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People Break Down The Pettiest Thing A Neighbor Has Ever Done To Them

Are you really this ridiculous?

Jesus said "Love thy Neighbor," but Jesus didn't have to live with mine.

Who amongst us hasn't been saddled with a less than desirable person to commune with on the daily?

Or who among us is that neighbor? Some neighbors make you doubt humanity in their downright obnoxious, petty nonsense.

The way people can behave in the cul-de-sac makes "Desperate Housewives" look like a Disney cartoon.

Redditoru/Collins71514wanted to get the dish on everybody's neighborhood dramas by asking... What's the most petty thing a neighbor has done to you?

I've mostly been blessed with great neighbors, well, quiet neighbors, which is what makes them great. Unlike one of my best friends who's daily wars with her neighbor, who blasts all sorts of music day in and day out, should be a sitcom. And when she calls the police, he finds petty ways to make her life miserable. Small gestures that just say... I suck.

Low Life

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"Stole the windshield wipers off of my car. I caught him on a security camera stealing them one night."

"Next day I went over to his house and told that some low life stole my damn wipers. The look he gave me was priceless, don't think he liked me calling him a low life. After I told him I had him on video he goes fine take them back and that was the last time I spoke to him."

- snoozer854

Keys to the Suite

"A dorm neighbor was a huge fool and didn't care for anyone in the suite. So he did something like tip over his sub woofer, turn the music up and left for the weekend. The entire crew could feel it from our beds. I guess he didn't know that RA's have keys to the rooms. Maybe he also didn't know that you could get ejected from dorms."

- GirlsPMYourSpreadA

The Worst of the Worst

"Lived in a neighborhood for about a year that was also home to one of the city council members. This witch would send notices to everyone for anything she didn't like and she'd try and sway the council to crack down on those she deemed the "worst" offenders."

"We earned a spot at the top of her craplist because we put our garbage cans at the curb in the afternoon rather than the evening. None of us were going out after dark and dealing with rats springing out of the cans like tiny, flea-ridden missiles. We didn't stop because legally, we weren't doing anything wrong."

"She was a stickler for making the neighborhood look fabulous even though most of the houses were in crappy condition and as mentioned earlier, the entire city had (probably still has) a really bad rat problem. So every week, we'd get a new notice from her, though she always tried to say it was from the council as a collective. Yes, she hand delivered that crap."

- rarestereocats

He's Harmless...

"Wacko neighbor was convinced that we had stolen his lawnmower. Of course we didn't. He ranted and raved about this but we just tuned him out because we thought he was a harmless crackhead.

One day he comes over in a panic and asks to borrow our lawnmower because his landlord was coming and if the lawn wasn't mowed, he'd be evicted."

"At the time we lived on a dead end street with six houses, what was the harm? He mowed his lawn then promptly hid it in his back shed and denied ever borrowing it. Before it could escalate to anything, he was arrested and we got our lawnmower back."

- Itsjustmeagainmom

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The Skimmer!

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"I had an a**hole neighbor who would skim the dead bugs, dead frogs, and debris from his pool and dump them in my yard."

"I found out when I head a 'tap tap tap' noise and looked over to see him reaching his pool skimmer over his fence to knock the rotting stuff into my yard.

So later when I found dog crap in my yard, I picked it up with a shovel and yeeted it over the fence into his pool."

- FansForFlorida

See... people are crazy. You can't be sure who is dwelling beside you. That's why it's a prickly situation to call out the neighbors. Let's see who else is suffering.


Wtf GIF by Where's My Challenge?Giphy

"Stole my trash bin because theirs got repossessed for lack of payment. Dumb a**es thought I wouldn't know it was them. Trash collection company took my old trash bin away from them, gave me a brand new one, and gave me a credit for having to deal with all this bullcrap."

- abguy19

Have we even met?

"I had a neighbor, who I had never met, continue to throw dead animal carcasses in my yard. This went on for several months. Rabbit. Rabbit. Possum. Squirrel. Raccoon. You name it. One day, I witnessed him doing it and this was how I determined who was actually performing this strange act. He was probably in his 60's. He opened his garage door, walked out with a pitchfork and something dead on it, then proceeded to yuck it in my front lawn."

"I waited until that night, picked it up and hurled it onto his car's windshield.

He never did it again. My other neighbor, who I eventually met, said he had some feud with the previous owner of my house. I guess he never realized I wasn't the guy he feuded with."

