'Parking Sideways Across Two Spots' And Other People Who Are The Worst

'Parking Sideways Across Two Spots' And Other People Who Are The Worst

Everybody does things that annoy others, but some behaviors are universally irritating.

Reddit user u/Coltyn03 asked:

"What is the worst kind of person?"


I live with someone who can't handle being wrong. When I ask her a question she doesn't know the answer to, she will bullsh*t an answer instead of saying, "I don't know." When I find out that she lied and confront her about it, she gets defensive and complains that everyone always tries to outsmart her.

She's my worst kind of person.



Anyone who says "God works in mysterious ways/has a plan" to someone in mourning. Shut up. That's not comforting to pretty much anyone outside of your church.

"You'll change your mind" in regards to having kids. I have 2. I love them. I would die for them. I would also probably resent them a lot if I hadn't planned/wanted to have them but did anyway. Kids don't deserve to be resented for being born, and CF people don't deserve to be nagged about a huge life decision they have already decided on.



The people that don't remember what they order when they go to a restaurant and the food is being served and they just sit there with a blank stare while the waiter holds a scalding hot plate waiting for someone to claim it.



People who leave time on the microwave.

*why can't you clear the time it's just one damn button*


That burns me the hell up. WHY? Why is it so hard to just hit clear?



People that think its funny to disrespect teachers.


Teachers don't get paid enough for the sh*t they have to deal with.



People who dismiss other people's interests and hobbies and thinks everyone should enjoy what they enjoy. Guess what, everyone has their own likes, if you think it's stupid that I like to play videogames then too bad, idgaf about your opinion.


The kind of people whose only version of humor is "jokingly" insulting other people.



People with no remorse. No sorrys, no apologies instead they get mad and blame others or worse, you.



People who walk down the middle of the parking lot lane at roughly 1 mph while on their phone, oblivious to the world.



People who park their Infiniti in two spaces at once and then just leave their shopping cart on the island instead of putting it where it belongs, which is about a 10 second walk from their car.

Yeah, I saw that, lady.


One time while about to pull into the grocery store parking lot, some guy pushing his cart crossed in front of my car, stopped, took his two bags of groceries out of the cart, and then just... left it there. Flabbergasted level > 9000.


Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

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Always making for a memorable story.

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