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People Describe What Is A Treat For The Nose But Not The Tongue

People Describe What Is A Treat For The Nose But Not The Tongue
Battlecreek Coffee Roasters/Unsplash

Putting on that pot of coffee in the morning, it smells so good you can almost taste it.

Well, actually, you pretty much can.

Our sense of smell is incredibly important to our sense of taste.

Science World said:

"Our sense of smell in responsible for about 80% of what we taste."
"Without our sense of smell, our sense of taste is limited to only five distinct sensations: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and the newly discovered 'umami' or savory sensation."
"All other flavors that we experience come from smell."

However, sometimes those smells are deceiving. There are certain things that just shouldn't be eaten.

Redditor n0_y0urm0m asked:

"What smells way better than it tastes?"

These Redditors tried these already so you don't have to.

That fresh from the dryer smell.

"Clean laundry."

- Akiram

"Came here to say laundry detergent. I've always wanted to eat the powder kind."

- Betty_Jean

Great for baking but not on its own.

"Vanilla extract."

- Mettabox452

"Because it's mostly grain alcohol with a tiny bit of potent beans."

- sameth1

"However! You may enjoy Vanilla bean paste should you want to taste that smell."

- kaikura89

"Surprised cocoa powder hasn't been mentioned yet."

- SirBroccolingtonIII

"Don't make hot chocolate with cocoa powder. Found that out the hard way as a ten year old... it just tasted like disappointment. Adding vanilla extract doesn't help either."

- 8dogsinatrenchcoat

It's meant to smell good, not taste good.

"Candles. Yankee Candles especially. They smell so tasty."

- thedudeisalwayshere

"For the price they run for, they should be edible."

- /FuzzMcBeefy84

"If they were edible, I'd be on My 600lb Life."

- dodexahedron


"Campfires... tastes like burning."

- rickm3

"What about people who drunk Islay Scotch?"

- SculpinIPAlcoholic

"My husband drinks Lagavulin Scotch. Its tastes like buttery campfire. Awful but damn is it smooth."

- plz2meatyu

"I love Lagavulin but my wife thinks it smells like burnt bandaids. And she's not wrong haha."

- jmaca90

Very unexpected.

"My nose. Ha!"

"In the same way my mouth tastes better than it smells."

- adept_ignoramus

"Unexpected dad jokes are the best kind."

- WickedEng90

"Came here for this. Studied sensory science at uni and man, mouths and noses are wild."

- FriedBeeNuts

There's no reason it shouldn't taste good.

"Chapstick, definitely chap stick."

- Simpl3Nik

"Cherry scented chap stick smells soooo good. Then you put it on and lick your lips… nope, what an awful taste!"

- wickedbunny42

"I don't know why but when I put on scent chap stick, I can taste the flavor even though I cant????????????"

- Brilliant_Surprise_3

We all wanted to know.

"Those scented markers from the late 80s early 90s. They smell great, but I can confirm they taste like sh*t."

- snowf*ckerforreal

"The Mr. Sketch ones?"

- xscumfucx

"Yep, those are the ones. I tasted all of them just to be sure. The lies… they tasted nothing like the fruity deliciousness they're masquerading as lol."

- snowf*ckerforreal

Watch where you're working.


- Punyeah_

"How do you know it doesn't taste good?"

- asdfoneplusone

"It doesn't. It made my tongue numb. Hard lesson on why you don't lay under the fuel line you're undoing."

- KotexAvenger

It's not like breath spray.


- Definition_Only

"This brought back memories of the time me and my sister sprayed a sh*t ton of perfume into our mouths because we thought it was essentially the same thing as breath freshening spray."

- DevTheDummy

Maybe you were a curious kid and you tried the markers that smelled good or the bottle of vanilla extract.

It's totally normal.

Our sense of smell is important to our safety and in helping us detect what we can or cannot consume. I guess some of these can be pretty tricky if you don't know any better.

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Vegans Who Started Eating Meat Again Share Their Experiences

Reddit user Capital_Brain2676 asked: 'Vegans that started eating meat again, what happened?'

Person about to bite into a burger
Szabo Viktor/Unsplash

Most restaurant menus have caught up with the times to offer plenty of options to patrons with various dietary restrictions.

