One of life's golden rules is... "always remember, everybody is going through something. So be kind." The quiet kid isn't just weird, they are just doing their best or maybe they just don't like the rest of you. More often than not it's the quiet ones that will drop your jaw the farthest. They have hidden talents and hearts they wait to expose... it's all about the timing in life. The quiet kid maybe the one you remember most; hopefully for the right reasons.
Redditor u/Ryrylx wanted to hear about the classmates that took everybody by surprise when they inquired... What has the "quiet kid" at school done that surprised you?children's inpatient psychiatric facility....
I had a little boy enter my class during the year who always acted ostentatiously good. If the rest of the class was going to pot, he'd sit quietly with his hands folded, and make sure that I noticed him. [Note: I never asked the kids to do that - it's like something from olden times.]
I did smile and thank him quietly for being so helpful, but never insisted on it or mentioned it to the others.
One day he didn't come to school. Midway through the day I got a phone call from the nurse saying that this sweet little boy had been admitted to a children's inpatient psychiatric facility, and would I please get his books and schoolwork organized to send to the teachers there.
Apparently he had had some sort of an "episode" at home. I was shocked as I readied his work, because he had always been so well behaved in school.
I think that perhaps he had a bizarre home life, and school was his place to be safe and "normal." After his stay in the facility the little boy came back to school and resumed his pattern of responsible behavior. I sometimes wonder what ever happened to him. Swedishpunsch
GiphyI was "the quiet kid."
I surprised myself when this girl who'd been bullying me threw rocks at my back and legs, and I stood up and threw one back.
It literally hit her in the center of her forehead, I kid you not.
I didn't mean to do that, but I did not feel bad. TheKidsAreSad
Shy Guy.
When i was in high school we had a kid who never talked. Seriously, never, got waivers for presentations, the whole nine yards.
He never did anything else weird... that was his weird thing. He definitely wasn't mute. I asked him and he wrote it on a slip of paper. I don't think it was a shy issue either. justaregulardude1989
The quiet kid surprised me alright.
He dealt with his depression head on, stopped smoking weed, he applied himself, got a job and moved out of a toxic home. He started working out and he traveled more, he also made more of an effort with women and over the past few years he had 2 beautiful girlfriends.
One dumped him and the other was dumped by him - both beautiful women inside and out and they were great experiences for him to mature and develop as a person.
He has his ups and downs, the last while mostly downs - but he's trying hard to be kinder to himself and be grateful for where he is now compared to before. TYIC2020
The Hard Kick.
GiphyI was the quiet kid growing up. one day in p.e I was picked on because of my last name. One boy kept calling me gay while playing soccer. Well I got mad and just kicked the ball hard straight into his groin. He kneeled over crying. That was the last time anyone ever made fun of my name. Poor kid was teased for being beat up by the little shy girl. We were on good terms after that. derangedpenguins
the low key trouble maker.....
I am the quiet kid. People would be surprised if they knew this, but a lot of trouble mysteriously caused in the classroom was by me, the low key trouble maker.
Once, in middle school, we had to prep for a science test, and the teacher kept telling us to study because of how difficult it would be. People who've already took the test warned us about it. When it got to my science period (the last science period of that day, after lunch), the test mysteriously disappeared with no copies left.
The teacher sworn that they had it, but it was nowhere to be found. The copies of the test in her computer was also completely lost and gone. We ended taking a much easier science quiz she found on the same topic, and almost everyone that period aced it.
Who stole all of the test copies and went on her computer to delete the file? Me. That story was a sample from the things I do, but that was by far the riskiest thing I've done to protect my grade, because I could've got suspended if I was caught or something. Zer0M0tivation
She never talked to ANYONE. One day, my school went bowling and my principal said if anyone could hit a 7-10 split, he'd take us all out to ice cream. After we finished bowling he asked if anyone hit a 7-10 split and I teased and shouted that this girl had and out of NOWHERE! She talked for the first time and said she had! We got ice cream because the first time the silent kid ever talked in school, she lied! Gymtoshi97
Just Nasty.
I used to be one of the quiet kids and my only friend was a fellow quiet kid, they started a rumor that I self harm and within hours teachers were checking my arms to see if it was true, they got really popular after that and I fell into a pit of disappear because people bullied me even more for it. Cuteness_Overload-
GiphyGot a decent job, lost weight, started handling his depression, planning on college now, is currently spending his life with the woman of his dreams, and is currently on reddit.
