It's all too easy to think very little of ourselves, be it based on the opinions of others or just our own innate self-esteem.
As a result, we might look for things or words that might empower us, and feel better in the moment.
But, do these things or sayings actually empower us?
While they might make us feel better or stronger for a moment, does doing these things actually help us in the long run?
Redditor weltallic was curious to hear things people say or do that would appear to be empowering in theory, but less so in practice, leading them to ask:
"What is seen as empowering, but really shouldn't be?"
The Haters Gonna Hate...
"Insisting that you are perfect just the way you are and anyone who says different is just a 'hater' and shouldn't be listened to."
"Yes, haters exist."
"But if you're consistently hearing that you have problems from people around you, you need to do some introspection instead of cutting those people off for being 'negative' or 'toxic'."- Vero518
It's Just Plain Rude... And Agressive!
"Being rude and aggressive."- SuvenPan
You Are Worth So Much More Than That!
“'The grind' for money."
"I work in a warehouse and everyone just brags about all the overtime they’re working."
"One of the guys who has been there for 15 years told me 'we don’t get paid well because the job is hard, we get paid well because it takes up most of our time'."- AverageCartPusher
Empowered Doesn't Mean Awful!
"Often 'being empowered' is put forward to veil selfish behaviors."- Ruggiard
"Being a bully just to show your friends your 'cool' and can boss around others."
"Humiliating others to show you are above them is just pathetic."- idkybutt
Be Mindful Of Where You Invest Your Money...
"Buying courses from online business gurus."- YLRESS
"You are not a 'small business owner' if you have no say in branding, pricing, packaging, etc."
"These are predatory companies that sell the idea of empowerment through sub par products and practices."- OneBigOne
Season 3 Money GIF by The SimpsonsGiphyBeing In Charge Doesn't Mean Being A Dictator!
"'I'm a Boss B*tch' and the male version, whatever that is."- dirtycimments
"Being a b*tch/a-hole to everyone else."
"Example, I had a Sister-in-law that would always say, 'I'm sorry, I'm just one of those people that if it comes up, it comes out'."
"and I would always say 'OH so you have no filter for your mouth?'"
"'isn't that just an excuse for being a b*tch?'"- Feels2old
Name One Time This Turned Out Well...
"Mob mentality."
"Usually, the mob is emotionally stunted and without all of the facts."- ilaissezfaire
crowd riot GIFGiphyIt is important to find one's inner strength to get through the day.
Just always be mindful that being strong doesn't mean not treating others with kindness.
And "power" can be dangerous when used improperly.
School is hard. Sometimes, a kid may be different from the rest of his classmates, and everyone else is cruel and makes fun of them.
However, every now and then, you do find that kid that is weird, not because they are different from everyone else, but because they really just do or say something strange or even evil. Those are the kids their classmates will never forget.
I can't think of anyone like that in my high school, but plenty of Redditors have stories about that!
Curious to find out more, Redditor UngyBungy9383 asked:
"What did "the weird kid" in your school do that you'll never forget?"
I Have Questions!
"He wrote in my yearbook 'When I was 6 years old, I went into a cornfield. I didn’t realize it was a maze. I was stuck for several days without food or water. When they found me, the doctors said I’d never be the same. Good luck in college!'"
– AldoTheApache45
"He was in a cornfield...he could eat corn..."
– aethelwulfTO
"Stole a car, crashed it, lost both his legs at 17. A few years later he did it again, but this time he stabbed one of the good Samaritans who tried to help him, and shot at another one. He then led the police on an 8 hour manhunt through tropical jungle by detaching his prosthetics and hiding under the leaves and mud, and using a makeshift raft to escape downriver under the cover of nightfall. The newspaper the next day read "armed and legless.""
– maggotlegs502
"I kind of laughed at "lost both of his legs at 17. A few years later he did it again""
"I'm like.. he lost his legs twice?!!!?!!?"
– Carennna
"Yes, he lost all four of them."
