People Who've Gotten Divorced And Married Their Lover Share Their Stories

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People Who've Gotten Divorced And Married Their Lover Share Their Stories
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I don't know if it's really a smart decision to wed the person you've been cheating with. The whole relationship is tainted from the jump. It all begins with scandal and lies, those are not promising ingredients in the beginning of a love story. But the "heart" wants what it wants. So who are we to judge? There has to be a bunch of great tales that discuss what happens when the forbidden aspect of your "relationship" just becomes... regular sex and marriage. Let's find out. How exciting.

Redditor u/Mexican_Tragedienne wanted to hear about some love stories that started off a tad scandalous by asking.... Married men of Reddit who got divorced to marry their lover, how did it turn out?

Too Young to Start


My father left my mother when I was one for another woman. He married her a few years later. He and my mother only spoke well of each other, shared custody well, and generally it worked out pretty well for everyone. That was a lot less common at the time (I'm pushing 50 now). Both my mother and father have been remarried for more than 40 years now. They both talk about the dangers of getting married too young.


Dad's Lessons

My dad had an affair when I was four. He divorced my mom and married the other woman. It only lasted 6 months before she divorced him and took half his stuff because he refused to give up split custody of the kids. Turns out she's done this type of thing at least twice before to other guys.

He then spent the next 12 years of his life going through other women, with relationships lasting less than a year at their longest. He lost his job, moved into a studio apartment, had another kid with a woman who then moved halfway across the country and took his custody rights.

But then last year he met a woman completely different from anyone he had dated before. They're married now and own a small organic farm in a small town. Him and my mother get along great and never argue. It's nice to see his story and realize that things are only crappy for a while. It may be a long while, but it will get better.


A New Attempt

This happened to my folks. Father left and attempted a relationship with his affair partner when I was a teen. It was short lived and volatile.

Old man left the country for a time. Eventually came back. Unfortunately, I think the series of choices left him quite depressed and he resorted to alcohol. He is in his late 60's and has remained alone.

On the plus side I think my mom's way happier on her own than she was in the marriage.


All the Women

My dad and mom married at 29 and 31. Has me shortly after.

Me at 5: Dad breaks up with mom and has baby with woman #2. Dad and mom reconcile and move back in together. Mom is accepting of new child.

Me at 10: Mom and dad still married. Woman #2 moves in with us. I catch dad making out with woman #3 (mother of childhood best friend)

Me at 15: Dad and mom divorce. Woman #2 leaves. Dad moves in with woman #4. She has son my age and daughter who is 17.

Me at 18: Woman #3 visits and dad has sexual relations with her. She leaves and is never seen again.

Me at 20: Dad marries woman #4. I can see he's hesitant about it.

Me at 21: Woman #4 runs away across country. Dad has child with woman #2 again. Moves in with her. She says child isn't his, he leaves her and starts living in RV. Child is definitely his.

Me at 22: Woman #4 returns. Lives in RV with him.

Me at 25: They buy home together. Woman #4 runs away again, never returns.

Me at 29: Woman #5 now introduced.

Me currently 30: Woman #5 moves in with dad.

All the while, my mom has remained single since I was 15 and is living with her sister to this day.


The Christian

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My bio dad had an affair and left my mom to marry the other woman riiiiight before I was born.

Refused to pay child support or acknowledge me other than to tell my mom if she ever went after him for child support, he'd fight for full custody and would win since he was a newly married "Christian" man and my mom was a single army soldier. My mom remarried when I was a tween and that man is my Dad, the greatest Dad I must say.


She Too Much....

My uncle was a Christian minister married for 24 years when he cheated on her with his old high school girlfriend and they got divorced. The new wife has spent the last decade and a half trying to make up for her guilt. She is utterly convinced that the family resents her so she overcompensates for everything, so now no one likes her, but not because of the infidelity, but because she's freaking irritating.

As for my cheating uncle, well, he now has a joint couples Facebook page where his wife can see everything he posts. She's also his voice-box now. Apparently they're very happy though.


Boy Bye!!

My soon to be ex-husband came home on a Wednesday and said he wanted a divorce. Packed a bag and left me with 5 children. I had been suspecting he was having an affair. He's with the woman now that i suspected. A coworker. Apparently, she also left her husband. It was hard but I'm so thankful she has to deal with his sorry butt now. The children and I are in a much better place.


You Single Right?

My dad cheated on his wife with my mom. My parents stayed together until I was 3, then split up, but reconciled a few years later, married, and stayed together until my dad died in 1990.

My grandpa married a pregnant woman (not his) who only wanted to get married so her baby would have a name. He was sent to England during WWII, and met a cute Scottish girl who became my grandma.

She was badly injured in a car accident years later, and Grandpa took up with the next door neighbor while Grandma was slowly (11 months) dying in the nursing home. When she died, he married the neighbor, who became the only grandma I knew.

So yeah, when I met my husband, I made damn sure he was really and truly single first.


A Family Mess

My mom left my Brothers dad (they were married) for his brother, had a baby with other brother, didn't last more than 6 mos, BUT my brother and sister are also cousins so there is that.... i also have a different dad who is unfortunately NOT related to the other 2 LOL.


Bro really?

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My friend's brother cheated on his first wife and then married the other women, cheated on the second wife and then married THAT other women. Dude, maybe this whole marriage thing ain't your bag.



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