People Explain What They Were Really Hyped For But It Absolutely Flopped

People Explain What They Were Really Hyped For But It Absolutely Flopped
Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Expectations can be a dangerous thing.

It's very easy to be excited for an upcoming movie or TV show, an item of clothing you've been dying to own, or a vacation we've been saving years for.

But sometimes, when reality sets in, whatever it was we were so eagerly looking forward to doesn't always turn out to be everything we'd hoped it would be.

Redditor Tarps-celom was curious what fellow Redditors had sky-high expectations for, only to find themselves let down, and asked:

"What were you really hyped for but completely flopped?"

Is being a grown up all that it's cracked up to be?

"Being an adult."- marr318

"Running my own business."- LB_P

"Having a career, our whole life built up to this..and its just mediocre, and NOBODY knows what they are really doing."- SnooPandas1674.

Dungeons And Dragons Twitch GIF by Hyper RPGGiphy

For all the advancements in technology...

"Power Glove."

"It sucked and I'll never forget it."- Ekh0es.

"Google +"

"They made us to wait for a very long time with invite only feature."

'Ppl forgot about it when it was released."- introvertboyme.

Not worth the price of admission.

"'Dark Tower' movie."- urchisilver.

"M.Night's 'Avatar' movie."

"He broke my heart."- Suspicious-Elk-3631.

Stan Wawrinka Thumbs Down GIF by Miami OpenGiphy

So much better the first time.

"Sim city 5.'

"Good God what a horrid mess."

"First week or more of release you were lucky to play because you could only play it online on their servers that were constantly full."

"Then once you hit like 50k people in your city the game was uncontrollable."

"You would literally run out of water and no matter what you did traffic took the shortest path so constant traffic and thus emergency vehicles couldn't move so everything went to hell fast."- InsertBluescreenHere

"Second go round of 'Arrested Development'."

"Deep inside I knew they’d never be able to capture that magic."

"Still, told myself they could."

"Narrator: They couldn’t."- PollyWentlightly

"Should old acquaintance be forgot..."

"Every New Year’s Eve party ever."- PollyWentlightly

Sad New Year GIFGiphy

When expectations are high, being disappointed is almost inevitable.

Then too, it's entirely possible that our disappointment didn't stem one bit from our sky-high expectations, but simply the fact that what we were so looking forward to turned out to be just plain awful.

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