– rickartz
Sometimes You Just Need A New Name
"He said he was Sonic The Hedgehog, when someone asked his name he would say "I am Sonic" and run away as fast as he could. He even wrote his name as Sonic on homework and tests. Most people never knew his real name"
– Sam_9786
"The albino kid in school. He would take off running down the hallway with one hand straight out in front of him and yell, "white lightning!" He was weird but everyone liked him."
– Favnonpornomag
Yeah, That Tracks
"Poured his juice on the table at lunch and suction cupped his mouth over it and inhaled it all like a hoover when you put it directly onto a hard floor"
"He's a lawyer now"
"Sounds about right."
– ryanasalone
This Was Wonderful!
"A few days before a pep assembly, anonymously posted signs all over school that said “the c*ck is coming”. Teachers and school administrators were obviously concerned but clueless."
"Smuggled a live rooster into the assembly and partway through the opening speech at the assembly, whipped it out over his head as it went apeshit. Entire gym full of kids stood up and started chanting “C*ck! C*ck! C*ck!”"
"Was not seen at school for a few days after that.""
– mynewbrain
"Here comes the rooster"
– bunby_heli
Life Lesson
"He was generally very weird and erratic. One day he extracted a huge slimy booger out of his nose, turned around to me and a friend and told us full of glee: "guys, look!""
"Then he stuffed it back into his nose..."
"One day I asked him why he was so weird and he told me with the straightest face: "The jester's cap affords one many liberties.""
"So I don't know if he was just weird or a secret genius, maybe a bit of both."
– Horticorti
"These are words to f*cking live by."
– Postmortal_Pop
Animal Instincts
"She barked at people and tried to scratch behind her ears with her foot amd sniffed peoples butts at recess. She was 14."
– AbnormalSkittles
"Oh my God you had a dog girl?? We had a cat girl!!! She would wear all black and had cat ears, cat gloves, cat collar, and even a fu*king cat tail, and she would walk around the hallways meowing at people. If she didn't like you for whatever reason, because she never actually spoke to anyone, she would hiss at you and swat at you until you left, but sometimes she would chase you. She had two friends if I recall correctly, and she would nuzzle into them and purr. She was the ONLY person who acted like this, and she was that way my entire highschool years, albeit a year younger than me. I graduated in 2018, and I often wonder where she is now and if she's still meowing at strangers."
"I am pretty sure I found her (just judging from my facial memory here) and she has a newborn as of this year. No cat ears on either of them! Which is good...I guess?"
– duuckyy
The Power Of Imagination
"So, there was a guy at our school when i was a freshman that everyone called "wolfman" who was weird in all the bad ways. He claimed to have super powers: teleportation, DBZ like energy creation and what not. All the girls said he would he just stare at them if they had class with him. He hung around us freshmen and did his best to "flirt" with the girls. For an example of his "flirting" he once told a girl that while astral projecting, he saw her face on Jupiter. Needless to say, girls stayed away from him."
"He graduated though, and his brother started at the school. Now, "wolfman" wasn't a tall guy by any strech of the imagination, maybe 5 feet at most, but his brother was a good foot shorter than him. He looked liked he belonged in 3rd grade (he never got any taller). It didn't help that he always wore a child's goosebumps jacket, that made people start calling him goosebumps. He was even more "convinced" of his powers than his brother, but at least he was less sexually creepy, but that's all he had going for him. One memorable day i was in math class, and he started shaking violently, people ignored him, so he started flapping his arms around. Wondering if this was an actual seizure the girl next to him put her hand on him and asked if he's ok, he growled back "take your hand off me, this power is too much to contain!" She started yelling at him for faking a seizure and he went back to normal death stare foward grumbling about his powers."
– Catsindahood
"Was in the band during some down time, some guy kicks off his shoes and socks and bites the ends of his toenails off. Most of the class “casually” migrated towards the other side of the room."