Luckily, for me, I was the quiet kid at my school. Lol. themajor24
Chatty Kathy.
Suddenly started being really chatty during senior year. Turns out he had a great sense of humor and could roast the crap out of the rest of us because he had spent the previous two years quietly observing. It was so awesome to see him come out of his shell. I don't know what he's up to now, but I know his home life was pretty rough. I really hope he's doing well. NudlePockets
Regina Georging It!
GiphyStopped being the quiet kid. He went from never speaking to anyone to one of the most popular kids. Although he was not a fool ring leader type either. khodor2012
Everyone was just blown away.
How about a happy story?
There was this kid I saw in my middle school and high school. Very creepy looking. Very thin for his age, caucasian, unkept oily hair, had a weird mustache in HS, and would twitch/fidget all the time. People didn't want anything to do with him because he was always talking to himself with quiet unidentifiable mutterings. Well fast forward some years to the senior high school talent show.
He walks on stage and busts out the best rapping I've ever heard in my life. Everyone was just blown away. My last memory of him in HS was seeing him with two girls. From creep for nearly all of your schooling to popular during the last 2 weeks of public school was amazing. I hope he's gone on to do great things. EconArch
The Bodyguard.
in 6th grade i sat next to a quiet girl in my Italian class, i took a liking to her because she was the only person who would put up with me. two girls sitting near us started harassing me, i didn't even say anything to them but they were just being really cruel because they thought i was annoying. the quiet girl didn't hesitate to stick up for me and tell them to leave me alone.
i was so surprised that she did that, she was so shy and gentle and unassuming but she immediately defended me from these really mean girls. i was so grateful for the fact that she actually cared about me enough to put herself in a scary situation just so that i wouldn't be alone. She's now one of my best friends 7 years later. :) 12wolfie
Young Hannibal.
They told me how they, as a small child once squeezed their hamster till it's guts came out then shoved them back in and acted like nothing happened and their parents thought it died of natural causes.
edit: for clarification, they stuffed the entrails back into the hamster then put the hamster back into its cage. justawiliBeanSprout
GiphyMy dad said the quiet kid at his school was also awkward, lanky, and didn't get paid a whole lot of attention to. Well... she turned out to be Michelle Pfeiffer. He told the story many times to us growing up and said it's important to be kind to everyone for many of reasons, including one being you just never know who they'll turn out to be one day! alyloohoo
"he was in our class"
Married me.
He was the quiet kid who never really interacted with the other kids. I was a nerd but pretty outgoing/chatty. I knew him in high school because it was a really small school and sometimes I would basically force him to talk to me since I sat by him in homeroom. But we weren't really friends. I thought I annoyed the crap out if him.
Fast forward to college and even though we went to different schools we wound up in the same friend group. Most weekends we'd all travel to visit friends at other schools. He turned out to be hilarious. Still a bit quiet but funny as hell and the nicest guy on the planet. We both dated other people in college but after graduation we both wound up single at the same time and he made his move. I knew right away that I'd marry him.
Sometimes we laugh and are like, in high school did you EVER think you'd wind up with me? Because never in a million years did I envision that.
He was so quiet that a couple times I've run into old classmates and they've asked me who I married and they don't recognize his name and I have to be like, "he was in our class" and they draw a complete blank. He's way more outgoing now. Works in sales, loves dealing with people and is super charming. Meanwhile I'm the crabby one who doesn't like to deal with people because these days they annoy me. Never would have predicted that switch. People love him. Beginning_Friendship
I was that quiet kid. I think I got voted to be closet partier in my yearbook. Then after graduation, I pulled out a pipe at a party. Talk about about shock and awe. People looked at me differently after that. My_Dog_Rolls_In_Poo
I was the quiet kid. Had horrible social anxiety, not many friends. I'm happy to say that I'm in a munch better place mentally now. :)
I still have some issues to overcome, but I'm proud of how far I've come from the quiet kid in the corner. Also, I clobbered a kid with a jumbo Jenga brick in Reception and I think that caused him to bully me for the majority of primary school. :/ CharaDreamer55
It was Me.
