People Share The Sure Signs That You've Lost The Argument

People Share The Sure Signs That You've Lost The Argument

Arguing and fighting are basic parts of life. Sad isn't it?

We're humans, we are destined to disagree from time to time.

Or if you look at the state of Congress... it's just the natural order to be in constant battle.

The biggest problem about a fight is no one wants to admit they're wrong.

But inevitably, someone has to cave. And 8 times out of 10, there is a "right" party.

And when you're truly wrong, you know it.

But can you say it? Even for peace?

Redditormharris1405wanted to know about the times everyone could just feel they had no other option but to throw in the towel.

They asked:

"What are signs you lost the argument?"

I'm undefeated so I can't share in this conversation, but I'll listen . ;)


"You realize that your argument was based on a misunderstanding of the original point of concern." ~ Highwired1

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Point of Focus

"You're attacking the person you are arguing with instead of their argument." ~ Weirdguy149

"I was associated with a niche but decently large online gaming group for years and they HATED when people didn’t agree with what the general opinion was on anything."

"It always resorted to them trying to destroy the person’s image, even when the point of contention was completely non-consequential. It was wild happened to several friends of mine to the point they literally defamed him in a legal sense. Gotta love insecure nerds who can’t handle being wrong lmao." ~ RiceKrispieMeat

'How does that make sense?'

"Or when the entire argument stemmed from you not realizing how hostile your tone was. I had an argument like that with my sister a few months ago. I just asked 'How does that make sense?' because I genuinely couldn't understand her thought pattern but because the argument was already a bit heated and my tone made her interpret it as me outright calling everything she was saying bullshit, it just kept going. Had I realized what my voice made things sound like it would've been over pretty damn quickly." ~ ad240pCharlie

The Sky is Green

"Hard to tell. Sometimes people really have lost the argument. Other times it's just the irrationality of internet users that beat you into submission. After all, if 5 people are saying the sky is green. Then it doesn't matter how many times you say its blue, you wont win the argument. Because those people are dumb as f**k. And you cant win against that." ~ JailbaitBarbie


"Lying on the floor in a pool of your own liquids." ~ DognamedTurtle

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Lying on the floor. Yeah, I've been there. You?

Words matter

"Name throwing." ~ TheRealOgMark

"Ahh reminds me of this one guy that kept on calling me a fatty and replying to me every one of my comments because I said Jojo fans are toxic." ~ Jakeyloransen

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"When they start yelling or trying to include irrelevant things into the conversation. Like no, we were talking about topic A. You trying to bring up topic B, C & D doesn’t make me forget about topic A." ~ FlightWolf23949

"It makes it impossible to have an intelligent back and forth with the person. Like no, that’s a completely different thing, we’re talking about A. Stop changing the subject!" ~ hunybuny9000


"You move the goal posts." ~ spastichabits

"I sometimes do a poor job of describing my point. When I figure that out and make it clearer, that could look like I'm moving the goalposts. But otherwise, sure." ~ twopointsisatrend

"This, and you change the subject slightly. cough insults cough," ~ Fancy_Agent_8542

Life's too Short

"I get involved in the argument in the first place, I'm either just plain wrong but realise it way too late and can't admit because the other guy is being a c**t about it, or I'm right and the other guy won't admit it because he's being a c**t about it. Better to just let c**ts be c**ts life's too short 🤷♂️." ~ Philsredditaccount1


"You resort to weak comebacks and drag on the original argument rather than actually countering it." ~ VapertoweI

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Oh to be mean and witty. Such a gift.

But maybe let's try more truth and kindness going forward.

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