– madlyinlov3
No Words
"Humped my desk for a solid minute while maintaining eye-contact with me, and then said, "thanks" and just walked away."
"I'm a guy, this was 15 years ago, on my first day at this new school, and I was just eating lunch at my desk, and this dude just walked up and went to town. No context, no introduction, nothing."
"Didn't even buy me dinner first. Just wham, bam, thank you desk.""
– saroshsidhva2
Okay, that last one was extra strange!
Do you have any strange school stories to tell? Let us know in the comments below.
When I was 18, my brother and I drove out to a bridge that everyone in my hometown insists is haunted. I turned around to grab my phone from the backseat when I heard my brother cry out. To this day, he insists he saw a ghostly figure standing in front of him. I didn’t see it, but it’s still the scariest true story I know.
The world is full of scary things. Some of these things are supernatural. More often, they’re heartbreaking. Whatever the case, everyone has that one scary, true story to tell.
Redditors certainly do, and they were more than happy to share when Redditor Littel_Chubb asked:
"What the scariest true story you know?"
"My dad worked in a morgue in during college in the 60’s. One time on the night shift he was training a recent hire who was wheeling a body down the hallway. The body was under a sheet but all of a sudden started to sit up. The guy immediately freaked out, ran out the doors and quit."
"Apparently a dead body can have muscle contractions in the abs causing it to start sitting up. The more you know I guess"
– PJammas41
"My uncle was a mortician. Once a body reached up to slap him when he started the embalming process. Same thing - just a muscle contraction, but it freaked him out."
– jhope71
A Shattered Worldview
"I grew up in a funeral home. I helped out in the office. When I was about 15, we got a call from a man whose wife and infant baby had been murdered in cold blood."
"There were very few clues. It made headlines. Cops set up surveillance at the viewing. It was heartbreaking, as the mother was holding the baby in her arms."
"I was asked to take the flower cards and periodically get the husband and ask if he recognized the names. I then photocopied them and put them back. I did it because I was a “kid,” people knew me, and I was unobtrusive."
"I talked to the husband quite a bit. He seemed devastated and shaken."
"The cops told me they had an eyewitness to someone leaving the house the day of the murder."
"The witness was a three year old girl. She recognized the man leaving. It was the husbands best friend."
"Turns out that the friend and the husband had made a pact to kill each other’s families and run off with their secretaries. The little girl identified the friend, and I guess one of them cracked."
"They both went to jail on multiple counts, all on the testimony of a three year old."
"I still cannot believe to this day that that man stood right beside me, multiple times, and I had NO CLUE."
"I don’t think I ever looked at life the same way after that."
– RareBeautyEtsy
Truly Man's Best Friend
"My great aunt woke up in the middle of the night, she heard her dog making these low growls. She was single at the time and living alone in her ranch style home. She walked out to her living room to check things out. She didn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary, so she decided to make sure her door and front windows were locked. Door was locked, first window she checked was locked. When she lifted the mini blind on the second window, it was wide open and a guy in a ski mask was standing there. She said he laughed this evil laugh and said “party time” then he started to climb in. She screamed that she had a gun, her dog started barking his head off. My aunt did get a gun after that and learned how to use it."
"I can’t even think about what would’ve happened to her if she didn’t have her dog to warn her :( "
– belai437
Never Truly Know Anyone
"I lived next to a murderer. Faye Swetlik was 6 years old when she was kidnapped out of her front yard. It was all over the news. I had news crews, cops, even the FBI all over my townhouse complex. My fiancée and I met with the FBI 3 times. They searched our home and everything. I remember clear as day, my fiancée FaceTimed me as the cops were digging through the trash cans directly in front of my townhouse. They pulled out her boot and a bloody knife. Then they found her body, dumped maybe 300 feet from my house. He had watched them find the murder weapon. Dumb*ss put it in a trash bag along with his other mail. He went to his back porch and opened his own throat. It’s crazy. I had conversations with the guy. I never knew he was a psycho. This all happened a year ago."
