Single People Reveal What They Like Most About Being Unattached

Proud party of One!

Now yes, love is a wonderful thing. Finding your second half, your "other" to complete you is a beautiful thing. But if that hasn't been your journey thus far, don't feel bad. Being single, not alone, SINGLE is a very healthy choice. Sometimes love, or what we perceive as love can ruin you. We're all trained by society to believe that being single makes us unworthy and nothing could be farther from the truth.

Redditor u/05_16k wanted to here about the upside to the single life by asking.... Singles of Reddit, what do you like most about being single?

My Castle is Mine....


Everything in my car and apartment is exactly where it should be. Scrappy_Larue

Nothing in my apartment is where it should be but at least it's my fault. thecravenone

It's Always about ME! 

I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can spend money on myself with zero regard for what anyone else thinks. I don't have to factor anyone else into my plans or life decisions.

It can be lonely sometimes, but it's also delightfully selfish. TheCorvus303

Hands off the Skittles.... 

Married father here chiming in.

The thing I miss most about being single is the ability to act purely in your own self-interest without having any sense of guilt or responsibility to another person. And I'm not even talking about something with high stakes -- I'm talking about something as simple as wanting to eat an entire bag of skittles without sharing with another person.

Don't get me wrong, I love sacrificing for my family and sharing any and every thing I have with my wife and kid, but when you're single, you have the ability and right to make every tiny decision based on your own self-interest or selfishness, and that's something I sometimes miss on a very simple rudimentary level. orange_cuse

My time is Mine! 

You can do whatever you want in your free time. Get home from work and feel like watching Generation Kill? There's no one to say, "I don't like that show." Feel like reading a book? There's no one to interrupt you. Feel like listening to music? There's no one to say you can't. Don't feel like cleaning up the dishes after dinner? No one to chastise you for procrastinating the task. morris9597

Free to Choose...


i don't have to chose between hanging with my friends or my SO. CLEAN_WATER_

My ex always had to come with me and if I tried to do a dudes night she would call me the whole time freaking out. God I hated her. karmagod13000

The $$$ keeps rolling In... 

My coworkers make fun of me for being single, and then in the very next breath talk about how they hate being so busy and then having to work a lot of overtime to pay for things for their kids on top of their busy lives. I always try to remind them how great it is to have the choice of being able to go home, crash on the couch and play video games for seven hours straight after work without a single word of complaint from anyone. Cochise22

The Silence... 

Not having to share a bed.

Not having to share your food.

Your space. Your free time. Your time out with friends.

But best of all ...

Not having to have unnecessarily long discussions on where to eat. spiderBlastoise

Just Gotta be Me! 

My life was 10x worse when I was constantly anxious about needing to do as much as possible to keep my partner happy. She rarely wanted anything to do with me as well, but I always took that as something I was doing wrong, not her as a person.

Much easier to just focus on my own goals and spend my money/time doing what I want to do. I would like to settle down with someone one day but I'm still really young and seeing so many people already getting divorced in their early 20's with 3 kids makes me feel good about not making any rash decisions so far. bull04

NOT seeing the family! 

Not getting dragged into lame events with her family that essentially ruin my weekend.

"Oh no, I totally want to drive three hours and hangout with your family this weekend. I had these crazy plans to relax, maybe go for a bike ride, have some beers by pool, go to a movie with our friends, etc. But you're right, lets drive three hours away to listen to your family argue about politics, eat bland food, and sleep on a futon. Sounds great." JohnyUtah_


Giphy All of my stuffis exactly where I left it when I get home.
My bed is still made, my dishes are still done, my food is still there, my clothes are still clean, and nothing is missing from my cash stash.
If I want to stay up late and watch movies or listen to music, I can.
If I want to go to bed early, and use the whole damn bed, I can.
If I want to go out and have a few drinks with my friends, I can.
I never have to laugh at unfunny memes' found on FaceBook, or explain why I'm laughing so hard at anything.
I never have to justify my joy.
I'm my own person. Full, complete, and content.
And no one can drain that from me.

This is what I love about being single. helljack


Singles? Where you at? You know you have something to add....

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