People Explain Which Things They Wish Society Would Stop Forcing On Us

People Explain Which Things They Wish Society Would Stop Forcing On Us
Image by Nino Carè from Pixabay

Wherever we go, there are social norms and expectations being jammed down our throats.

The people around us, all exposed to similar media messages and massive, powerful institutions, internalize these norms and police each other without even realizing it.

These constructs are so plentiful and subtle that they can be hard to even notice.

But once in awhile we take a step back. We zoom out. Then we see just how arbitrary and one-dimensional so many of those norms are.

Those epiphanies can be disorienting, but so empowering, too. A recent thread on Reddit asked people to share their biggest gripes about all the things forced on us.

Redditor Snoo79382 asked:

"What should society stop forcing on us?"

The internet, as it has many facets of modern life, has accelerated the rate at which things are jammed down our throats. Not a day goes by that we're not on the hook for one thing or another.

Like Clockwork

"Subscription based services. Everybody out here wants your money now on a monthly schedule."

-- pokemamorytrainer

Unsought Publicity

"The need to create an account for EVERY website or software. Wtf, I just want to install my graphics drivers! There's no reason for you to know who I am, you already have many thousands of my monies."

-- shaka_solo

Others discussed work and work culture. It's such a large portion of our lives, and, according to these folks, the whole thing can be handled better.

Resist the Urge to Monetize

"The idea of hobbies becoming 'side hustles.' Why can't a hobby just be a hobby" -- Electrical-Mammoth44

"Like my father always said: Don't turn your hobby into your work, because you'll have to find a new hobby." -- JustAGuy401


"Having to constantly be busy and only have 2 days to recover from it." -- Octo-Fishy

"I find the whole 5 days a week on, 2 off thing pretty infuriating. I work a 9-5 and would easily be done everything in way less time but I am required to drag it out for no reason." -- condor1111800

Passing the Buck

"Donating your vacation time to coworkers because the company you work for is shi**y. There was a natural disaster and one of the stores in the chain I worked for got flooded."

"Instead of just giving people time off because they literally couldn't work they asked everyone to give up the few paid days off we got a year. Most of us got less than a week off a year."

-- Jerkrollatex

And others talked about the social expectations pushed on us by our friends, family members, acquaintances, and everything in between.

Aren't There Plenty Already?

"Well no one is forcing anyone, but everyone assumes you want from have kids. And if you don't everyone has a lot of questions and they start judging and trying to change your mind."

-- leaphu

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Take Your Time

"The idea that people should have their sh*t together and their life planned out at the age of 20. I'm 19 and still wanna play my pokemon games and the future scares me :')"

-- ElGringo1011

Flying Solo

"The belief that you HAVE to date, have sex, and get married. Some of us don't want to do any of that and there's nothing wrong with it. I'm sick of the social pressure to date."

-- lymeandcoconut

Racing Against Fantasy

"There should be laws about how heavily photoshopped pictures are meant to be to sell anything beauty related."

"Being constantly surrounded by images of perfection is seriously damaging to people's mental health, and the implication that a product will make you look Like This is simply false advertising when the model doesn't actually look Like This and has been heavily airbrushed at the very least."

-- MerylSquirrel

And so, taking a cue from these Redditors, it's a good time to remember that we don't have to cave to any of this stuff if we don't want to.

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