- sump___erson

I Noticed

"We had our lot assessed and they put stakes in the ground on the property line. She pulled them up and moved them two inches over. It was very noticeable because they also made a small spray painted line along the stakes. I guess she didn't think we would notice that the stakes were no longer on the line."

- discostud1515


"My neighbhor would put on house music at loud volume (for his stereo) then leave for the night. It was mildly annoying in certain parts of my home.

So I bought some cerwin vega 15s, and played the same song back. Literally the same song, over and over and over..while I went on vacation for 4 days.

I'm not sure who was the bigger fool but we both stopped doing it after that."

"Later when he was throwing a party he asked if he could use my speakers cause "they loud af".

Edit: whoa lots of love!!!

For anyone wondering they were AT100s like these. Vega makes good ish. Highly recommend."

- Syst0us

Still Salty

Salty GIF by memecandyGiphy

"I was at this neighbourhood treasure hunt when I was around 11. It was in a big park with lot of trees and rocks, parking lot and a community centre next to it. Me and my neighbours kid both figured out final clue and sprinted towards the finish, only for me to 'accidentally' bumped by his dad and fall.

Still salty about it till this day."

- f__h

My Land

"He's salty about a land survey that was done decades before I moved in. We have a decent neighborly relationship in general, but when I moved in he tried to convince me that a whole section of my yard was his. Fortunately, the previous owner had warned me he might try this.

Now we rent the house out. Every time a new tenant moves in, he walks the property with them and tries to move the property line again. Very petty, and so consistent!"

- pachatacha

Thank the Storm

"Our neighbors CONSTANTLY complained for like 2 years about a tree in the back yard that looked like it was going to fall. They threatened to sue us if it did. Thing is, the tree was clearly on their property. Like by 5 feet."

"Then one day during a strong storm, a huge, seemingly strong & healthy tree, smack dab in the middle of their front yard blows over onto their house. We went over the next day and helped them cut it up & remove it. They could barely make eye contact with us & never said thank you. They did shut up about the other tree though, that's still standing to this day."

- Prossdog

Sandra Sucks

"I had a neighbor who literally thought she owned the actual street and had some big beef with my landlord (she'd sued him several times for things that never made any sense)."

"My landlord installed cameras because she took him to court so often and he needed proof that she was making stuff up.

She would mark down the time that I or any friends of mine arrived at or left my house and would sit in her driveway watching us.

Once, my landlord was going out of town and told me I was welcome to use his grill and have friends over (he lived next door to me). I did so, inviting maybe 5 friends, max, and we had a nice, mellow cook out. No loud music, no drunken debauchery or anything like that."

"True to form, the nosy neighbor called my landlord and told him that she was calling her lawyer and threatening legal action over our small party. Thankfully my landlord had footage of our gathering and deemed it all totally fine and completely within the bounds of what he'd invited me to do.

She sucked. Freak you, Sandra."

- Violinist-Rich

It's US!

"We were sort of that neighbor a few years ago. We were in the process of building our new house and had everything staked out before any of the groundwork started. I guess our neighbor thought we were too close to their property and had some city official come out to measure and in the process delayed our contractor.

Turns out we were 1 foot further away from their property than necessary and so, without even bothering to ask, our annoyed contractor picked up all the stakes and moved them 1 foot closer to the neighbor."

- RxHumdinger

"too close to her fence"

"There was a big grassy park in the middle of our cul-de-sac that she insisted she owned entirely. It was part owned by every house. She would leave nasty notes on cars parked on the grass, cars parked "too close to her fence," and yelled at my husband and I when we were lighting fireworks on the beach a good 10' away from her house (they were little dinky things that definitely burned out before they got anywhere near her property). She sucked."

- MinagiV

Clean Up!

"People in the building were complaining that he didn't pick up after his dog. All of the apartments except mine were accessible behind a security door. Mine opened right onto the porch.

One day I came home from work and saw he wrote this HUGE note in thick Sharpie that said, "Clean up after your dog!"

He must have told the neighbors it was me, and left that note so that they could all see it really was me. To prove his point.

Except it wasn't me. It was him."

- waterbottlejesus

So Loud!

dance neighbors GIFGiphy

"My neighbors play loud music and yell at each other quite frequently. Recently they realized they can turn the stereo into a PA and now scream obscenities at each other through the microphone. Lovely."