– SCRhyperior
A Tragic Accident
"I'm sure everyone has already hit on the pop culture ones, so I'll go personal. I grew up on a ranch, raising large hoofstock and poultry. Over the winter, we would buy hay from a neighbor and store it in the barn. Something like 80 tons. We get a call one summer from the hay guy's wife, in hysterics, that we have to find another hay guy, because her husband was crushed by the baler. These weren't cowgirl bales, but half-ton ones. She told us the baler had gotten twine snarled under the tilt table that slides complete bales off. He hopped off the tractor, wriggled on in under the table to reach the twine, as he had undoubtedly done many times before, only for the tilt to collapse backwards with a mostly complete bale on it. Pancake from the hips, up. Mom had nightmares about my dad getting killed in a similar manner for months"
– Sad-Bus-7460
DNA Doesn't Lie
"This one kid back in the early 20th century named Bobby Dunbar. He went missing, and after like a year of searching for him, his parents came across a man with a kid who looked a lot like Bobby. They believed it was their kid, and after a legal battle with the kid’s supposed mother, they brought the kid home. A while parade happened due to the missing kid’s return. He lived and died believing he was, in fact, Bobby Dunbar."
"Well, a few decades later, his granddaughter asked Bobby’s (nephew I think?) for a DNA sample so she could see if her and Bobby’s nephew were related. Turns out, they weren’t. Meaning the real Bobby Dunbar is still missing and, probably died alone without his parents."
– yaboispringy
Absolutely Disgusting
"So this isn’t necessarily a horror story. Okay, it kind of is. It was a definitely a nightmare inducing experience."
"So this was years ago. One evening my brother is getting ready for bed, and he had a retainer he was supposed to wear to bed."
"Now here’s the thing. My brother is a clean freak. Especially with personal hygiene. He actually has some minor OCD with personal hygiene rituals, and he’s gotten better as he’s gotten older, but the point is, he is rigorous about personal hygiene."
"So my brother was getting ready for bed and opens the sealed container where he keeps his retainer after he washes it every morning and pops his retainer into his mouth."
"And he feels it start wiggling."
"So he pops it out of his mouth like WTF, and there’s a GIANT MAGGOT in his retainer."
"No freaking clue how it could have possibly gotten into his retainer case. He threw the retainer away."
– Squirrelgirl25
Close Up Those Doggy Doors
"Happened to my boss’s best friend when they were around 17yo:"
"Best friend’s parents were out of town one weekend and she had the house to herself. Went about her business having dinner, watching tv then decided to go to bed. She was lying in her bed with her back to her closet when she heard the door open. She somehow pretended to be asleep - the man who was hiding in the closet walked around her bed to the side she was laying/facing, gently stroked her hair and face then left. She immediately called her boyfriend to ask him to come over then called her parents and then the police. Long story short this man had been getting into their home via a doggy door (they didn’t have a dog and didn’t bother to secure it) and he’d been living in a tent in the foresty area behind their home for months to creep on her. They found a ton of surveillance footage of her sleeping and pieces of her clothes and stuff."
"If I recall correctly this happened somewhere in Alabama, most likely mid-2000s."
– halfyellowhalfwhite
The Relief!
"That's scary."
"My godson's parents couldn't find him for hours one afternoon / evening and started to panic. They called family close by to help look, and eventually called the police."
"Turns out he climbed between his mattress and box spring playing hide and seek with his brother and fell asleep."
"He woke up when his parents were talking to the cops in the kitchen and just kind of walked in like, "what's everyone so upset about?""
– equality-_-7-2521
That one made me smile. We need a funny one after all that scary!
I never know the age of anything.
It's funny how we look at certain aspects of life and just have a certain sense of nostalgia attached.
Take Adele for instance. It feels like she's been a part of our lives forever.
But she's only 4 albums in.
That's a drop in the musical bucket.
A very magical and musical bucket.
