People Describe The Strangest Rule They Had To Respect At Someone's House

People Describe The Strangest Rule They Had To Respect At Someone's House
Loewe Technology on Unsplash

Years ago, I knew a girl who came from a very strict family of Christian evangelicals. We never hung out, but she was forbidden from wearing anything "secular" and always looked very uncomfortable. It was apparent she suffered from anxiety.

She eventually found a few friends but I recall one friend who hung out at her place later told classmates that they had to answer questions about their religious affiliation before they would be allowed to enter the house.

I don't know if there's any truth to that story at this point but that would have been a giant red flag for me, just saying.

People shared their stories with us after Redditor daryandy asked the online community:

"What was the strangest rule you had to respect at a friend's house?"

"Friend wasn't allowed..."

"Friend wasn't allowed in her room unless she was sleeping or changing her clothes. She wasn't allowed to shower for more than 10 minutes. Her brother was also locked out of his room and was forced to take cold showers. All so they wouldn't pleasure themselves."


This is over the top and sounds like a surefire way to make overly sexual kids.

"A good friend of mine..."

"A good friend of mine went through a season where he didn’t have running water at his house so the rule in the house was that no one could come over unless they brought a couple gallons of water with them to pour into the toilet in the event that they had to poop."


Poor kid, growing up with that kind of stuff really sucks, even when it's only temporary. Especially if other kids find out.

"It wasn't really..."

"It wasn't really rule of the house but my friend's parents were huge helicopter parents. Went to a concert with a friend and we had to call (not text) her parents every hour to let them know we were okay."


Oh no, helicopter parents are the worst. That's no way for a kid to live.

"Her mom made us..."

"No "boy talk."

"Her mom made us keep the intercom on when we were in her bedroom and would listen to us talk, if we started talking about Boys, she would chime in and tell us to change the subject. We were 15/16 and not having the privacy to talk about crushes and stuff felt weird."


This is so wrong I don't even know where to begin with it.

"We had to keep our hands..."

"We had to keep our hands above the covers when we went to sleep so they could make sure we weren’t “doing anything”. I was 9. Literally was the last time I spent the night there. Weirdos."


Yeah... I can't say I blame you. Run for the hills. Not people you want to remain around.

"Stayed at a friend's house one night and the family communicated exclusively through whispering... not just hushed voices but full on hand to ear. Serious mind f*ck."


Something about this just gives me a creepy feeling.

"No one..."

"No one was allowed to laugh at the dinner table or talk other than to ask, "Please pass the. . ." No one was allowed to leave the table (even for a potty emergency) until the dad was done eating."


I don't understand this. This seems to defeat the purpose of eating as a family.

"It was impossible..."

"My friend's mom's boyfriend had one of those rooms we weren't allowed in for any reason. Problem was, it was the living room."

"It was impossible to get to the kitchen without going through that living room. Also couldn't reach the door to the backyard. So I never once entered the kitchen in that house, and any trips to the backyard meant walking out the front door and going through the gate on the side of the house."


Another one I just don't understand. Why are people like this? And the living room of all places? The living room?!

"I remember watching a movie at a friend’s house with another person, so there were three of us sharing a bowl of popcorn."

"Before any of us went to eat the popcorn, my friend said it was a rule in their house that each person can only pick up one small single piece of popcorn at a time.. we’d have to finish chewing it and wait to swallow it until picking up the next one individual piece of popcorn."


That's frustrating, would be better just to give everyone a bowl to split it. Especially since I bet the rule was made for potentially dirty hands.

"We had to finish..."

"We had to finish all the milk in the cereal bowl. Like every drop. But we weren't allowed to pick up the bowl or be noisy. Imagine three little kids carefully trying to drink milk from a spoon without slurping or scraping the bowl while one scary AF mom watched us in silence."


Something about this just grosses me out. Probably because I just don't like milk in cereal most of the time.

Your childhood feels pretty normal in comparison, doesn't it? You bet it does. I feel for some of the people here. Their parents are truly something else.

Have some stories of your own? Tell us more in the comments below!

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