- ThisIsNotWorkingOut

Tree Down

"He had a tree in his yard that threw a lot of shade on my side, which eventually killed everything that was growing there. So I spent a lot of time and money to plant a beautiful shade garden. He watched me the entire time, asking questions about the plants and how much they cost. The following spring, he cut the freaking tree down."

- darkpixie1

Water People

"Water people were out checking meters. Water guy asked me where our meter was - showed him where it was at.

Buttpicker neighbor comes out of his house hollering to the world that was HIS METER and I was not to touch it. We shared the in-ground meter thingie, two separate meters. Water guy had a good laugh and instructed the neighbor that it was indeed where my meter was, neighbor was embarrassed at his own behavior and went back into his house but watched us for a bit.

They were sort of weird. Always remember that they smelled like dirty bedsheets. #andersonisland"

- frenchkids

Leave the Birds

Birds Chickens GIF by Real Food RNGiphy

"Poison the area where she knew our chickens grazed. Right at the fence line, on our side. And yes, one of our chickens died because of that.

Edit: We only owned hens, not roosters."

- HoloF0X

What happened to the days where people brought over apple pies with the welcome wagon? Did they ever exist? Neighbors can be sketchy so... get security cameras. Lesson learned

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We all have that moment where someone we know says something so completely absurd, the only response we think of is 'WTF is wrong with you?'

Sometimes, it's something woefully inaccurate that you can't wrap your head around the fact that someone believes that.

Othertimes, it's something completely offensive and you regret your association with that person.

My college roommate was a girl I knew from my high school. I didn't know her too well, but we had some big things in common, so I figured it'd be fun to live with her.

This girl was half-Korean and talked a lot about racist people. At first, I let her rant, figuring maybe she or someone in her family faced some racism. I faced some myself, and I agreed with most of the things she said about racists. Eventually, however, I realized she was equating the word 'racist' with the word 'white.'

I spoke to her once, telling her she can't use 'racist' and 'white' interchangeably. She agreed to stop doing that, but within a few days, she started doing it again. She was a very bright girl, so I was a little concerned about this, especially since her own dad was white and was possibly the nicest man in the world. Not to mention, this made her and her siblings half-white too. Did that mean they were all half-racist?

I stuck by her for a while, but when she started saying things about what she wanted to do to racist people (once again using the word 'white' instead of 'racist'), I realized I couldn't be around her anymore. She couldn't talk about anything else after a while, and every time she spoke, I wanted to say, 'WTF is wrong with you?'

We did not room together the next year.

Redditors have stories similar to mine (and some even crazier), and they are eager to share.

It all started when a Redditorasked:

"What did the person do/say that made you go "what the f**k is wrong with you?"

How To End A Friendship

"In college I used to kill time between classes hanging out with a guy who was from the same redneck county as myself. We didn’t really have much else in common, but he was nice enough and seemed eager to socialize so I figured why not. I wasn’t overly social myself and didn’t know a whole lot of people."

"One day we decided to go somewhere off-campus, and he drove us. While driving, on an interstate mind you, he proceeds to show me his handgun that he kept in his truck - not in a menacing way, but in a “Ain’t that cool?” way."

"I was not immediately frightened, but I respect firearms enough to recognize we are going like 60-70mph on an interstate in daylight, and nothing good can happen in this scenario. I calmly asked him to put it away because I was not comfortable in this situation at all. He then tells me “Oh it’s not loaded” and presses the gun to his head before pulling the trigger."

"Thank f**k he was right, but still it was a wild and frightening display of reckless disregard for his own life and mine for that matter in the event that he’d accidentally killed himself while driving us. I didn’t hang out with him much after that, certainly didn’t get in a car with him."

– omjf23

"“It’s not loaded” famous last words of many an idiot."

– GloInTheDarkUnicorn

The Worst Kind Of People

"When my dad was in the nursing home, they weren't running certain expenses, like ambulance rides, through his insurance. When I took over his financials, he was tens of thousands in medical debt that shouldn't have ever been charged to him in the first place. He was in numerous collections, and his credit score was tanked."

"When I complained to the nursing home director, he said, "Well, it's not like he's going to be buying a house or a car!" Then he laughed."

