People Share The Most Trivial Things They Miss From Their Childhood

Picture yourself as a kid. What are the things you see? Do you see yourself clutching a Donatello Ninja Turtles figurine underneath your poster of 98 Degrees? Do you maybe see a coloring book, or a Lisa Frank bag, or a trapper keeper?

So many small things can easily remind you of childhood. And the nostalgia bomb is intense, but often on the most random things. Us 90s kids are the kings and queens of being immediately nostalgic when we see anything from the 90s. A simple candy necklace is enough to trip our memories.

u/Overwolfy asked:

"Whats the most trivial thing you miss about your childhood?"

Here were some of those answers.

Skewlz Out

The day before summer vacation. The excitement of making plans with everyone, subconsciously knowing it's not gonna happen cause y'all lazy.


Just Being A Kid

Being able to do something fun without worrying about everything else you should be doing.


I used to love playing video games and playing outside without the anxiety of bills, cooking, work, etc. literally just got to have fun without that buzz in the back of your head telling you that you could be using your time better.


Tick Tock Tick Tock

Time moved much slower. Summer felt like it lasted forever. And while the wait to Christmas Day was torturous, now it sneaks up on me and I feel like I never have enough time to get ready


Cartoon Cartoons

I recently made a list of all the cartoon shows I could remember and downloaded what I could find, now every saturday morning I make myself cereal and shuffle between all shows' episodes so idk what comes next. Sometimes I get reruns but that happened back then too!

So far I have Batman beyond, cow and chicken, duck dodgers, grim adventures of billy and mandy, megas XLR, ozzy & drix, static shock, teen titans, tom and jerry, and X-men. I'm sure there's a ton im missing and I cant remember them though!


A Time Before Facebook

Hearing my grandpa's stories... waking up in the morning and looking forward to the day, and not being wracked by anxiety and depression.... getting a sandwich from my favorite long-shut deli after school.... turning on the news and not fearful of what I'd see and hear.... having more energy..... not being addicted to the internet and social media and smart phones.... where do I stop?


The Marilyn Mood

Sometimes my parents would let me sleep in one of their t-shirts. The shirts were big enough that I could squat down and pull the shirt down over my knees, down to the floor. So, I would squat down over a heater vent and pull the shirt down to the floor and tuck it under my toes. Then I'd pull my arms and head into the shirt and hold the back of the shirt to the floor with my hands and have my own tiny little heat tent.


Animal Crackers In My Soup

I find it a bit strange but I kind of miss the commercials such as the Shirley Temple collection or Recess Puffs that came on when I was trying to watch Spongebob or something. I used to find those commercials so annoying as a kid because they came on at what seemed to be the worst times but since I stopped using cable in favor of streaming services I found myself missing them quite a bit.


No More Clicking Around

I miss the joy of discovering something cool on tv. Now I can stream or find anything that I can think of to watch but I still sometimes cycle through Disney+/Netflix/Prime just looking on what I want to watch.


The Magic Is Lost

Not being judged for eating bagel bites, and the excitement on Christmas Eve. Sure, Christmas can still be exciting as an adult, but it's nothing like the anticipation of a child waiting for Christmas morning.


I Miss My Little Life

I miss arcades, I miss the mall in North Carolina that's long since closed down that had an amazing Toy's R Us across the street, a Spinnaker's at one end of the mall which made that entire wing smell like amazing fresh bread 24/7 and about 25% of the stores had wood panel walls you see in smoke shops most places. I went through North Carolina last year after being away 15+ years and it was how crap some of the malls had gotten and the fact South Square was shut down that devastated me the most.

The fact the fields I had hunted frogs in and the forests we had ran in where mostly subdivisions was nothing compared to finding out the old game shop that had gotten me into Magic the Gathering back in the day had ceased to exist five years before.


Among the many reasons people watch, and rewatch, sitcoms is to imagine your life was more like the one you were watching.

Being able to afford a two-bedroom apartment in Greenwich Village on a line cook's salary, somehow always having the comfortable sofa available at your favorite coffee shop whenever you pop in, or having your best friends always available at your beck and call whenever you need them.

For the romantics, however, it's wishing you could have a romance like you've seen on television.

True not all sitcom romances are exactly the sort that makes you go all aflutter (Were Ross and Rachel actually on a break? And don't even get me started about Ted and Robin.)

Other sitcom couples are so captivating, though, that we would have given anything to be at their wedding... or at the very least go to their home for dinner every Friday.

And this includes plutonic couples, as there is nothing more heartwarming than a lasting friendship.

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