The Types Of Vehicles Only A-Holes Drive

The Types Of Vehicles Only A-Holes Drive
Tyler Nix/Unsplash

You don't have to be acquainted with someone to know enough about the kind of person they are.

Observing their attitude around people or what clothes they wear can easily give away a stranger's temperament that identifies them as either superficial or genuine.

Of course, being judgmental based on one's appearance is not an unfair assessment. However, you know deep down inside, we all have the predisposition to do exactly that.

Redditor Expwar was curious to hear about how a certain demographic gets around and asked:

"What vehicle is only driven by a**holes?"

Car accessories really are a dead giveaway about the person behind the wheel.

Lewd Graphic

"Any truck with a sticker of Calvin peeing on the logo of the other model truck."

– DocWednesday

Marvel Madness

"Any vehicle with a Punisher sticker."

– Tagpub1

Altimate Jerk

"Nissan Altima with expired paper plates."

– i_like_cheese_fries

Dongles In Motion

"Anything that truck nuts have been installed on."

– Fjc562

A vehicle's condition says a lot about its owner like what a front lawn says about the homeowner.

Worn Aesthetic

"With a faded gold paint job and sh**ty, bubbled window tint. Alternately going 95 in the right lane, or 45 in the passing lane."

– carl-swagan

Misguided Priorities

"Failing engine, $500 paint job, and $10,000 rims..."

– Krepitis

These might be the worst of the bunch.

The Rest

"Every vehicle that I’m not driving. You’re all a**holes."

– DoctorSneak

The Speed Spectrum

"Everyone faster than me is a maniac and everyone slower than me is a moron."

"Edit: oh my GOD I've gotten a dozen notifications that really want to make sure George Carlin gets credit. You guys can stop replying with that now."

– Altruistic-Pop6696 ·

Amateur Little Drivers

"These red and yellow cars from Little Tikes. They're all bad drivers. Pretty sure they don't even have their licence."

– Face-latte

How They Roll

"Around here (South Alabama), the same guys who you would label as 'A**holes' are the guys who drive trucks with the front suspension lifted to the sky and the rear suspension is dropped to the street, and they slap on rims that look like a regular rim was put through a paper shredder, then stretch paper-thin tires on them, not to mention they either cut their exhausts down or put exhausts on that have no catalytic converters, and as such, they're louder than a machine gun."

"They're really a**holes."

– FrostyFox45


"Whoever has unnecessarily super bright lights at night. I wonder where I can apply for my blindness allowance."

– TheYellowSprout

To me, it doesn't matter what car you have. Just be a good driver and respect the road and others who share it with you.

Tailgaters or drivers who cut in front of me without signaling are all jerks regardless of whether they're driving a Tesla or an old station wagon.

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Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

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