People Share Their Most Expensive Screw Up Of 2019

Every new year, we tell ourselves, "this will be my year!" But when has that ever been true? It's impossible to have a flawless year, and we're bound to have a few screw-ups. But what happens when those screw-ups cost major money? These Redditors will tell you.

u/onlinebeing asked: What was your most expensive f*ck up of 2019?

Starting off strong.

I work at a company that handles PHI (personal health info). I work in the mail room stuffing those packets. I stuffed two peoples PHIs in one packet and the company ended up getting sued for 1.2 million.


Winner winner chicken dinner.




A few months ago I bought a $190 Visa gift card at Family Dollar, only to drop it into a manhole on my way home.


Please tell me you bought it for a dollar.


That's how it be sometimes.

My boiler wasn't working, so got a plumber.

A line was pinched, or maybe had frozen, it worked fine when the plumber got there, £160 and he didn't do anything.


Our alarm wouldn't stop going off, so we called a security guy. £75 for him to walk in, unplug a battery and hand over an invoice.



I was contemplating moving out of my apartment but didn't want to pay the lease break fee of 2600 so my apartment sold me on the idea of a 'rerental'.

Meaning I would pay 500 for my apartment to be listed for rental and if someone moved in, I would be in the clear. 500 and I would be out scot-free. The only caveat was that I had to pay the rent until that happened. If someone moved in mid-month, I get the rest back.

Ok, bet.

Well, I pay rent the 1st month thinking my apartment will go fast since it's the only 1 bedroom floor plan without expensive upgrades but I found out that they don't list it as available on the website. So, It doesn't get rented in month 1.

Boom, 1300$ gone. The apartment is empty and I have paid for the move + move in costs for the new place.

That means I am now paying rent in my empty old apartment and my new place.

At the end of the first month, I decide I cant afford to pay rent in two places again so I tell them that Ill just go ahead and pay the lease break fee thinking I'll just suck it up and be done with it.

They say okay, however caveat #2 is that I now have to give a 30 day notice to vacate (even though I have already vacated) and then pay the fee.

So I had to pay yet another month of rent in this empty apartment AND the lease break fee in the same month + the rent at my new place.

If I had just paid the lease break fee originally, I would have saved so much. And this is why I don't gamble.


That's rough.


I was engaged in June. I was no longer engaged in September. Whole lot of money down the drain.


You've saved yourself potentially much more my friend.


Guess not.

So apparently not all brake pads squeak when they need to be replaced. Sometimes you find out when you hear the horrible loud grinding noise of metal on metal and assume you're about to die. New brake pads and rotors all around I suppose.


Bad puppies!

I left a nearly full box of Raisin Bran on the kitchen table, left to hang out with a friend. Came back home to find that between my three dogs, they'd ripped into and eaten all of it.

Just now paid off the $3,000 vet bill, finally. All the dogs survived.


Not a terrible suggestion.


I just got my new social security card and driver's license and changed my name legally after getting married last November. Guess who's getting divorced and needs to change their name again? This girl.


Find someone to marry with the same last name.


Never leave your wallet on your seat.

Not mine, but my wife's.

Left her wallet sitting in the passenger seat when she went in to work. Came back to a smashed window and no wallet.

So just over $400 to replace the window (deductible for the insurance was $500), and about $100 in cash that was in said wallet. Plus the headache of replacing all of her IDs, credit cards, etc.


College is such a pain.

Finished school that I paid out of pocket for, went into my internship, and absolutely hated the field. Decided I'm going back to school for something else.


There's been people who graduate with a MASTER's in teaching, teach school for a year and then decide F*CK THIS.


Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

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Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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