Redditor LunchCautious8781 wanted to talk about some items that seem old but may still be in the beginning stages.
They asked:
"What do most people not realize is newer than they actually think?"
Iphones. 14 generations is not that far on. Let's talk at 50.
Pregnancy Test Im Pregnant GIF by Shay MitchellGiphy"Home pregnancy tests, in the 1970s. No longer do we have to inject the lady’s urine into frogs, mice, or rabbits to confirm a pregnancy!"
Water Only
"The knowledge that it’s bad to drink when pregnant. Only became widely known in the 80s."
"This one boggles my mind. Alcohol isn't exactly new -- the ancient greeks had wine and mead. The temperance movement was active for a good hundred years before they got the 18th Amendment."
"But nope. While there were certainly some alarms raised throughout history, people were surprised to learn about fetal alcohol syndrome in 1973, and it wasn't confirmed by a second group of researchers until 1979. In the 60's through 80's it was apparently common for doctors to give alcohol intravenously to women to stop premature labor."
"The word sibling was coined in 1903."
"I learned in English class in 1990 that English didn't have a word for sibling. Later, they said there was a word but no one used it in everyday speech. My mind was a little blown the first time I saw someone actually use it online, around 1999."
"This is totally false. The word sibling was coined in Old English and used to refer to anyone who was related to you. It fell out of use for a little while, then was brought back in the 1900s to exclusively refer to brothers and sisters."
Photo Op
"Having to show ID at the US/Canada border. Prior to 9/11 they often wouldn't even ask to see a drivers license."
"Same at the Mexican border, even after 9/11. I can remember going down to Puerto Penasco around 2002 or 2003 and just being waved through on the way home. Didn't even have to roll my window down, much less show an ID."
Carb History
Bread Oprah GIFGiphy"Ciabatta bread goes all the way back to the early 1980s."
"Haha I heard of that too, awhile back. I went googling it again and apparently baguettes are from early ~1900s. Crazy, I would've thought they'd be historical."
Oh that is good bread.
For Comfort
"Boxer briefs are fairly new to the scene, becoming popular in the 1990s."
"I'm happy they did. My favorite underwear."
New World
"Tomatoes are actually a new world crop. So when you associate Italy with pasta sauce, you're actually thinking of Italy, post Columbian Exchange (mid 1500s). And actually, tomato sauce wasn't even integrated into Italian cuisine until the late 19th century, so go figure."
Back Together
"What hit me the other day: Germany. It was only reunified 30 years ago."
"Same with Italy. Not that it was reunified 30 years ago, but it hasn’t been a country as long as America has."
"I was actually just thinking about this last night because Google Rewards gave me a survey asking about my feelings towards Trabant as a brand: really don't know why it wanted to know my opinion on a brand that went defunct when the Berlin wall fell lol."
The Drift
"The theory of plate tectonics. It pretty much makes up the entire backbone of modern geology, yet it wasn't actually accepted until the 1960s. Alfred Wegener proposed his theory of continental drift in 1915 but couldn't explain the mechanism behind it so his theory was dismissed."
mechanism behind it so his theory was dismissed."
"Over the next few decades, the evidence of crustal movement became undeniable and plate tectonics developed as a theory. It's just crazy to me that geologists were pretty much completely clueless until around 60 years ago."
Read New Zealand GIF by Rugby World CupGiphy"New Zealand! Its indigenous population only arrived there about 800 years ago, despite Australia just across the Tasman having been inhabited for 75,000 plus years."
History short and long is fascinating.
Why do families keep secrets?
The truth will always finds a way home.
And it will of course be exposed at the most inopportune time.
Make sure you have a journal and write this stuff down.
It could be comedy/drama gold.
The tea is scolding, throw it at me.
Redditor AbsoluteHavoc wanted to heard all of the family drama that we've heard unleashed.
So they asked:
"What family secret was finally spilled in your family?"