I was the quiet kid. Kept to myself, did art and wrote in my journal instead of socialized. After I graduated I took a solo road trip in my VW bug, worked at a ski resort for a winter - so I could Snowboard - then backpacked Europe for 3 months at the age of 21. I gave my art teacher an update about my life and she later told me she had to go look my name up in the year book because I was nothing like I had been in high school. SparrowsArt
No... you HANGRY!
GiphyOne of the quiet kids in my English class got up in the middle of class and left for like 15 min. before coming back with around 40 bags of chips. He went to all the vending machines in the school and cleaned them out on chips. When someone asked him why, all he said was "I'm kinda hungry." phantom_of_the_books
We really are quick to judge.
We love to love, but boy do we love to hate.
We'll crap on anything we can, and feel great about it.
So much so that others can't help but ask...
"How about showing some love?"
We need to just let each other like what we like and dial down the drama.
Redditornuser_already_taken wanted to discuss all the aspects of life that seem to be the victim of great disdain.
"What's something that's hated for no reason?"
All of these tv apps. But people love them. But that's just me.
Real People
Skyler White Shut Up GIF by Breaking BadGiphy"Actors because of the characters they played. I read that the woman who played Brian Cranston's wife on Breaking Bad still gets hate mail."
The Go-To
"I always thought it was really weird how in the 90's, every other cartoon's go-to target of hate were mimes."
"Mimes were just inexplicably popular in the 90s for some reason... even Pokemon had to include a mime. It's really weird now that I think about it, right up there with the fixation on dying in quicksand."
"Being a mime means never having to say, 'I'm sorry.'"
"Building lego sets according to the instructions. People would always sh*t on me for 'not using my imagination' and 'ruining what the sets could be.' Motherf**ker I paid $50 for a spaceship, so let me build my go**amn spaceship!"
"My wife and I bought the $180 Space shuttle Discovery with the Hubble space telescope."
"Of course we made that according to the instructions. Which was really fun too. We'd switch who read the instructions and who would actually build it. So when it was her turn to build, I had to accurately describe what was in the instructions without her seeing them. That made it extra challenging and fun!"
"Wile E. Coyote. Personally I hope he blows the Road Runner to pieces."
"Fun story: I got to write my college admissions essay on why Wile E. Coyote kept buying ACME products when they never worked against the Road Runner. The instructions said that 'any answer including the word 'because' would spontaneously combust.'"
"I wrote a 3-4 page essay and, instead of writing an actual conclusion, I wrote, 'Finally, Wile E. Coyote continues to buy ACME products because...' and burned a whole through the paper. I was pretty proud of my creativity on that one."
"Edit: for everyone asking, yes I got in. This was 10-15 years ago, though, so I don't remember much else about the actual content of the essay."
Use Pants
Fathers Day Fashion GIF by John Crist ComedyGiphy"CARGO SHORTS. YALL WANNA HATE 'TIL YOU NEED A RATCHET SET!!"
I do like a nice cargo pant. Leave me be.
Black Cat GIFGiphy"Black cats. They are so sweet and funny. But psychos go out of their way to hurt them or some people think they are 'bad luck' so they're less likely to be adopted."
Class is in session...
"Dunno how broad this is but teachers who are just trying to do their job."
"I had the sweetest teacher who was made the victim of a nasty instagram account making fun of her body (she was a little overweight) students would take photos of her without her knowledge and zoom in on areas and post to the instagram. I never knew about it till the principal talked to our whole class. The creator, followers, likers, and commenters all got in major trouble. that teacher never came back to finish the rest of the year… makes me so sad…"
Hi Guy
"Guy Fieri. Dude has donated millions to charity and done phenomenal things for the world but because he has spiked blond hair and is a meme people hate on him."
"He's the reason I became interested in cooking. He makes it look fun, not like a chore. And how can you hate a guy who just wants to cook great meals for all of his friends? Plus, Guy Fieri is the Mayor of Flavortown. If you don't respect the man, at least respect the office."
What's Abnormal?
"Guys liking 'feminine' things. I grew up in Vietnam and lived there until the age of 15. I’m a guy who played dolls and house with my elder sister (who is 6 years my senior) when I was 5-6 and subsequently received so much flak and jeering from fellow elementary classmates (both boys & girls)."
