People Share Their Weirdest Quirks About Their Body

Being a little bit self-conscious about the weird things your body does is par to being a human being. But there are instances where those weird things are just really freakin' cool. So whether or not you take pride in those weird things, know that at least Reddit thinks it's pretty neat.

u/merricat_blackwood asked: What's something strange your body does that you know isn't quite right but also isn't quite serious enough to get checked out by a doctor?


Well, every once in a while my eyes will go blurry and I can't see for a few seconds, I've learned to wait it out but it seriously freaked me out when I was younger but from what I know it's basically harmless. (By the way I have 20/20 vision so it's not my eyesight getting worse over the years).


Definitely not a tumor.


When I cough, a spot in the middle of my back itches like mad. Also, once every few months I'll turn my head a certain way and it feels like something "snaps" in my head and a sensation of warmth spreads out in my skull. Probably not a tumour.


Drives me insane.

I will sometimes catch myself mouthing/whispering the last sentence or phrase I spoke.

Drives me insane.

Edit: I'd like to self diagnose this as palilalia. Seems to be exactly what I have.


Strange symptoms.

At totally random times it feels like my heart keeps skipping a beat, and I feel short of breath. It goes on for a few hours usually and then stops.

I get rubber band headaches sometimes when I focus on doing a certain task.

Sometimes the muscles in my hand will tense up and I have to use my other hand to unfold it.


Mystery hairs.


I have one piece of hair on my arm that is white and grows super fast and can get way longer than I've ever seen an arm hair be before.


My sister has a single whisker that grows out of her forehead. You won't notice it until it's like three inches long. It's rigid and plucks very easily.

Edit: one time when we were children, I plucked it when I was mad at her.


5 minute pee.

My body doesn't let me know when I need to pee until it hurts. Like I could go a whole day without peeing and then wake up the next morning with intense stomach cramps that go away after a solid 5 minute pee.

I can't tell you how many times I've been like, "have I peed today? Well you never know" and I sit down to discover that my bladder was full.


Always pay attention to that stuff.

Not me, but my uncle. He's almost 70 now. Over the past few years he has gotten more and more grumpy. Yeah, nothing to worry about, his uncle was like that too. Something old people get. He never wanted to see a doctor, even if his cold didn't seem to go away after 2 months a few years ago. That was bronchitis, progressed to pneumonia. He still has a nasty cough.

About a month ago my grandmother was celebrating her 93rd birthday with her children. My uncle just sat there, staring in the distance and when trying to talk he just mumbled. My aunt finally took charge and took him to the hospital, brain scan was done, turns out he had a lot of tiny brain bleeds, probably over the course of several years.

Don't ignore personality changes, no matter how slowly they progress.




When I sit in a position for too long and then arch my back, my breastbone cracks into place. ( not sure if it is the breast bone but definitely in my chest).


Ah yes cracking your sternum, best feeling ever.


What a specific subreddit.

I can't burp. I just get this weird gurgly sound as air bubbles come up through my throat if gas comes up that way. I can rip some mean a** though.





Sometimes I get this weird feeling like everything is going in slow-mo. In contrast, I feel like everything I do is at normal speed. My brain just wants me to do stuff and I feel this burst of energy that makes me feel great. However there is always a moment where I feel like I should keep moving because if I stop something bad will happen to me.

Usually lasts a few minutes tops. When I manage to calm down everything goes back to normal. Has been happening since I'm a kid, 24 now and still happens every year.


When I first started interviewing for jobs, I was under the impression that job interviews only go badly if the candidate is unprepared. I was wrong.

I walked into an interview for a staff writer position at a company. As part of the interview, they had me create written pitches for three blog ideas. In addition to pitches, I had to provide writing points.

I left feeling good about the interview and thought my blog pitches were top-notch. I was, at least, right about that part.

After I made several attempts to follow up, I noticed my exact blog pitches on the company’s website. They didn’t even bother to change the grammar. My writing points were fragments, but the company just copy and pasted them, word-for-word, using my pitch as a title.

Then they told me the position was filled. I felt used. I’m still not sure if there was a position available or if they just brought people in to lessen their workload.

According to Redditors, this type of thing happens a lot. Sometimes even worse things happen during an interview. It seems Redditors have gone through all kinds of horrible interview experiences, and are ready to share.

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