People Break Down The Real Reason They're Happy To Be Single

People Break Down The Real Reason They're Happy To Be Single
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

A recent Reddit thread shed some light on the overwhelming benefits of being single.

Sure, finding a soulmate is wonderful; there are few things greater than true, generative love with another person. But let's face it, that's not always what a relationship actually looks like.

Rather, many relationships are fraught with stress, communication breakdowns, and reciprocal guilt. That can be a lot to carry.

And then there are the logistics. Having a partner means scheduling, pooling resources, and delegating emotions.

Some solo Redditors weighed in to celebrate their current individual status.

lifeasaten asked, "What is a reason you are glad to be single?"

A Mind At Ease 

"On a day to day basis, I struggle less with feelings of guilt."

"There are things one misses out on by not being in a relationship, but not beating yourself up over a snappish reply or a thoughtless gesture towards someone you care about are not among them."

-- Kipsydaisy

Becoming Present

"I'm not a huge fan of the single life but in the past when I've been in a relationship, I always felt like I needed to check my phone 24/7."

"I like being able to just chill and play video games, watch a movie, hang with friends without checking my phone consistently."

-- RealECW

One Thing at a Time 

"I'm learning to navigate the world through the lens of my own needs and desires without worrying how I'm being perceived by a partner."

"I do not believe I will be a good person to be in a relationship until I can do that- so I'm happy to struggle with it."

"Also I really love dancing poorly to LCD sound system while my dog watches with fear and judgement in his eyes. Not that I couldn't do that before... it's just so free to do it in my own apartment alone."

-- buttercupvibes

Be Sure to Be Ready 

"A lot of people I know who've ruined their lives did so over a lover."

"Whether trying to get one, keep them, or fighting someone else over them, relationships can be very dangerous if you're too emotionally immature."

-- BabySuperfreak

Tis the Season for Stress 

"Christmas is coming and I have no stress and it's not expensive" -- YourWifeNdKids

"Agreed. On top of loving that I can live alone, I just bought a house that needs furnished. So aside from the parents/siblings secret Santa, my money is mine to buy what I need and also share what I don't for a good cause."

"Donating to my local animal shelter this year." -- Kharyian

Plenty to Like 

"I'm naturally very empathetic and a people pleaser. It's a part of my brain that goes into hyperdrive when I'm with someone I like. It's not even conscious most of the time, but it can be exhausting."

"It's nice that my brain can turn that part off when I'm alone."

"Also I can wake up and go to sleep at any time I want without messing up my SO's sleeping patterns. And middle of the bed!"

"And not needing to check in with his plans."

-- Strikhedonia_

Pragmatic Gains 

"I can sleep in the middle of the bed with the fan on if I want. I can also leave something on the table and come back two weeks later and it is still there." -- GoatSculpture

"Conversely, I can clean off a table and two hours later it's still clean." -- my_meat_is_grass_fed

"Midnight flatulence without a care." -- MeanMrMaxwell

The Un-Obligated Social Life 

"No longer being forced to hangout with their friends." -- Rude_Attorney_9428

"Especially when the friends are one-dimensional pretentious turnips" -- goldenloxe

"In a relationship and the worst is having to meet their friends boyfriends. Absolute lottery of whether they're going to be boring or weird and you're stuck with them for hours." -- bwfcphil1

What You Need, When You Need To 

"I visited a friend in Nashville back at the beginning of the year. I'd been there for all of four hours when this little voice in my head went, 'You belong here.' So I'm moving there next summer."

"Probably wouldn't be able to do that if I wasn't single."

-- EllieD0113

A Clearer Mind to Work With 

"I'm glad to be single because I'm learning self-love peacefully. Being in a relationship while working on my self-worth definitely helps open parts of me that need work but also causes a lot of stress."

"Healing isn't easy but I'd rather do it where I don't have extra obstacles!"

-- christeeeeeea

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