People Break Down Which Things Everyone Believes Are Bad For You But Are Actually Quite Healthy

Do It!

Life is FULL of contradictions. More times than not and just when you thought up was down it turns out right is left. It's all so confounding. One of the main points of life that leaves everyone confused is health. We're told so many different perspectives about "health" as a whole. But health is a larger story than we realized. And what we've been told may not be good for us, actually could be...

Redditor u/OverPerformance3146 wanted all of us to discuss what certain things, in hindsight, are best for your quality of life, by asking... What is something people think is very bad for you but is actually good for you?

The sun is good for you. Did you know that? Yes if you sit in it too long it can cause cancer. That's what they told my grandma. And maybe she sat too long, but nobody ever discussed moderation. They just said, its the skin, so... cancer. But that was of the time in a way. The 90's.

All Truth!!

Say Less You Got It GIF by LaLa MilanGiphy

Quitting or knowing when to quit.


Rest Easy

Not being busy. Not constantly "hustling" or trying to do it all. Not "living for the weekend." Down time can be a good thing.


Whenever I see people on social media posting weekly about how they "can't wait for the weekend", it always feels like they're just struggling to get through the week, but they're not addressing the cause, simply the symptom.

I'm not saying it should all be flowers and butterflies during the week, but when you start longing for the weekend on Tuesday, it probably means you need a big change in your professional life.

I understand that not everyone has the choice to just "switch jobs." That's not what I'm saying. It really is a case by case matter. I'm saying there are some people who could change their circumstances by formulating a plan and working at it, but decide not to. I'm not including people who absolutely don't have a choice, and have to keep that crappy job to feed their family and pay the bills. Two completely different worlds.


We all do it...



This! I used to get punished for failure as a kid. Bad grades? Punished. Made any kind of mistake? Punished. This is a horrible way to raise a kid because instead of learning to try until you succeed, or ask for help when you can't succeed without it, they lie and cover up failure to avoid punishment.


The Pain

Feeling painful emotions instead of distracting yourself from them. Yeah, it's not good to face them all of the time, but ignoring them all of the time isn't really good either.


I've ignored them a lot cause the main reason I used to cry is cause my mom slapped me and after that she'd say if you cry then I'll slap you again so I kept suppressing my feelings and now I don't feel anything for more than a few seconds, not even happiness.

When I'm alone I'm just empty sometimes a get a few thought and I just keep running along with the few I have. i can't even feel motivated to do my homework i have to force myself to do it or use the few seconds of random motivation to pick up my books and force myself from there.



Monsters Inc Reaction GIF by filmeditorGiphy

Crying, its very healthy and a natural reaction to emotions but people think it makes them weak and vulnerable.


See! Cry. Scream. We allow so much toxicity into our lives. And if you think it doesn't effect you, think again.


Think Winnie The Pooh GIFGiphy

Going to the Psychologist. Fortunately, many people are starting to open their minds.


Back Up

Failure and rejection.


It's about getting back up and reassembling yourself by factoring in how to build up your strengths and identify areas of improvement.

I just pretend I'm an Autobot putting my arms and legs back on more securely.


I always got by...

Alone time. I've had countless times when i found myself alone and wanted to do so, it is perfect when you need to reflect on yourself and your life and find some answers.


I socially isolate myself without realizing it simply because I'm so contented being alone.

I'll often go a week or so without really talking to anyone outside of work, and I spend most weekends engrossed in my solitary hobbies. Have to remind myself constantly to keep in contact with friends and family, and since my family is entirely made up of introverts and I tend towards quiet friends, it's easy to go a while without interaction.



Sex, and masturbation, you can avoid a lot of health issues (generally related to the genitals of course) by doing those. It also helps a lot with depression and anxiety as it releases a lot of endorphins and dopamine.

Edit :As u/Mollusc_Memes said :

As long as the sex is valid under the applicable consent laws, and the act of sex/masturbation doesn't corrupt you. If you become dependent on sex, and get very upset if it doesn't happen for a few days, then it's a problem. Alarming-Bread-3271

That's All...

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Owning your mistakes. We don't create an environment conducive for it. At all.


Life is a gamble and a game. And we do our best to win. So play for stakes. And the healthiest way to win is to be HEALTHY! In ways we never paid attention to. Trust me. Just try, fail, cry and repeat. Then call me. Well... message me here.

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