Romantics Reveal Which Romantic Comedy Tropes Should Be Retired IRL

Everyone knows it takes Hollywood years to catch up with reality. But, what is the deal? And how are our real lives still being affected by this?

u/MyTeaIsMighty asked:

Men, what is something women have seen in rom coms that you wish they would stop expecting you to do in real life?

Here were some answers.

And The Word Is....

If you say "no", then the answer is no and I'm going to stop trying.

I'm not going to spend the next week trying to convince you otherwise. That would be called harassment.


Don't Be Kind Of A Dick Tbh

Be charming and attractive despite my many objective faults.

Movie: can't get his life together, kind of a dick, but is Matthew McConaughey.

Real life: better get our lives together and not be such a dick, 'cause we don't look like Matthew McConaughey.

Also- hide secret talents that make us more attractive after we've known you for a while. If I could sing real good, our first date would be a karaoke bar, I wouldn't save that shit for after you thought I was gonna take that promotion across the country and sing for you at your sister's wedding.


No No No No No

I've started dating again after 11 years. The amount of ghosting and women who say they want to hang out, but always have an excuse is really hard to take and makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. After talking to some of my female friends, many of them say they've been guilty of this too because they are uncomfortable saying, "No," to men out of fear that they'll act angry, insulting or downright pathetic. I get that, but it sucks for us well adjusted, respectful men who can brush off a decline gracefully. Humans are messy.


I Don't Remember This RomCom

If I'm working late at this office to pay the mortgage and keep this whole thing going, please do not cheat on me with the artsy barista because he has a nice smile and talks to you.



Your love/relationship "saving/fixing" him. Even if you could fix Broody McBadboy, then he would lose all of his allure and become just another stable guy. I don't understand why this even exists.



Nice guys are just following the manual their parents/movies/pop-culture gave them to win a woman's affection. Compliment her, give her things, compliment her more, be a gentleman, and eventually this leads to fulfilling all your sexual fantasies, which is what you actually wanted all along.

They follow the manual and get more and more angry and bitter when it doesn't work out for them until their view of the world is so distorted that they see women as an enemy to fight or as prey to hunt.


Awks Af

Confess your feelings to someone already in a relationship. It seems like a lot of movies I have seen make this seem like the honorable thing to do for some reason, but I've never seen it work out irl.


Yelling Everywhere

When I was in college, I started dating a guy back home 3 hours away. I could tell he was a jealous type, but I've never cheated so I thought it wouldn't hard to handle. Within a couple weeks of dating he gave me an ultimatum not to talk to any of my guy friends I went to classes with. I told him no. When I went to help my best friend move out of her then-exes house he told me to choose her or him because she was taking up so much of my vacation time. I told him it was a stupid decision, but I tried to work more time in with him. Then two weeks later he gave me a promise ring when we had been dating for 3 months and I never told him I loved him. And he gave me another ultimatum that I had to wear it on my ring finger, despite it not fitting. I said no. A couple weeks later he broke up with me for not telling him about one of my exes 3 years prior in high school. I've never seen a man yell so much in just 4 months.

He tried to get back with me a month later but only if I hadn't been with another guy since him. I didn't even answer him and said goodbye. Most people who give ultimatums are the most insecure assholes ever. Have a conversation and compromise instead of putting someone on the spot. I luckily had enough self esteem at the time to know I didn't need that relationship so those manipulation tricks on me didn't really work.


Fancy Schmancy

You know how in some comedy romantic movies a couple will go out to a fancy dinner and the man will be really nervous and he will kind of confess a secret to the woman and then it turns out she has the same Secret and it ends up being something that brings them closer together?

Well, I can't remember the last time I could afford to go out to a fancy dinner so just forget about that part all together.


Sad Face

"Are you alright?" In a sad voice she'd say yes. So there's CLEARLY something wrong and there's absolutely no way of me knowing what. And she'll Never tell me what's wrong. Please. Just do. It pains me when there's something wrong and you don't tell me.


Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

Even so, there are very few teachers who haven't said something they've regretted when teaching a class.

Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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