humid days, and muggy nights. There is only so naked I can get, and then I am still hot. Winter is wonderful and cool, if it is too cold you grab another blanket, the weight and warmth let's you know everything is going to be alright." ~ K13mm


Let me Zzzzz

"I deal better with cold than heat, and 20 hours of daylight up north wreaks absolute havoc with my sleep." ~ Leningradite

"Yes, I live in Sweden and in the middle of summer the sun really never goes down. I can’t freaking fall asleep when it’s so bright and when I finally do I wake up because it’s too damn hot." ~ Realmenbrowsememes


"It’s so calm and pretty." ~ Alansar_Trignot

"Snowy nights are the best nights. One of my best memories from the last few years was Christmas Eve 2020. It snowed all night and at about midnight I opened an upstairs window (screen too) and sat for a while watching."

"It was completely quiet, cold, a little windy so sometimes a gust would blow snow into my room, the sky was a nice deep purple-ish color... I think about that night all the time now. I took a video to remember it but otherwise just sat and looked. Idk why it was so good but it was so good." ~ xofeatherxo

It's a curse...

"I run hot. Have done all my life. I'm happy in t-shirts and shorts until it gets below ~8°C. Heat knocks me out completely." ~ Neomorf03

"I'm the same. I've always just given off so much heat. My wife loves it because she can snuggle up to me get warm quickly. I asked my doctor about it, and he said thats just how some people are. It's a curse." ~ RyFromTheChi


"I love the fresh air. In summer I feel like I cannot breathe due to the sultry weather." ~ She_Abunai


Happy Winter people.

Embrace the cold.

Added bonus? It keeps the skin tight!

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