Teachers Share The Funniest Mistakes Students Have Ever Made

Teachers Share The Funniest Mistakes Students Have Ever Made
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Being a teacher doesn't come with a lot of perks. The pay isn't great, the hours are never-ending, and there isn't a whole lot of respect from your administration a lot of the times. On the plus side, sometimes your students will do hilarious things you can share on the internet. So, there's that.

Reddit user, u/Xshadowwolf34X, wanted to hear the best of the worst when they asked:

Teachers of Reddit, what is the worst case of Boneappletea you've ever seen?

Just Say It Out Loud

I teach a bunch of psychology subjects at a university in Australia.

Had 2 students present a 30 minute speech on 'Ass Burgers Syndrome'

...they were in 3rd year.


Snoop Would Approve


'It's a "Doggy Dog World"', instead of 'dog-eat-dog' world.


Focusing On The Wrong Key Details

Taught physics to GCSE students (age ~14 ) the question began with "Explain whether or not this circuit will.....".

This student had obviously been told to highlight key words from the question and so had just highlighted the word "whether" and then wrote an answer describing that days weather and her predictions for tomorrows weather.


Old English Is Hard

In 8th grade, we were reading a section of Romeo and Juliet aloud in class. The drama was ratcheting higher, we were pouring good acting and great enthusiasm into the parts, when the Nurse discovers Juliet "dead" and wails in shock and horror:

"O lemon table day!"

So much for tragedy. The whole class cracked up.


Kind Of The Same Thing

A common mistake is Old Timer's instead of Alzheimers.

I honestly prefer the former


Some Say He Healed Them Of Their Spots

Read an essay by a middle-schooler at a Catholic school.

Learned a whole lot about the great things that Jesus did for the leopards.


Something Hard To Spell Is Hard To Speak

My wife is a teacher and a kid in 7th grade did an oral presentation on the Orin Guten......

toward the end she finally realized he was presenting on the Orangutan.


Still Technically True

A couple of days ago, a student wrote that Indiana Jones was a "forced to be wreckin' with."


Close, But Not Quite, Indeed

A student who probably meant to write "Nassi-Shneiderman-diagram" on an exam but instead wrote "Nazi-Shneiderman..." Well, it sounded German.

Close enough, but not quite.


This Sounds Like A Talk To Text Problem


I had a student write a paper about the poetry of Emily Dickinson, but he spelled her last name as "Dick in Son" all the way through.

It was wild.


Being horny can lead to some questionable decision-making.

Something happens to the brain when blood is flowing to other regions of the body.

They should discuss this in health class.

It's perfectly normal, but we have to learn how to deal.

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