People Explain Which Things And Practices Haven't Changed In The Past 1,000 Years

People Explain Which Things And Practices Haven't Changed In The Past 1,000 Years

Each new day brings change.

It's pretty remarkable to think just how much our world has changed over the course of time.

Even in the span of a few years, we continue to see remarkable changes in architecture, technology, even in socializing.

But, as the saying goes, "some things never change".

Redditor sexykaren was curious to learn about the things which have remained constant with the passing of time, leading them to ask:

'What hasn't changed in the past 1000 years?"

Sturdy and steady.


"The materials and techniques are remarkably static over the centuries."- fysicks

Eternally funny.

"Even in Rome they had 'yo mama' jokes scribbled on the walls."

"As well as stuff like 'Aranicus has a fat a**."

"Gives me some comfort to know that humans don’t change that much."- momogirl200

"People still find toilet humor and dirty jokes funny."

"We probably always will, tbh."- Demonkitty121

Captain America Lol GIF by mtvGiphy

High Rollers.

"Dice."- Jedibri81

Timeless beauty.

"I work as a hand embroiderer in the fashion industry and often think if I was born 1000 years ago I could literally be doing the exact same job."

"Shame I need glasses though."- PrickStitch

Creepy, but practical.

"Using bone to scrape hide into leather."

"Plastics, metals and wood have been tried, but bone is still the best."- ironmcheaddesk

A Mighty Whack.

"The humble axe."

"While the axe did go through several major design shifts over the course of human history, by the time we get to 1022, we had already settled on a more or less straight shaft with a head made of iron/steel, with an opening or 'eye' that the haft goes through."

"If you walked into any big-box hardware store and bought a Collins axe and then took it back to 1022 and showed it to someone, they'd think the style was strange and they'd be astonished to find that the whole head was made of steel, but that's it."

"They'd be all, 'yeah, that's an axe'."

"'Obviously from some foreign country where everyone's rich, but it's just an axe'."- Glasnerven

Back In Time For Dinner Reaction GIF by ABC TV + IVIEWGiphy

The best friend anyone could have

"People loving their pets."

"Look up roman pet cemetery on Google."

"The epitaph's on some of the graves really hit home."

"Also help's to humanize those in the past."- Ralife55

When you need to sit down for a moment

"I was very stoned a while back and I walked past my kitchen table and I was just marveling at the chairs."


"'1000 years ago people were sitting in chairs just like that'."

"'Here I am...still doing it'."

"'Amazing'."- DurtyKurty

A beach fixture.

"Horseshoe Crabs."

"My understand is they have been pretty much the same for a LONG time."


Change is good, there's no doubt about that.

But it can be comforting to know that with each passing year, some things will always be the same.

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