People Share The Real Reason They're Currently Single

People Share The Real Reason They're Currently Single
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

I'm going to say something sad but true. Love is not destined for everybody. Read that back a few times. Take a deep breath and embrace it. There are other things in life besides falling in love and staying in love forever.

For starters, acknowledge other kinds of love in family, friends, or self. There isn't one definitive answer that puts you in the single category.

We have to stop seeing being single as a death sentence or a punishment. A lot of people embrace the freedom and solitude. We should be seeking advice from them more often.

Let's talk about the current state of being single in this dysfunctional world of relationships.

Redditoru/One_Sherbert_2797wanted to hear from the lovelorn and relationship searching, or happily alone, by asking:

Why are you single?

I am single. I am out of shape, so I'm uncomfortable and I trust no one in this Covid world. There are other reasons but those are the big two.

I'm Lost

Yeah I Guess Season 2 GIF by ScreamQueensGiphy

"Because I'm clueless when it comes to dating or even asking someone out."

- SalFunction12

I just can't...


- thefirstbrick

"Yeah, I like the idea of being in a relationship, but the thought of how much effort and potential pain I'd have to go through to find someone and maintain a relationship just makes me not want to even try. I don't want to be alone forever but being alone is so much safer and easier, you know?"

- captainnermy


"I don't understand people very well so I don't try to find anyone. It often feels like everyone else had a few extra days in school to learn a new language and I just missed it all. I'm not sure if one day I'll figure it out but at this point it doesn't seem likely I'll spontaneously develop and understanding of human emotion and communication."

- OnlyGrimLeader

It's Over

"Because I am totally in love with someone who will probably never feel the same way about me. I have actually told him already and he says he has feelings for me too, but he is not ready for a relationship and I don't think he ever will be. We have a history even though we were never together and I just think that we would have ended up together by now if it was in the cards."

- bubiou394

"Damn same. Moving on is a pain. If you've already told them and gotten rejected, then I wish you the best with the process. If you've not, take the leap friend. If you don't it'll be a constant what-if for you for as long as you know them."

- arc_alt

The Zone

Lonely Lamorne Morris GIF by New GirlGiphy

"I'm in the zone where the women I'm attracted to aren't attracted to me and I'm not attracted to the women who are attracted to me. T'is a painful existence."

- goblin_goblin

Get in a different zone. That is lesson one. Try it all from a different angle, it'll bring a fresh perspective.

Just Cuz

Season 5 Happy Dance GIF by FriendsGiphy

"Because why not. Person reading this, why do we place a lot more value on romantic relationships than with platonic friendships?"

- Curious_Lion_Cub

The Bonds that Break

"Just never happened tbh. (24, never have had a girlfriend) I don't have problems forming a connection and a bond with women, but I do think I may spend too much time just enjoying the feeling of a genuine friendship that I kinda forget to make a move and they end up either finding someone else or assuming I'm not interested. That and everyone just wants to blast through everything so quickly nowadays, like at times it feels like if you aren't DTF or have made a proper "move" by the end of the week then it's over, even when you have just met the person. It's obnoxious."

- TheDaileyGamer

Stay Sober

"I was intoxicated by love, chose the wrong person, ignored the warning signs and checked all the relationship boxes - marriage, child, house. Unfortunately, marriage didn't mean as much to the person I chose as it does to me. A family was all I ever wanted. My only goal, man."

- THC-Lab

we all do this...

"I'm scared."

- Admirable-Ad-3931

" can't swing the sword without letting your shield down. When you make to grab your chance you always open yourself up to failure. It's okay. everyone gets rejected... and in the end no one cares... we all do this... ask her out or the regret will kill you. Do it enough times and you got a gf."

- peet-suh

I need a Map

"I have no idea how dating works."

- Auto66

"I believe there's different ways of going about it. One is the slow way which is start off purely as friends and see if something more develops. The other is to directly ask the person out. In both cases the goal is to talk and do meaningful things together."

"Go to dinner, hang out and watch a movie, play sports or video games together. The goal is to find common ground or areas of interest and see if being together is better than not being together. Get to know the other person and along the way get to know yourself."

"If you like what you see, keep doing things together. My wife would try new things with me or for me and that is one of the things I love about her; I dated a girl before her that wouldn't and I chose to end that relationship in large part because of that. Even if you don't want to pursue the person romantically, hopefully you've ended up with a good friend."

- KuroiSuisei

Alone not Lonely

Saturday Night Live Nbc GIF by HULUGiphy

"I like being single."

- LordPimpernel

"Same. Love. It."

- TheRealZllim

Why is it all so complicated? Or do we just make it that way? Maybe cheers to being single.

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