Pet Owners Reveal The Most Ridiculous Thing Their Animal Has Ever Eaten

Pet Owners Reveal The Most Ridiculous Thing Their Animal Has Ever Eaten

Pets enrich our lives and provide cuddles and unconditional lives when we need them.

They also seem to do everything they can to make our lives harder, especially at the least opportune moments.

Eating random crap they happen to find seems to be a fairly common theme, as anyone who has lived with a Labrador Retriever will likely attest.

Reddit user u/Less_Talk_More_Rock asked:

"Pet owners of Reddit, what ridiculous things have your pets eaten?"


My dog loves to pull things out of the laundry- usually towels, but sometimes underwear- and eat the tags off them.

She leaves the rest of the item untouched, but the tags have to go.

Occasionally she'll sneak a sock from the laundry, and she pretends to chew on it but it's usually unharmed when I get it back.



My sheepadoodle has stolen and eaten an entire pound cake and the plastic it was wrapped in.



Loose strands of my hair. Now, I have long hair, and when my cat eats a strand of it, later, when he poops, the poop ends up stuck to his butt because of the strand of hair hasn't been fully pooped out. He panics and runs across the house, trying to smear it off, and we have to catch him. We have a specific pair of scissors just for dealing with this -.-



We had a tuxedo cat who loved peppers. My mom would bring home peppers and leave them on a table. Next thing you knew, they were on the floor and he was crunching away.




I've posted about this before, but I got my dog Snoopy when I was 10 years and ever since he was a puppy he had this love for lettuce. He would go absolutely nuts for it and so whenever I had a sandwich or a burger I would give him some of my lettuce.

Over the years it became a ritual that whenever I prepared any food that involved lettuce for myself, I would grab extra lettuce for him so I could toss it to him as I ate.

He passed away 4 years ago after almost 17 years together, but I still find myself grabbing that bit of extra lettuce for him.



My dog ate a sock whole and it came out that way too



My cat ate confetti and barfed in my dad's work shoes.





My dog ate a whole mole once. Teeth, claws, everything. Was constipated for 3 days and on arriving at the vet, crapped all over the floor. With the problem solved, we apologized, turned around, and went home.



My dog once ate a tv remote batteries and all, was fine. She followed it up by eating the dessert section of a cook book



My 11-pound dog once ate a pound of dark chocolate and somehow didn't die. That was like 10 years ago and he's still with us.


Your dog was almost 10% chocolate after that. Crazy.



My friend's dog ate a used condom from the trash can. To make matters worse, it got stuck on the way out and she had to pull a it used condom from her dog's butt at the dog park.



We were hiking. Suddenly he ran off the trail and starting harfing down on something. It was a giant fresh bear turd. Zero hesitation. He saw, he pounced, and he gorged.

We saw the bear about 50 yards out, too.

-User Account Deleted


A power strip. Yes you heard me right, an entire power strip...


"Puppy. POWER!"



My friend adopted two mastiffs. One day, the female broke down the gate and proceeded to eat an entire bag of RAW sweet potatoes, then went on to have bright orange diarrhea all over their bedroom (which the dogs were not allowed to be in). I can't help but giggle when I think about it.



My labrador used to steal light bulbs and crunch them because they're ... crunchy? I guess.. It didn't get hurt doing it but we had to start putting lightbulbs in safer places just in case , It also ate a razor ... didn't get hurt either

I have no idea how a labrador's stomach works but man is it sturdy.


Sounds like a Labrador! We've had labradors that have chewed through doors, floors etc. Our current lab ate the wireless modem one day and now nothing surprises me anymore


My black lab ate an ENTIRE bag of instant cement. He's fine now. Weird pup.



I took my two year old Golden Retriever to the vet for a hard stomach. They called me back at midnight after they removed 9 lbs of sand and dirt from his stomach. $2,500



My cat ate a lizard too quickly, because he barfed it up in a chunky pile on carpet. The head was on top, f**king staring at me when I discovered this.



I had a dog that ate a frog once. When he pooped the next day, the smell cleared out a two block radius.



Our Great Dane ate so many things. The two TV remotes was probably the least problematic.

The 3 pounds of butter in one day was the worst to clean up later that night.
The half bathroom door was a bit of a pain in the butt to live with.

When she ate the high chair tray (the whole thing - not just chewed), the manufacturer graciously replaced it for us after we emailed.



My cat spilled a melted candle all over himself. No burns but warm wax covered his fur. We were freaking out how to shave him. We went and bought clippers. When we got back he licked all the wax off. We thought we was going to die but he acted like nothing happened.


People are required to have a license to drive, fish, and have certain jobs.

So it boggles my mind that people aren't required to have a license to have kids.

Some of the cruelest and most vicious things I've ever heard were words uttered by a parent to a child.

As an adult, I was haunted by a few thigs.

I can't imagine the scaring of an adolescent.

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