People Explain Which Super Obvious Thing They've Only Recently Realized

People Explain Which Super Obvious Thing They've Only Recently Realized

We all have those moments. You know which ones I'm talking about. The ones where you realize something that should have been obvious to you aaaaaaages ago? Those?

Yeah, these are the ones that can make you truly laugh at yourself... or keep you up at night.

For those of you afraid to admit what you only just figured out, you can thank Redditor TheLunaLunatic for breaking the ice with "What super obvious thing did you only recently realise?"

"I thought a birthday suit..."

I thought a birthday suit was just your favorite outfit. Like, you save this special outfit for an celebratory occasion. Always got weird looks when I told people I was going shopping for my birthday suit. I wish I was joking.


"Took me a long time..."

Took me a long time to realize pay-per-view was actually words that described it (I'd never seen it written).


"I just finished..."


I just finished reading Dracula by Bram Stoker. At the end of the book, there was a little blurb about the author; Abraham Stoker. Bram is short for Abraham. I didn't know that.


"That in order..."

That in order to properly use a hand dryer, you have to rub your hands.

I used to just put my hands under it and question why it was taking so long, but then I saw one of my friends rubbing their hands, and I felt stupid.


"That raincoats..."

That raincoats typically have bright colours so you're easier to spot during heavy rain, not because raincoat designers have bad taste.


"That you have to actually..."

That you have to actually put together a trampoline. I'm 27 and i legitimately always thought they always just folded in half or something until recently someone said "it's so difficult to pull the tarp across." I had to pull my boyfriend aside to ask what the heck they were talking about.


"When people said..."

When people said, "it's a double-edged sword," I thought the sword's hilt was also a sword. Only until yesterday, it was explained to me by my brother that it was just sharp on both sides of the blade.


"I was playing Monopoly..."

I was playing Monopoly, and someone owned a load of properties all clustered together. I said "you've got a bit of a monopoly on that part of the board. Hey that's funny, because we're playing Monopoly, and you got a... oh I see now."


"I always found it funny..."

I always found it funny how Abba songs fit the movie Mamma mia so well ... it took me years to figure out the movie was made around the songs.


"I realized..."

I realized that aquarium walls are reflective on the inside once they're filled with water.

I've kept a goldfish for the past decade, so I should have noticed, but goldfish also aren't really territorial, so he never minded. I keep a betta fish now, and he's very mad at his reflection. I only realized two weeks ago that he'd even have one....


People Explain Which Things Blew Their Minds Once They Realized Them

"Reddit User r3tr0gam3r83 asked: 'What is something that blew your mind once you realized it?'"

Every moment we breathe is a moment to learn something new.

What's funny is the more we learn, the more we're shocked.

Some knowledge is so obvious it's stunning how oblivious we are.

Like, "How did I not know this sooner?'

And no matter what I can still be shocked.

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