People Identify Which Things Are Torture When You're A Kid But Heaven As An Adult

As kids, most of us are desperate to fit in and we want, more than anything, not to feel alone.

Over time, you discover that there is pleasure to be found in solitude and that you don't need to be around people all the time, especially not the ones who don't bring much value to your life.

Being alone is the best. Naps? Quiet time? No one to bother me? It's beautiful.

Kids don't know what they're missing out on until they're older, I suppose.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor MyLeft_Nu7 asked the online community,

"What is torture when you're a kid but heaven now?"

"Receiving socks..."

"Receiving socks as gifts."


Socks and underwear! Give me more!

"Weekends where..."

"Weekends where we do nothing but stay at home."


Ah, yes. Heaven! Truly!

"Being alone..."

"Being alone for hours."


Heaven! And if you live alone? Even better.

"Listening to my dad..."

"Listening to my dad talk for hours about what things were like for him growing up. He was born in 1920, passed away in 2018. Now I just miss his strong baritone voice."


Sounds like he lived a long and plentiful life. Sorry for your loss.

"I eat way more..."

"I eat way more veggies than I thought I would as a kid."


Vegetables are great! There are plenty of days when I don't even touch meat!

"I always thought..."

"I always thought that when I was grown I’d eat cake for breakfast. Tis not the case, unless oatmeal is the new cake."


Oatmeal is truly delicious. So many different varieties! Well worth it.

"It was so damn boring..."

"Thrifting. It was so damn boring as a kid, but now it’s dope to find some nostalgic things like old movies or a pair of kicks you used to own."


It is pretty fun! You can get lost for hours in thrift stores very, very easily."


"Naps. I don’t remember why I fought them so much as a kid. I love naps now."


Kids don't want to go to sleep! As an adult, there are few things as pleasurable as being able to go to sleep!


"Onions in all the food."


You see, I loved them then and I love them even more now! Onions are life.

"When I got older..."

"Rainy days, I used to be a kid that liked going outside for walks and I hated it whenever it rained. When I got older, I just realized the sound of rain calms my brain and it’s not so bad. I’m also now an indoors person."


Few things soothe me as much as a rainy day. I have a great time staying indoors and an even better time going outside and just basking in it!

Your opinions have changed, haven't they? Admit it. You didn't know what you were talking about as a kid. Now go back to your room and nap.

Have some suggestions of your own? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below!

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