We've all had moments that we want to last forever. Cuddling with a loved one, spending time with friends, those few minutes when you wake up before your alarm and can just snuggle in the warm bed.

Reddit user u/yrrah1 asked:

"What was your last 'I never want this to end' moment?"

Saturday morning, when my dog (just adopted him last month) crawled up on my bed and put his head right on my chest and we just snuggled. That plus winter makes it impossible to leave my bed.


Yesterday when me and my SO where watching TV, having a chill sunday, we curled up in the sofa, the moment I realized she was falling asleep. That's the moment I would never want to end.


Last week, I went down to the beach with some friends to watch the total lunar eclipse. We sat on a playground structure that was there and just spent like an hour watching the eclipse and chatting, and it was amazing.

Granted, we were all freezing our asses off by the end so there's that.


Waking up after I fell asleep on the bf's chest; he and I fell asleep watching Hulu, it was snowing outside and there was that nice cozy early dawn feel where you know you can go back to bed because it's Saturday. The kitten was curled up in the bend of my legs. I wish that was my morning again rn


Watching the moon go down and the sun come up on new years day with an old friend. We had reconnected in a romantic way over the holidays, and that was when she told me she loved me. She lives in a different city, so I can always feel the time slipping away when she's around. It was an unexpected and beautiful moment for both of us.


Pretty much every DnD session. My friends and I just started playing about 2 months ago and meet up almost every week. It's the best part of my week whenever we meet up.


These are the kind of answers I come here for. Laughing with friends about a story you're all telling together is the best feeling in the world.


Mine was a hug I got from a good friend in college. We were saying goodbye at the end of our freshman year. I hugged her, and she hugged back, and right when it felt like she was starting to pull out of the hug, gave me an extra squeeze and we held each other for just a little bit longer. If you were to fast forward six months, you would see us officially get together as a couple, and we dated for just over a year. I still think about that relationship a lot, and most of it is fondly.

But the thing I remember more than anything is that hug, and that extra second that we held it. We weren't together yet, and hadn't started courting each other at all. But it is still the best memory of her that I have. I never wanted that extra second to end.


A few weeks ago I was snowed in with my boyfriend and we made what we call a "boat". We push together the couches in his living room and fill it with blankets and pillows. It was the best because he was supposed to work that day but his job closed so we spent the entire day in the boat watching horror movies, drinking hot cocoa, and cuddling as the snow piled up outside.


Last night actually, I rekindled a friendship a few days ago with a girl Ive had a crush on for years. I even took her on a date once in High School. Come to find out, she hasnt said it directly but from our conversations it led me to belive that she too had a crush on me. So I took her on a "dateish thing" last night and it was the best 4 1/2 hours of my life I could have sat there with her forever just talking and looking into her eyes as I listenwd to her speak.


I had one of these moments while visiting my parents a couple weeks ago. My mother has had Alzheimer's for the past few years, and while she has always been extremely affectionate it's like that part of her personality has just disappeared. I never realized how much I enjoyed her constant loving affection until I didn't have it any longer. She started a new medication a while ago that has really been helping her confusion. So while we were visiting she walked past me and placed her hand on my head for a moment, then smiled and began to stroke my hair and placed her hand on my cheek and told me she loved me so much. It was a really beautiful moment for me.

**i just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your thoughts and kind words, and also I really appreciate you sharing your own experiences too. I hope the day comes where no one will have to watch a loved one suffer through this disease as we have.

Oh and just for a little background, my Mom's name is Sue, she is 76 years old and loves to garden. She can look at a plant it it will bloom. She accidentally grew a tomato plant in a crack in the driveway once. She met the Queen of England while on vacation. She learned to water ski on her fiftieth birthday. One time she slapped a man in the face because his son had beat me up and he didn't sound sorry enough about it. She once got pulled over doing 110 in her brothers Hemi Cuda she said she was trying to get it to 115 to win a bet when she saw the blue lights. She baked me every birthday cake I ever had, giant three or four layer monster cakes in whatever colors I liked at the time. She has been hilarious and fun and crazy and loved me and my family hard. This next part is gonna be rough, but we've all got her back so we are just gonna have to love her through it.
