People Share What Their Hometown Is Infamously Known For

Home is where the story is....

Home sweet home. Home... that word has so many meanings big and small. The places we hail from and the people we share that world with are attached to significant moments of life. And the town you grew up in holds a history we each play a character in the story of. Whether it's a story of something silly and everyday or a story of infamy that is the centerpiece of the next Oscar winning documentary; we should all know and embrace our 'Hometown Glory.'

Redditor /xPoisonGirlx wanted some people of the population to let loose some of some secrets asking... What is your hometown infamously known for?

That's one way out... 


The local football/Soccer team lied and said one of the players died so they didn't have to play a match. (Players wanted to go to a stag do) There was a minutes silence for him and everyone thought he was dead. He was fine and just went home to Spain. This was like 2 days ago lol. Google it. Clubs name is Ballybrack fc. It's been all over the news and I imagine it's what we're gonna be known for from now on. SirMeliodaz

Real Life struggle.... 

Apparently it's a heroin death rate 25x the national average. Eliju

Damn, your response is sad but what really gets me is how many different towns people are throwing out there that for the description. F**k heroin! wheresmylife

I'm betting Dayton Ohio or Huntington West Virginia. 84theone

Send Dateline....

A disproportionately high unsolved murder rate. In my 40+ years alive, there's been less than 10 murders, (probably less than 5, but the last couple years have been a little crazy). Of those only like 3 are solved. Takkenman

Dining with Oscar...

A giant, possibly maneating, certainly terrifying snapping turtle, whose name is Oscar. We also have the oldest continuous annual festival in Indiana, which is a celebration of same turtle. highvelocityfish

Aww I wanna see Oscar! Lol xPoisonGirlx

Thanks for the music....


Very little, but Fatboy Slim, who grew up there, once called it "A suburban hellhole" which made the front cover of the local newspaper for three weeks in a row as people were so upset. He wasn't wrong though. badlydrawnhamster

The truth hurts though and there is little to be offended by in Reigate. Bucca_AD

Somethings never change.....

I'll preface this by saying this is not the South.

Back in the day, a crowd tried to lynch a black man over an alleged assault. A mob gathered, overpowered police, and stormed the courthouse where he was on trial. In an attempt to stop the violence, many government officials tried to address the crowd themselves. After none of this proved successful, the Mayor, fearing for his life, shot a member of this mob. The mob then attempted to hang the mayor as well.

Nowadays, it's still one of the most dangerous cities in America, however only if you're black. VaporFlight

The Lone Star Legends...

JFK got an unpleasant greeting from a guy named Lee Harvey. ZombieCharltonHeston

Visited Dallas last year (am Australian). The Old Red museum has a section talking about how Dallas changed culturally in the aftermath of the JFK assassination. alphamone

I ain't from Dallas but I've been there more times than I can count, I love your city. My phone died at a concert and I had to walk from the American Airlines Center to a hotel by Dealey Plaza in the middle of the night last winter. Got mugged and ran into a heavily intoxicated chick in all leather, but still had a great time! Totally worth it! deltadickhead

Leave Willie Alone!!! 

Our sheriff arrested willie nelson's band... for weed.. INarwhalI

In fairness, "this is Willie Nelson's band" would be enough probably cause to get a warrant. RingGiver

This is weird because I've never heard of whoever you're talking about. But I knew a kid called will Nelson who got expelled for weed. KillAllHumans1011001

Keep walking...

The waterfall we have here and part of the Erie Canal. And it's kind of a ghetto place. There's the snobby tourist who come in and judge the people who live here. Like, dude take your hipster butt somewhere else if you don't like us. SherlockHG221b

Cohoes? bambooanime

That will be the one... SherlockHG221b

Pride of the South.... 


Jambalaya, red beans and rice, Popeyes, Mardi Gras, French quarter, Bourbon Street, oh and Arby's on canal. tyedrain

New Orleans? xPoisonGirlx

Say it right though.

"Norlins" RationalLies


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