People Break Down Which Things Everyone Claims Are Healthy But Actually Aren't At All

People Break Down Which Things Everyone Claims Are Healthy But Actually Aren't At All
Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Between articles on the internet and advertisements on television, there are enough claims about the latest, greatest healthy option to make your head spin.

And of course, many of those are obviously fake. They clearly rely on pseudoscientific claims pedaled purely in service of an overpriced, obscure product.

But beyond those obvious scams, there are some more accepted myths too. These off-base claims of healthiness were the subject of a recent thread on Reddit.

Redditor player11123 asked:

"What is something that people say is healthy but it's not?"

Many people talked about how a few healthy ingredients can't necessarily stand up to a slew of other detractors.

"Naturally" Horrifying

" If it's natural, it's good for you.' I want to scream every time someone says this to me." -- CrunchityFrog

"Give them a nice tall cup of 100% natural, gluten-free, zero fat, no added sugar, non-GMO, activated Central American dart frog poison. Makes a great juice cleanse." -- Symnestra

There's An Apple In There Somewhere

"Many breakfast orientated drinks, while the packaging is green, shows fruit and uses the word 'fresh,' it is filled with sugars and/or calories."

-- DrVagax

Doused In Oil

"Salads in restaurants. Some are worse in calories, sugar and fat than a burger." -- Chola0921

"THIS. I was at an IHOP (surprise surprise) one time and their seemingly innocent spinach salad ended up being worse than the majority of their menu items." -- blukirbi

Others pointed to the dietary fads that, for some reason, still sweep the nation.

Well That's a Relief

"Anything that calls itself a 'cleanse' is bullsh** unless it's claiming to clean the outside of your body."

"Also, you do not have any amounts of poop rotting in your bowels. If you did, you'd have diverticulitis and you'd be going to the doctor or hospital."

-- FatherPyrlig

Purging Something, At Least

"Activated charcoal. You put it in your toothpaste and you're stripping the enamel, you drink it and any supplements or medications are out the window. You only need to ingest charcoal when you are heavily poisoned!!"

"Also, anything that claims to 'purge toxins' or 'clean x organ' is just a laxative."

-- SelfBoundBeauty

Puzzling This Is Even An Issue


"And no, collecting your pee in a tupperware, and soaking your foot in it did not cure your infection."

-- thisbuttonsucks

More Issues With Urine

"Cow urine. I'm from India and politicians/leaders have supported campaigns claiming that cow urine can cure diseases, cancer, COVID, and much more."

-- NitroJ7

And some people took the question in a different direction. They identified the "healthy" life behaviors and outlooks that we're spoon-fed from a a young age.

Confrontation Does Not Equal Abuse

"Fighting with your significant other. Obviously having disagreements or occasionally arguing is fine but I've seen so many people who think completely disrespecting their partner during an argument is a normal part of a relationship"

-- captainbuttwhole

Sprinting to Nowhere

"The grind. Hustling. Getting that bread. It's an unending strive for the impossible. You are wasting your life away on the impossible. Take a step back and realize what you're missing out on."

"You don't need to be rich to sit bad and relax."

-- Gausgovy

So Hard to Accept

"Couples who want a divorce but stay together for the kid, having divorced parents would be so much better for the kid than growing up with parents who always fight/ don't love each other."

-- ImmediateRock9089

So if any of these are a trusty dusty approach to health and well-being for you, maybe it's time to think twice.

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