"As well as homeroom teachers after I accidentally blurted out about my 'abnormal' playing activities to the world (or my small world). Luckily, my parents just let me be. My dad later told me to not reveal my interests to anyone whom I do not know well out of concern that I might be bullied. He personally bought me a Sailor Moon action figure."
Hi Tommy
Not Funny No GIFGiphy"Liking things meant for people way younger than you. My 17 year old brother likes Thomas the Tank Engine, has a huge layout with buildings, trees, storylines the whole thing. My dad and his girlfriend refuse to buy it for him and actively ridicule him for it. Like.. WTF is it to you?"
Let's just be kinder. No hate.
Do you have similar experiences to share? Let us know in the comments below.
In all likelihood, we all may have broken the law without realizing it.
Simply by streaming our favorite movie.
Surprising as it may seem, password sharing on streaming platforms is a federal offense, but is done regularly.
But that is indeed one of the many surprising things which is, in fact, illegal.
Leaving one to wonder, what other illegal activities are there out there which may surprise us?
"What is surprisingly illegal?"
Resist The Urge For French Fries...
"If in Western Australia, possessing more than 50kg of potatoes."
"Yep, you read that correctly."
"Potatoes."- Eldaas
Remember That Change Of Clothes
"In Germany it's legal to break out of prison, but not in your prison uniform, because that would be stealing."- Limp-Sundae5177
Someone Was Ahead Of The Curve
"It is illegal to parachute inside St. Peters basilica in the Vatican after a person did it."
"They had to create that law specifically for him."
"He walked away with no charge, as the law did not exist."- Lexinoz
Here We Go Discovery GIF by Shark WeekGiphyWatch Your Language!
"In the most southern island of the Caribbean, Trinidad, and Tobago, it's illegal to curse publicly."- 15Blins
Good Hygiene Is Important!
"In my country, not having at least one bidet installed per home."
"The country is Italy."- maseioavessiprevisto
Dress Codes
"A lot of European countries have really old laws that were never repealed so they look really odd today."
"For example, in France a woman must first get permission from the police if she wishes to dress like a man."
"And in the UK it's illegal to wear an 'outrageous" double-ruff within 100 yards of the Queen."- BitFlippery
A Hose Will Have To Do
"You can't put a donkey in a bathtub in my state."- obi-juan-kenobi_66
Oh No Deal With It GIF by DreamWorks AnimationGiphySo Much For Generosity!
"Paying expired parking meters that aren't your spot."- Little_Lahey_Show
Be On Your Best Behavior!
"Alarming the Queen."
"Section 49 of the Criminal Code of Canada."
"Sentence of up to 14 years in prison."- ScamboOfDoom
Bored Queen Elizabeth GIF by Madman FilmsGiphyBest To Stay On A Boat
"In several states, it's illegal to fish from horseback."
"Just google stupid fishing laws."
"There are lots of them."- SnootchieBootichies
It's especially important to know these laws when visiting a foreign country.
As you always want to be on the right side of the law.
But if you still don't feel ready to stop using your friend's Netflix account, no judgment at all.
The mark of a great movie is one that you can watch over and over again.
Although, it isn't only great movies that have endless watchability.
Indeed, sometimes the movies we find ourselves wanting to revisit over and over again wouldn't even come close to being on the list of the top ten best films of all time.
But whatever they may, or may not, lack in quality, it's the comfort of revisiting these characters, places, and adventures that make return visits mandatory.
Particularly when we're feeling down.
"What’s your comfort movie?"
As Delicious As All The Food.
"Ratatouille."- somethingexnihilo
"When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth".
"'Jurassic Park'"
"I could watch it all day every day love that movie."- Time_Restaurant_9776
"Flames... Flames, On The Side Of My Face..."
"Clue."- Schezzi
A Griswold Family Tradition
"'Christmas Vacation'."-bloodsoed
An Undervalued Disney Gem
"'Treasure Planet'."- NotVeryToastyToast
you got this kingdom hearts GIFGiphyAs Exciting As Finding The Actual Lost City!
"'The Road to El Dorado'."- outerproduct
"Just Too Good To Be True..."
"10 Things I Hate About You."- aestowl
The Magical Neighbor Everyone Wants
"'My Neighbor Totoro'."- pariah164
animation GIF by Fran SoloGiphy"When The Night Has Come, And The Land Is Dark..."
