People Break Down Which Professions Get An Unjustified Amount Of Hate

Having to work for a living is hard work.

Some jobs come with difficulty and two extra sides of stress.

So the last thing people need is unwarranted hate.

I'm so glad I work from home. Writing alone.

I have issues with me, but that I can deal with.

I do hate internet issues.

But that is warranted.

RedditorPM_ME_URFOODwanted to talk about the jobs where a ridiculous amount of vitriol is all part of a days work. They asked:

"What profession gets an unjustified amount of hate?"

Waiting tables was always the bane of my existence. Customers are rude. Staff is rude. It never ends.

Filthy Hours

Fail Just For Laughs GIFGiphy

"Trash men. They’re looked down on as dirty and uneducated, but they do a hard job that is absolutely critical to our public health."


You're Out!

"Youth sports officials. I umpire baseball as a hobby and the way parents act is deplorable."


"The parents on the other hand deserve loads of hate sometimes. I was a coach for soccer and volleyball while I was in the Air Force. You would have loved to be a sports official for our leagues at our base. If a parent got sh**ty they are immediately ejected, no questions, and reported to whoever is their higher authority. It almost never happened."


Behind the Counter

"Any customer (client/patient) facing job. They get the abuse that stems from managements decisions, mistakes and incompetence."


"I did customer service for automotive companies at a call center for years. People get so unhinged, between dealerships, management, people calling into the wrong department, angry customers who were itching for a fight over a rental car. The job paid for five free therapy sessions a year, but honestly, it would take every ounce of restraint not to break some days."

"You aren't allowed to defend yourself or hang up, you can't transfer them to supervisors for a call, you technically work for a third party company that exists to keep the customer from ever actually speaking to the corporation. It was the worst job I've ever had, and that's coming from someone who used to work at a seafood processing plant."


I'm Hungry

"Food service. The workers have to eat too, you know."


"Working fast food sucked. Not because the job was hard. But because people were *icks. For like, no reason. Working in an actual kitchen also sucked. Not because the work was hard, but because you never did it quick enough and your boss was a *ick for like no reason. But at least you didn't deal with customers."


Too much stress...

Jim Carrey Omg GIFGiphy

"Defense attorneys. People hate them because they defend violent criminals. However, as one lawyer put it, their job is not just to defend these people; their job is also to make sure that the cops did their job correctly."


I've always wondered about defense attorneys. How do they reconcile their morals?

They're Smart Too

will birth control GIFGiphy

"I live in Germany and currently in my (hopefully) last semester of university to become a pharmacist (4 years of university, one practical year and three exams of state required). A lot of people here think pharmacists are only cashiers and don’t know we get a scientific education. And God help me if I question a doctor's decision."


Hard Hours

"I usually just lurk as a guest, but I made a Reddit account just for this. Cooks for public schools. They are constantly overworked, underpaid, and disrespected. Most schools have only a few ovens and microwaves, so school chefs have to either jam unsafe amounts of frozen food into ovens and microwaves, which is a giant fire hazard, or work non-stop from early morning."


Green Thumbed

"Plant breeders and plant geneticists. Imagine you're a plant nerd and you spend your life studying genetics so you can figure out how to improve food crops. Like, to make them yield more, taste better, be healthier, survive drought, etc. But on the internet, you're apparently trying to poison the world and control the food supply."



"Veterinarians. My doctors CONSTANTLY get yelled at or called heartless when, for instance, we refer them to a hospital more suited to care for the animal than us. Like bro we didn't just tell you know we are giving you options and trying to ensure you seek the proper care. Don't call me a heartless b**tard for that crap."


No Fun Involved

Angry Neil Flynn GIFGiphy

"Janitors. Trash-related work. Sewage workers. Plumbing."'


I feel for everyone in these jobs. They deserve better.

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