People Who Have Survived Car Crashes Share Advice To Keep Drivers Safe

People Who Have Survived Car Crashes Share Advice To Keep Drivers Safe
Image by Valter Cirillo from Pixabay

The moments just after a car accident are significant. These few minutes often have far reaching financial, medical, and emotional consequences.

And yet, they are moments defined by chaos and spiking adrenaline--the perfect cocktail to prevent a cool-headed response.

Which is why it can be helpful to plan ahead. Like all first aid, gaining a subconscious understanding of the necessary steps is pivotal.

That way, when an accident occurs, you're movements will be automatic. You'll kick into gear and respond appropriately.

A recent Reddit thread offered a grab bag of preparatory car crash wisdom.

EnemyFriendEnemy asked, "People who have been in car accidents: what is some advice you could give to those who haven't?"

Defense is the Best Offense 

"Wear your seatbelt, 50% of fatal crash victims could've survived if they'd had worn a seatbelt." -- chrisudenm

"This. One of the worst accidents I ever was in was with a gf who didn't wear a seatbelt or vaccinate her kids, so I strictly enforced a 'click it or lick it' rule when we were driving in my car."

"Got tboned and then hit by another car just ten seconds after she buckled. All airbags deployed and we hit our heads together so hard we both got concussions."

"I hate her now, but I'm glad she listened that day." -- Drunkensteine

Head on a Swivel

"Always be aware of your surroundings. You can be the safest driver but that doesn't mean anything when someone is distracted."

"When the light turns green, always look both ways before going. There's an extremely high chance someone is running a red."

-- BartendingVeteran

Know What You Don't 

"Check your blind spots thoroughly before changing lanes." -- DeathSpiral321

"To add, be aware of other people's blind spots and not drive within them." -- FourStringTap

"And adjust your mirrors correctly!!!"

"I just recently commented this, but I see easily 90% of people using their wing mirrors as rear view mirrors. This causes unnecessarily large blind spots that almost completely disappear if you adjust correctly."

"Put your head against the driver's side window, adjust the mirror so you can barely see the side of your car in it."

"Same thing on the passenger side, but put your head over the center console."

"Now you'll be able to smoothly track a passing car from your rear view, to your side mirror, to your peripheral vision." -- SarinationX

Record, Record, Record

"Take lots of pictures of the damage and of the location of the cars before they were moved. Try and collect witness information to give to your insurance."

"Print out an accident questionnaire form and put it in your glove compartment with a pen."

-- Motthebop

A Few Tips

"Be careful on ice. If there is ice on the roads and you don't HAVE to get out, stay in."

"Always call the cops if more than one car is involved. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS."

"Get a dashcam. In fact, get two. One for front and one for rear."

-- ixamnis

Trauma-Informed Driving 

"Quality of tires is so important. My father in law gifted me a car but had put retreads on it. I was going 70 down the highway when three of the tires blew. I totaled the suv but thankfully walked away without a scratch."

"Also drivers need to be aware that people suffer ptsd after car wrecks. I was terrified to drive on highways for years afterwards."

"Maybe that slow person in front of you is having a really hard time overcoming a wreck they had or were involved in."

-- Boomerangboom

Just in Case 

"Always get your back checked out, even for minor accidents and whether it hurts or not."

"My wife was in a minor fender bender and her back did not show symptoms until weeks later. It took almost a year of chiropractor visits to get it straightened out. Thankfully, the guy who hit her had insurance to cover it."

-- ntcplanters

A Difficult One to Keep in Mind 

"If you start to fishtail DON'T slam on the brakes. As soon as you feel your rear wheels skidding, begin turning the steering wheel in the same direction that the rear wheels are moving."

"So, if the back end of the car is sliding toward the driver's side, turn the steering wheel to the left. The rear is skidding toward the passenger side? Steer right."

"This will help your wheels turn back to the direction you want to travel and help you regain control of your vehicle."

-- mc_squared_03

A Hit and Run With an Errand 

"If you are a pedestrian and you get hit, don't let driver take you to the hospital. Call 911. Always. I was ditched at a hospital with a gash in my forehead and lost hundreds missing work to recover."

"The cops couldn't investigate even with a plate number, so I never saw a penny of insurance."

"Sadly, like myself, you cannot always advocate for yourself when you're concussed. The second you can, call 911. Even if you aren't badly hurt or if they feel bad."

"Don't be nice to someone who hit you with their car."

-- ladyalot


"If you feel unsafe in a car tell the driver to stop and get the f*** out of the car. Being stranded in a rainy field miles from anywhere is better than being dead or paralysed." -- swallowyoursadness

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