Vegan dishes tend to be a top priority, with gluten-free options being a close second.

Thanks to these options, groups of family and friends can dine together and not be limited by restaurant choices.

But when there's a sudden break in routine on the next outing, it can be jarring when the vegan in your group suddenly orders prime rib or a juicy burger that is not a plant-based patty.

What the whaaat?

Curious to hear from those who did a dietary 180 after routinely nourishing themselves with food grown from the earth's soil, Capital_Brain2676 asked:

"Vegans that started eating meat again, what happened?"

Some people were told what's good for them.

Point Made

"I know someone who was a vegetarian for 13 years simply because someone told them they couldn't do it. I guess he figured 13 years was enough to prove a point and went back to eating meat after."

– ottersandgoats

"I feel like 2-3 years would be enough though??"

– WebBorn2622

On A Dare

"I knew a girl in college who did that. She was dared in middle school to become a vegetarian and... she just stuck with it. More power to them."

– ComplexWest8790

Some people were left with no choice but to ditch veganism.

Thanks, Mickey Ds

"Got cancer. Ate whatever my body would take without throwing up and that just happened to be chicken nuggets."

– BratS94

When Choices Are Limited

"Homeless and pregnant = eat what I was given."

– anon

"I’ve always wondered this actually. If a homeless vegan eats what they’re given. I’ve given homeless people subs in the past because of veggies, protein, and carbs (all necessary things) and wondered if they would eat it if they’re vegan. I’m sorry you’ve been on that road. I hope things are better for you now."

– Saltwater_Heart

The Saying Goes

"There is a reason for the saying 'beggars can’t be choosers,' you give what you can/have and you can’t always accommodate the person you are giving it to, don’t think too hard about it. Also, hope OP is doing better."

– Reikotsu

Certain medical conditions prevented these Redditors from sticking to their restrictive diets.

Cooking For Two

"I still eat mostly vegetarian food and have done all my life. However my husband was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and coeliac which means that a high fibre/lower iron diet is not an option and a lot of the substitutes aren’t gluten free. More often than not when he has meat I’ll leave it or have the veggie equivalent but there are just not enough hours in the day to make 2 separate lasagnes and sauce etc."

– Chanel-Chic

Troublesome Ailment

"As someone who has UC, that's very cool of you to cook a more UC friendly diet. I dated a woman for 6 months who was a pescatarian. Every time I cooked, it was something we both liked and could eat. Every time she cooked, she focused on what she wanted and it didn't seem to matter whether I could eat it or not. She was nuero divergent and had it in her head that veggies = good regardless of what it did to my insides. For anyone who doesn't know, UC is inflammation due to my immune system attacking the lining of my colon. So it's inflamed (unless you're in remission, which a fair amount of people aren't). Large amounts of fiber makes the food sit there longer and get more packed, which hurts like all hell being tight up against inflamed tissue. And certain ones create gas of an unimaginable magnitude and strength."

"Anyway, a fair amount of the time, I had to order delivery or takeout because otherwise, I would have been farting or sh*tting my brains out overnight. So I appreciate what you've done like you wouldn't believe."

– Wishilikedhugs

Bye Bye Veggies

"My gastroparesis diet led me off my vegan diet as well. I can’t handle legumes, leafy greens, and most vegetables. Hard to be a healthy vegan without any of those."

– Jefauver

When Vegan Ingredients Turn On You

"Yup. Crohn’s Disease ended my 17 year vegetarian stretch. I’m in remission now and don’t eat red meat but I am sensitive to several vegan friendly ingredients like garlic, onions, cauliflower family and now I can avoid them without starving."


Cooking For A Full House

"Back when COVID had everyone in lockedown, myself and my roommate's family would take turns cooking dinner and it was fine. Then my roommate went on the NOOM diet, her daughter was diagnosed with GERD and couldn't have anything acidic, and her husband was diagnosed with celiac. Oh, and another family member disliked potatoes. I finally had to bow out. It was way too much of a pain in the @ss to cook a meal that met all of those restrictions."

– panda388

Sometimes, you just gotta have meat.