Years Later
Family GIFGiphy"Found out my grandma had a baby as a teenager and was forced to give him up for adoption by my great grandparents. 40 years later he found us."
"Same thing happened to my mom. I'm 33 now, older half-brother is roughly 35. I hold hope that I'll meet him one day."
Nod & Agree
"That my parents 'had' to get married. They always told us they got married in 1961, but it was 1962, 3 months before my sister was born."
"What's amusing is that my father was an accountant who was insanely fast with math. Whenever he was asked how many years they'd been married, he'd be off by one. My mother would correct him through clenched teeth and then my father would nod and agree."
23 and me surprise...
"My great grandmother wasn’t actually Mexican but rather was adopted by a Mexican family from a Chinese family who was being kicked out of Mexico when railroad construction was over. She always had more typically Asian features but only spoke Spanish and it was never really questioned. 23 and me is a hell of a thing."
"When my paternal grandfather died the federal govt reached out to do a state funeral. He'd been career army and a colonel, so we didn't question it. Then the funeral came and they went ALL OUT! Huge procession, people showing up who are really big names, like heads of dept's, senators, retired senators, people from the CIA and State Dept, it was nuts and we were all super confused."
"Turns out he was a key dude in the OSI during WWII and when the OSI splintered into the CIA and Secret Service, he went the Secret Service route. He wasn't on White House detail, but instead worked in a covert office that dealt with counterfeiting and currency."
"He went blind when I was a toddler and retired from 'the Army.' For whatever reason, he told no one about all his covert work with the OSI and Secret Service and the only person who knew (my grandmother) was sworn to secrecy and never told anyone. My father grew up thinking he was just a colonel working on base."
"Only after his death were we given all sorts of cool s**t like publications by him, lectures given by him, and all kinds of things from various things he did and was known for. All I knew him as was a blind old man who was perpetually smoking, drinking and being a crotchety b**tard. Turns out he was a bad motherf**ker and all but none of us knew."
True Crime
Consider True Crime GIF by Dateline NBCGiphy"My father's brother killed 4 girls when he was in high school. My father was the one who found out and told the police."
Good Lord. What in the world?
The Generation Before
Joe Biden Shock GIF by GIPHY NewsGiphy"My grandparents are first cousin’s... an uncle on the same side of the family is in prison for the assassination of a presidential candidate (family still says he was framed and is innocent)."
The Push
"This is kind of messed up, but my parents told me my mom had a bad back because i pushed on her spine during birth. this was what I thought all my childhood. I think I was in my teens when my older brother told me my dad pushed my mom during an argument and she fell and had to have surgery. I thought I ruined my mom's back my entire childhood and those SOBs let me believe it "
"My mother is kid #7 of 10. My aunt (kid #4) who was born in 1945 did her DNA and found out that she has a different father from everyone else. She was devastated. There was always rumor that there was an affair but nobody talked about it. She has so many questions but nobody's alive to answer her."
Thanks Mom...
"When I was 5 years old (1988), Santa Clause left a Nintendo on our front porch. It was wrapped in newspaper, and my parents had no idea who gifted it to us. My dad, particularly, tried to figure it out. He was always suspicious that it had been a family friend. It was by far the best gift of the year, and we played it all the time throughout our childhood."
"My dad died in 2004."
"Last Christmas, my mom explained that she was the one who had bought it and surreptitiously placed it on the porch. My dad really liked to be in control of things and had forbidden the purchase. She knew better. She didn't tell a soul for 30 years."
"Thanks Mom..."
In the Swamp...
Okaay What GIF by ABC NetworkGiphy"I only just recently heard about this, but my grandmother had gotten a little drunk with my dad and brother a month or so ago and started talking about our great uncle Ferber (not sure on the spelling), but from what I heard he apparently killed quite a few people and buried them on some family-owned land in a swamp."
Well if there was ever any reason to change your last name and move.
Do you have anything your itching to get off your chest about your family tree? Let us know in the comments.