"My dad was paralyzed from the waist down and needed lifelong care, so he was never going to leave the nursing home. Even though he was technically correct, I gave him the "WTF is wrong with you look." Then I complained to HIS boss and he got canned a couple a weeks later. My dad's insurance was fixed pretty quick, too."


"“Sorry, what was funny about that? Could you please explain.”"

– v3n0mat3


"MIL told my wife she should divorce me bc I googled whether a lasagna should be covered with foil while cooking."

– Struggle-Silent

"This is my first laugh of the thread lmao wtf."

– koreantrvp

"It actually ruined this entire trip. It was at my BIL’s wedding, which was only close family (siblings + parents) and they had the caterer make a lasagna for an evening dinner."

"Father of the bride was gonna pop it in the oven and asked if it should be covered. I googled lasagna cooking instructions and said yes it should be covered and cooked at this temp. MIL said absolutely not!"

"Me and the father of the bride kinda gave each other a look and he covered it. MIL was furious and texted my wife that I was an a hole and she should divorce me before we had kids."

– Struggle-Silent

Hostile Work Environment

"Boss at old job told the team we needed to ‘get used to a healthy level of conflict, fear and anxiety in the workplace.’ I dipped so fast after that."

– Prestigious-Energy69

"Similarly, a boss told me that I owed him my loyalty because he was paying me."

– Kylearean

How To End A Relationship

"A girl I was with while we were still together just looked at me while I was driving to her house and said.” You know I would get over you faster than you’d get over me” I was like …… Tf did you just say?"

– omega91301

"Huh. And just like that I'm over you."

– Pineapple_Spenstar

"Honestly, that would absolutely do it for me. When I was younger, I would be stupid and hurt and argue. I'm past 50 and I got no time for that nonsense."

– Terpsichorean_Wombat

There Are Other Ways To Stave Off Boredom

"I was DD for some buddies who wanted to go to a particular dance club in Baltimore. They're all hammered, it's too loud and we've been there for several hours. Casually an older woman next to me chats me up and notices my eyes are nearly crossing from boredom. I explained what I was doing there and casually (stupidly) mentioned I'm a bit bored. This psycho BITES ME on the chest! Afterward says "Well ya ain't bored now, are ya??""

– Mike7676

"Well, were you bored after that?"

– DontWannaSayMyName

"I must say, I was not!"

– Mike7676

That Goes Both Ways!

"I'm a man who works with kids, and when I started this job, I was talking to one of my old coworkers about how every once in a while I'll get weird looks for being a man working with kids and my coworker said I deserved it because some men can't be trusted with kids. I was shocked and she went on to say that I did it to myself and deserve to be questioned about it. I immediately stopped talking to her."

– Dolhedew

"What? What in the actual f**k? Doesn’t she know there are women who can’t be trusted with kids?"

– Anonymoosehead123

That Escalated Quickly

"The lady that accused my kids of cutting the line. (They hadn't, I was watching). When I went to ask her what was wrong, she told me to go back to my own country with that sh*t. (I was born in Massachusetts.)"

"The line was to pet dogs at a Renaissance Fair."

– pasafa

Everything All At Once

"While alone with a coworker, he told me that "women in the work place will lead to the decay of the fabric of society" to me. A woman. He also asked me out, got an attitude when I didn't say yes and continues to walk around with huge incel energy. He always complains that he has no one to go home to yet refuses to look at himself as a possible reason."

– Nopeferatu31

"Sounds like they should learn something from the phrase, "if you meet one a**hole, they're the a**hole. If everyone you meet is an a**hole, you're the a**hole.""

– tmpope123


"I told a coworker my wife had died."

"Her response: "You're one of those bald middle aged guys with a dead wife.""

"Me: "Yeah.""

– WalrusCello

"I want to think this was a wholesome thought that came out wrong. An awkward attempt at dark humor."

– ThisUsernameIsTook


"Had an otherwise normal co-worker who was completely convinced windmills will cause the earth to stop spinning."

– Shadowmant


– Torvaun

These are all crazy 'WTF is wrong with you' stories, but that last one blew my mind in 'how is it possible people think that could be true' sort of way!

black and red tool box

Tekton on Unsplash

One of the possible wonders of adulthood is home ownership. But homes come with so many things that can break.

And the last thing you want is a nonfunctioning furnace when temperatures dip below zero or no water when you're covered in dirt and grime.

That's what routine maintenance is for—to make sure things work when you need them.

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