People Explain What Always Puts Them In A Genuinely Good Mood

People Explain What Always Puts Them In A Genuinely Good Mood
Image by Denise Husted from Pixabay

The past year brought about much anxiety and it's been a challenge to find the light in what has felt like perpetual darkness.

But the light is there, and if we allow ourselves to look for it, the ray of positivity could meet us halfway and bring a sense of peace.
Happiness comes in many forms. Just because we've been in isolation for much of last year due to a global health crisis, it doesn't mean we can't experience joys in our life.
Whether it's curling up with a feel-good novel and a cup of coffee, being comforted by the purr of a pet cat, or getting back in touch with old friends via Zoom, there is no shortage of opportunities to lighten our hearts.
In pursuit of attaining that warm and fuzzy feeling, Redditor vendettabunny20 asked:
"What gives you genuine happiness?"

Food brings people together, and that combination brings much happiness for these Redditors.

Nourishing Love

"Plenty of my favorite food eaten together with fam."

"Harvesting fruits/veggies from plants which I grew myself and then gifting the harvest to others. I love to grow blueberries and hope I will have lots next year."


Compliments To The Chef

"Seeing people enjoy food that I cooked, especially seeing my fiancee smile while she eats my from-scratch chocolate chip cookies."


The Little Things

"It's difficult to tell the difference between genuine happiness and enough distraction. Food, like video games or playing the piano, makes me joyful while I'm eating it. I believe that the things that make me truly happy are the ones that happen infrequently, if at all, and are beyond of my control, such as being complimented or receiving physical contact."


Being alone with our thoughts can be comforting.

Wee Small Hours Of The Morning

"Being outside with no people around. Live in a city and I get up super early and just walk around before everyone else is out. Best part of my day."


In Between Consciousness

"I think it may be the only time I am ever genuinely happy when I am in that state of going to sleep where I think, but at the same time I am neither asleep nor awake. It feels like I am entirely detached from the physical world; free of fear, and pain."


"Don't try heroin."


Upon Reflection

"I've noticed that some things can make you so happy that they make you happy before (anticipation) and after (reminiscing) you've done them."


Being with loved ones, both humans and pets, can be the very definition of happiness.

Quiet Companions

"Weekend mornings sitting on the couch curled up with my husband and cat, both of us reading a book. It feels like quality time even though we aren't talking. Just a lot of peace."


"Your comment made me imagine a cat sitting on a couch, reading a book, wearing reading glasses and that made me really happy."


Hide And Seek

"Watching my cat get stuck somewhere stupid, then yelling for help. The best place so far was in a cabinet over the stove."


Our Inner Comedian

"When I manage to make my friends day by making them laugh. I honestly get so happy when they are happy."


What Brings Joy To Others

"I really love to hear about other people's hobbies/passions/interests. It never fails to make me smile."

"Equally, my hobbies/passions/interests make me happy."


I'm a kid at heart.

So it's not surprising that going to a Disney park as an adult brings out the inner kid in me.

Having grown up in Southern California, I get nostalgic about all my trips to Disneyland with my family and friends.

Eventually, I got a job there in entertainment, where I've made lifelong friends and grew as a performer.

My glee quadruples when I bring friends who've never been to a Disney park before and I see the excitement on their faces.

And what brings me pure joy is hearing from these first-time visitors that, after a long day of running around for 12+ hours, they tell me they had the "best day ever."

Walt, you did a good thing.

Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

Even so, there are very few teachers who haven't said something they've regretted when teaching a class.

Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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As a kid, I never raised alarm bells even when I started to feel sick. My mom got stressed easily and was busy taking care of my younger brother, so I never wanted to be a burden by making her take me to the doctor only to find out nothing was wrong.

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