People Explain Which Things Are Slowly Disappearing And Dying Off

People Explain Which Things Are Slowly Disappearing And Dying Off
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Nothing lasts forever.

While we know this to be true, it hits home after we actually realizing something is gradually fading from existence.

To certain fashion and behavioral trends that come and go, we say "good riddance," but there are also some things like living species or, intangible ideas like traditions, we wish we could hold onto longer.

Oftentimes, however, we realize the things we took for granted have already slipped away from our grasp.

Curious to hear what we are in the process of mourning , Redditor MidnightLostChild_ asked:
"What is slowly dying off or disappearing?"

Habitat loss and poaching sadly contributes to these rapidly decreasing species.

Terrestrial Residents

"Amphibians. It's a worldwide phenomenon."


"[Due to] Habitat fragmentation, pollution, decrease in mosquito populations, drought & climate change, pesticides, chrytid fungi...take your pick."


Too Much Poaching

"Giraffes - they've become an endangered species."


"I was looking for this comment. I work with two giraffes: a Masai giraffe & a Reticulated giraffe. Both subspecies are endangered. I love them so much, & it's so sad seeing what's happening."

"They have unique personalities and are generally fun animals to be with. They never fail to make me laugh and/or smile when I'm working with them. I really hope I don't end up in a world without them, or where they're extinct in the wild."


Winged Points Of Light


"They mostly rely on the bioluminescence of their fellow species in order to attract for mating. However, due to increasing urbanization which is also increasing use of artificial lighting (street lamps), their presence are dwindling."


Our slowly changing environment is slowly taking a toll on our existence.

A "Necessary Nutrient"

"Iodine in Salt. Seriously, go to the grocery store and see how many brands of salt show 'this salt does not provide Iodine, a necessary nutrient.'"


The Importance Of Iodine

"Northeast Ohio here, I had to explain to my kids what iodine was and why we need it, and then I showed them old times pictures of goiters. It was a good day."


Submerged Wonderland

"Coral reefs."


"This is a huge problem and this comment needs to be higher. I went snorkeling 5 years ago and the coral was abundant with life. Went back 2 years later (3 years ago) and it was like half dead. This was in Puerto Rico."


Upon reflection of their daily lives, these Redditors were disappointed after noticing the following have begun to fade from reality.

Alone Time



"It's funny that there are so much laws n sh*t that say they 'value' our privacy while in reality some sh*t ass Facebook will still steal your data even though that's against your privacy."


Vanishing Perk

"Free parking. Even the smaller suburbs in their town center started charging for parking."


Dying Tradition

"Family Reunions."

"I was born in '83 and I can remember going to one every year for both sides of my pop's family and just one side of my mom's."

"It's definitely a dying tradition since now you can keep up with everyone online."


A Favorite Pasttime

"Arcades, but more specifically, arcade games. Now in arcades it's just rigged claw games which only drops a plush if you put enough money in, sad to see really."


The passionate audiophile in me has been grieving for a while now over vanishing media.

Vinyl albums are retro and cool, which is why they made a comeback to satiate a niche audience.

But when CDs have slowly disappeared from the aisles at Best Buy and Target, I was a little sad.

The amateur listener wouldn't be able to distinguish between the sound quality of streamed music compared to the rich, full sound from a good CD sound system, and that's fine.

For me, it's a bummer because I can tell the difference, and I miss the tangible paraphernalia that comes along with a packaged CD.

Cue the violins, I suppose.

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