Costco Chicken

"Not my story, but a good friend of mine was vegetarian, very nearly vegan for over 10 years. One day she was in Costco and walked past the rotisserie chickens. Without thinking she put it in her cart. When she got home she stood over the sink and ate it with her bare hands. She had no idea what came over her. Her telling me this story is still one of the funniest things I've ever heard. She is still very plant forward in her eating, but she won't hesitate to order a burger or a steak when she wants it now."

– NotAlwaysGifs


"I went on a weekend backpacking trip with a girl who had been religiously vegan for a few years. It was a pretty physically intense trip, and the last day heading back was in pouring rain the whole way, so by the time we got back to our car, we were absolutely exhausted, filthy, and starving."

"There was only one restaurant anywhere nearby, one of those highway diners. We get there and I notice she's got this kind of crazy look in her eyes. I ask if she's okay, and she just says 'I need a steak.' I laugh, but she goes 'I'm serious. I can't help it. I need a big greasy piece of meat right now or I'm going to die.""

"Sure enough, she orders the biggest steak on the menu, and wolfs it down in minutes, and the crazed look goes away. After that, she went right back to being vegan like nothing had happened. The look in her eyes was a little scary to be honest."

– AxelShoes

Unless it's a matter of life or death, there's no way I can survive being a vegan.

I don't have a strong enough will power to avoid eating meat.

So if that day ever comes when I'm forced to make a major change in my diet that won't include red meat and you're around me all the time, apologies in advance for my perpetual state of being hangry.

A young woman dressed in high fashion attire, carries tons of shopping bags
Photo by freestocks

The way people spend money has always fascinated me.

For many years I waited tables.

I worked in high-end, low-end, and all of the in-betweens.

And what would shock me most (besides all of y'all's BAD behavior) was the waste.

The waste of food, but more importantly the waste of money.

How does someone order a $50 steak, only eat half and toss out the rest?

No doggie bag. No leftover.

It must be nice to have that much coin to toss away.

Redditor StalkSmash wanted to discuss everyone's shopping habits, so they asked:

"What is one thing that you flat out just don’t know how people afford?"

Premium liquor choices always stun me.

When a certain friend can just casually order a $30 martini because of the vodka choice, without blinking, I'm stunned.

Jealous first, then stunned.

Stay Home

Hungry Night Court GIF by LaffGiphy

"People who eat exclusively by ordering takeaways or delivery from restaurants. It's mind-bogglingly expensive."



"Secret hidden families. I can barely afford 1."


"At my last job, a woman told me her (ex)husband had a secret family. She found out when I guess the mortgage company called to ask about some documents for the new house. No idea what he did for work. Wife, two kids, a house, and whatever the bonus family consisted of."


"My dad did this. He had started a company in another city within the state, as that was where the industry prospects were better. Aaaaaaaand time rolled on past and I guess he missed having family around, just not ours."


Bad Upkeep

"Eyelash extensions and the upkeep of them."


"I got them. They took 2 hours to put on initially and then you have to go back every two weeks to get them filled or you look like you have mange."

"You also have to brush them every single morning or they will point in every direction, and God help you if you have a cold or allergies where your eyes get even slight build-up. You can't just pick any crusty s**t from your eyelashes because the fake ones are glued on and this acts as a stopper so you can't just slide it off your lash."

"I spent so many mornings standing in front of the mirror cleaning and arranging one f**king eyelash at a time. I couldn't deal."



"I still don't know how we afforded daycare. At one point had two kids in daycare for a year before oldest went to kindergarten."


"We have two kids in full-time daycare, the daycare that we go to is slightly below market rate for the area, we're going to pay around 25k this year. Thank God my oldest goes to kindergarten next fall."

"We overpay on our mortgage because we're trying to pay it off quicker, but if we paid the actual loan amount daycare would cost more than our house."

"And let me be clear, my wife and I are the lucky ones. We waited to have a kid until our late 30s, and I was 40 when kid 2 was born. We both have good careers and make good incomes and it's a serious, serious financial stretch for us to be able to afford it, I honestly don't know how other people do it and there's no way I would have been able to afford two kids even 7 or 8 years ago."


For Fun

Shark Week Ocean GIF by Pudgy PenguinsGiphy

"A boat or RV (or both)?! I can barely afford to exist much less spend all this money on recreation."


Boats have always been an issue.

Just remember the Titanic.


