People Break Down Which Things Were Attractive 10 Years Ago That Are Lame Today

People Break Down Which Things Were Attractive 10 Years Ago That Are Lame Today

It's always interesting what ages well and what doesn't.

And, for that matter, how quickly something ages.

How often do we find ourselves sitting down to watch a film or TV show from only ten years ago to see how poorly it holds up?

Or, for that matter, how ten years ago we thought something would be the next big craze or trend, and instead see it become obsolete with each passing year.

Redditor jerydajery was curious to hear what things people were attracted or fascinated by a decade ago, but have little to no interest in today, leading them to ask:

"What was attractive 10 years ago but now isn't anymore?"


"Honestly, I miss the blogging culture."

'Articles written with honesty and passion, mostly to connect with real-life friends first and online audiences second."

"Only the biggest bloggers could make a living off blogging."

"They were the original influencers."

"Easy to avoid though because there were just a handful of them, unlike the influencer culture of today."

"The one thing I love about blogging culture were the honest reviews."

'No advertisers to please, just regular folks writing their opinions on something they’ve used long term."

"Back then Google even had a specific search engine exclusively for blogs."

"Blogs were proper article length."

"Then Twitter came out and no one has the attention span anymore."

"That was the beginning of blogging downfall."

"What a shame."- Aemilia

Will probably skip the reunion...

"My classmates."

"Swear, every one of them is on crack now."- DOEsquire


Won't be much use anymore...

"Mayan calenders."- ThreeEdgeSword


"2020 definitely sounded attractive 10 years ago."

Did people actually do this?

"Having a moustache tattooed on the side of your finger."- garynzilla


Did anyone rock this look though?

"Girls rocking that Han Solo look."- CregDerpington

Everyone's getting so tense...

"I remember everyone going nuts about thigh gaps."- baeraerm·

People must have wanted to lighten the mood...

"Black granite countertops, apparently."- genteelbartender

Not so "hip" any more...

"Hipster culture made a 180."

"Now that's just a bad stereotype of a millennial."- steamedpasta


No need to prove you're wearing underwear!

"Sagging your pants."- Ramdom901

"When your thong was visible above your pants."- deliriousspacechild

When in doubt, stick to your natural look.

"Smudged mascara around chick’s eyes."

"Don’t forget the OG guy liner."

" I personally never saw the appeal but everyone had it from 06-12."

"Oh, and the individual streaks of colored hair dye."- Charlirbravo

Slow and Steady Wins The Race...

"Being the fastest in class."- damangofr

Running Late On My Way GIF by MinionsGiphy

Bushy is beautiful!

"Thin eyebrows."

"Hope that doesn’t come back."- Difficult-Shallot-67

The "Beeb" would agree...

"Justin Beiber haircut."- Devitomann5000

Pedestrians' worst nightmare!

"Pokemon go?"- Mawers2

Pokemon Reaction GIFGiphy

Now they come digitally...

"Spam letters."

" All the time everywhere."

"Now you don't see them anymore."- Ninge3007

A tarnished legacy?

"Johnny Depp?"- Gompedyret

Hold on while I update my status.

"Being active on Facebook."- QuantumR

social media facebook GIF by weinventyouGiphy

The world becomes a different place with each passing year.

One can only imagine things we can't get enough of today which we won't be able to bear the sight of in ten years.

Though, it's safe to assume one thing we wouldn't mind seeing less of are medical masks and mobile testing sights...

Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

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