"'Stand By Me'."- ThePowNation
Be they all time classics, or guilty pleasures, we all know the first film we need to put on whenever we need a little pick me up.
As nothing, NOTHING, chases away the blues faster than a trip on the bus with the Spice Girls as they offer a tour of Spice World...
People Confess Which Wildly Popular Things They Have No Interest In
In every generation, there are certain behaviors that are popular among many people. Sometimes, it's the "cool" thing to do. Other times, people just get swept up in the fad.
When I was in high school, the popular thing was to have the funniest Facebook statuses. In college, it was all the rage to smoke pot. By the time I started my first adult job, everyone I knew was watching -- and theorizing about -- Game of Thrones. In my office, you were ostracized if you didn't watch and discuss it every week.
While there's no shame in being into what's popular at the time if it's something that truly interests you, there's also no shame in choosing not to partake in the popular thing.
Redditors certainly believe that, since they broke down which popular things they have no interest in.
Redditor snowmanll00ll was curious about this, so he asked:
"What is something very popular that you have absolutely no interest in?"
Family Celebrity
"YouTube family channels, some of those children will probably grow to resent their parents"
– PlutoTheGod_
"It doesn’t matter the medium, it’s always a douchebag move to exploit your children for your own gain."
– MenosDaBear
I Idolize
"Becoming extremely die hard fans for an idol group or probably anything."
– kobold9070
"Young people giving up their personal freedom and expression for cash and fame seems very wrong, these contracts are horrible, especially in East Asia"
– Sanzhar17Shockwave
"Chasing squirrels around the yard and barking at them once they run up a tree. Seems to be all the rage with my dog though."
– 80burritospersecond
"'re a cat aren't you?"
– littlemarcus91
Simon Says Follow Me
"Following Influencers"
– sparklingshanaya
"It's hilarious how they actually call themselves 'influencers'. Half the cr*p they do should not be influenced ... especially to younger people! It's kind of weird how they crave that much attention."
– MissyCobain
"Listening to influencers. It’s a barrage of non-stop schilling of questionable investments without them accepting responsibility or facing consequences."
– jmmorart317
Why Are They Here?
"The bachelor and bachelorette tv shows."
– junior_emo_mcgee
"Right? It’s so odd to me like, they’re attractive people but they couldn’t have a relationship without a tv show? So how bad are they really and how many red flags do they have?"
– PlutoTheGod_
The Dark Hole Of Social Media
"TikTok. I just don't want it, and never interested to see what the people there are doing."
"Although, I am aware that if I decided to install it, I might get addicted to it. So no thank you either way."
– GreatNameLOL69
"My older sister almost ALWAYS starts a convo with “I saw this on tiktok that..” at least once at family gatherings, like stfu! I don’t care! A lot of “information” on there is false. But because some random girl on tiktok who said her father's great uncles cousins neighbor is a doctor, I’m supposed to believe it."
– GimmieDatCooch
Your Lungs Thank You
– dourceo
"That’s good you should have no interest in vaping, it’s not meant to do because it’s “popular” or “cool” it’s supposed to help curve and help quit cigarette addiction, which it does do, but just as cigs, people just started doing it to be “cool.""
– lionexx
Let Me Take A Selfie
"Pouting for selfie"
– sparklingshanaya
"A friend got married a couple of months ago, and about 70% of her wedding photos are of her pouting or making duck lips at the camera. For someone who says she loved her wedding, she sure looks sad and/or bored in her photos."
– twothirtysevenam
Tee Off
"Golf. If it’s nice out I have so many other things I could do"
– BulloxBaxter
"I came here to say golf as well. I work in the corporate world and people just don't understand how I don't play golf, it blows their minds. I just don't get the draw though, and it's crazy expensive to go play a round. The excuse people always give me is "it's a great way to get outside!". Well turns out so is hiking or fly fishing and it doesn't cost hundreds of dollars to go stand on someone's lawn."
– EntropyBier
It's A Bird, It's A Plane...
"Superhero movies. I used to love them, but I burned out very quickly when too many were released, and they're really all the same. I do love Deadpool, though."
– BeskarVagina
While I gotta disagree with that one, to each their own.
Just because everyone around you is into the popular thing, doesn't mean you have to be. If you have no interest in what's currently in vogue, that's okay!
Be who you are, not who everyone else wants you to be.