Face Botox GIF by Montreux ComedyGiphy

"Women who keep up with nails, lash extensions, Botox etc. That crap is expensive as f**k!"


Up in the Air

Flying Music Video GIFGiphy

"First-class airfare... it’s just so overwhelmingly expensive in comparison to regular seats I can’t imagine anyone ever having that amount to spare unless you’re incredibly wealthy."


International Worth

"International First Class tickets. I'm going to Japan in a month and was thinking of going in style. I got a nice raise and a bit of vacation time saved and wanted to treat myself. Forget it all. $17k was the cheapest I found. Absolutely insane!"


"Buy economy than wait. They will send emails out to bid on the business and first-class seats that are not sold. Or you can check on the airline's app for seat upgrades closer to the departure date and upgrade cheaper."


Special Days

"Multiple-family foreign holidays per year. To be clear, I'm not criticizing anyone on this, and I appreciate that if you leave in mainland Europe, it's easier than here (Scotland)."

"I am just genuinely amused/bemused when I see people on their 2/3/4 foreign holiday of the year on social media."

"We went to Portugal last year (Fantastic country, btw). 2 adults 2 kids (the eldest boy was playing in a football tournament), and it was probably £3.5k and that was done cheaply. We don't go into debt for a holiday ever, though."


Getting on in Years

"Eldercare. $300 a day is about typical for most states, and it goes up if they need special care (dementia, etc)."

"3/4 of Americans who live to 21 live to 65, of which 2/3 will need long-term care for an average of 3 years. Maybe not all long-term care is nursing level, but some of it is even more expensive -- memory care, etc. Comes out to roughly $150k per person-- and almost double that if you limit it to those who need any at all. Somewhere between a generous down payment and a new house. Who can afford that -- especially after decades not working?"


First-class has always been an intriguing aspect of mine.

But that extra coin can get crazy.

I'll stick to coach.

retro diner interior

Spencer Davis on Unsplash

I have no aesthetic or emotional issues with getting older as it certainly beats the alternative, so I freely admit I have reached a certain age.

It's the age of sound effects when I get up from a chair and asking younger people to pick things up off the floor for me.

It's the age of having to use Urban Dictionary daily to understand messages I get from younger friends and relatives.

But as much as I don’t understand their language, music or hobbies, there's a lot they'll never understand about my childhood and adolescence.

I was reading an article by writer Eric Chilton who pointed out Gen X—the generation born between 1965 and 1980 of which I'm a part—was the last to live in a world without the internet, cellular phones and social media.

And those are only a few examples of the paradigm shifting innovations in our lifetimes.

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Old Blockbuster location
Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

We've all gone into at least one business, store, or restaurant that left us completely dissatisfied, and we can understand that sometimes, that's how things work out.

But when we're disappointed by them every single time, we might wonder how that business is still even open to receive customers.

Ready to hear the tea, Redditor Square-Floor8879 asked:

"What company has you shocked that they have not yet gone out of business?"

Door-to-Door Sales

"On a Wednesday at around 2:00 PM, I received a tap at my door from an elderly woman who wanted to show me a Kirby Hoover."

"Additionally, it appears that door-to-door salespeople will still exist in 2023."

- zibanm

"It’s surprisingly big in B2B (Business-to-Business) sales, as well. Cold-calling on the phone is almost dead, but if you know how to talk with people in person and aren’t afraid of in-person rejection, you can do very well with door-to-door sales."

- Marijuana_Miler

Are They Really?

"That furniture store that has had the 'Going Out of Business' sale going on for the last four years."

- SomeGuyInSanJoseCa

"That’s a whole thing. People will open a store for a year or so and run this kind of going-out-of-business sale and make an absolute killing. Then they’ll dip out and someone else will do the same thing right behind them."

- plexiglasssit

A Constant Reunion

" still trying to charge what you can get for free on Facebook."

- VegasRoy

"I'll get emails from them: 'John, Mike, Sarah, and Amber want to see what you're up to.'"

"Well, they can all see it on Facebook or Instagram."

- Kahne_Fan

A Fading Tune

"Guitar Center. I worked for them for 13 years, they were on the brink of death the whole time."

- Vault76exile

"I actually just bought something from them for the first time ever. A lot of workers in the store, like every dept had somebody in it. Not that many customers, though."

- AtomicSamuraiCyborg

One Word: McAfee


- inkyblinkypinkysue

"I swear, those motherf**kers installed the malware themselves."

- syu425

"McAfee IS malware."

- MalevolntCatastrophe

Physical TV Guides

"TV Guide still exists."

- dorkimoe

"I see big potential with TV Guide. They could get a lot of traffic and be an amazing source of information if their search engine didn't suck."

"These days, it's so annoying trying to find out what streaming service has that one TV show or movie you want to watch. TV Guide has a 'where to watch' button that will show you what subscription services have it and how much they cost."

"TV Guide, if you're reading this, fix your search engine. You can be the source of information of what and when we watch just like your golden age again."

- Firree

Affordable Iced Tea

"I hope they don't but Arizona Iced Tea has cost the same my whole life. Good on them."

- Kuuzie

"They actually just reduced the size from 23oz to 22oz. Fortunately, the 99 cent price holds."

- Dylinquency

"I'm actually okay with this, to be honest, because I basically have to force myself to finish that last couple of ounces most times."

- navit47

Expensive Mattresses

"All the mattress stores that are somehow across the street from each other and never have any customers but open new locations down the street all the time."

- GrayWarriorKnight

"It's actually crazy going to one. I was mattress hunting last week. While I was there for like two hours, two people showed up and purchased mattresses."

"One for like $2300, and the other for just over $3000. All were financed."

"I had no clue people paid that much for mattresses."

- dekugon22

Cheap Claire's Jewelry

"It feels like they have been saying Claire's is on the edge of bankruptcy for 20 years."

- CallMeSkii

"I found myself ordering something online from them a few years back and it still feels like a fever dream."

- redhair-ing

Sears' Serious Long Game

"Pretty sure Sears is still holding on?"

- Brs76

"Down to only 11 locations left, with plans to close five of them by 2025."

- thedankbank1021

"One of them is near me! In a mall that feels like it has time traveled from the '90s, so that makes sense. It's right near an FYE, which also apparently still exists."

- SkippyNordquist

"Man, I absolutely LOVED FYE when I was in middle and high school. Haven’t seen one in a solid 20 years. Granted, I haven’t been to a mall in the better part of 10 years."

- OriginalBrownCow

Maybe It's an MLM; Maybe It's Mary Kay

"Mary Kay."

- TemperatureTop246

"Mary Kay is a MASSIVE business. I also wonder how they survive but there’s a ton of scholarships and research they sponsor in the cosmetic science community. They have a big pull, Mary Kay and Amway."

- TheLatinaNerd

"Because it's basically a pyramid scheme and they sell their products to wannabe entrepreneurs who are stuck with unsold goods."

- lboogieb

A Return Location

"Kohls. Don't get me wrong, I love my Kohl's. But every time I go in there, it feels like 90 percent of the shoppers there are just there to return their Amazon package. Kohls does have some pretty good stuff so I do hope they stay in business (mostly because they are just so convenient for returns)."

- babypho

"The coupons have so many restrictions anymore that I think they may have doomed themselves. I went in with a 40 percent off coupon and could basically buy their Sonoma brand stuff and that was it."

- Flyinggoatfest77

Questionable Kids Parties

"Chuck E. Cheese’s had its hay day years ago, their business sucks, their shows aren’t that good, and the animatronics are mostly gone at this point. And debt. Lots of it. Surprised they’re still around even though they just filed for bankruptcy three years ago."

- DabbinBingel

A Ghost Town


"One of my favorite stores, but it gets pretty depressing to shop there. You see maybe two employees on the entire floor. Products are often never organized and the fitting rooms are even worse. Clothes just dropped on the floor and no one ever checks how many clothes you go in with or what you truly do inside…"

"Some Macy's locations are better but many are really bad. It feels like a complete ghost town."

- Soup_and_Rice

Money Harvesting

​"Wells Fargo. Considering all the shady ways they try to harvest cash from their customers, I simply cannot believe anyone does business with them."

- TheWorldNeedsDornep

These accounts were really eye-opening. Most of these companies weren't on the list for potentially closing because of their business practices, but because of how they treat their customers.

It just goes to show how important it is to foster good relationships with customers, to value them, and to treat them with respect.