People Share Their Best "Don't Knock It Until You Try It" Stories

People Share Their Best "Don't Knock It Until You Try It" Stories

People Share Their Best "Don't Knock It Until You Try It" Stories

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So why deprive yourself of any experience before you've tried it? Sure it may SOUND or LOOK weird but weren't you always taught to never judge a book by its cover?

u/Roy__Papenfuss asked:

What is your best "don't knock it till you try it"?

Here were some of the answers.


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Writing down your thoughts and problems. Let's you put stuff in perspective instead of replaying the same thoughts over and over.

A New Therapy

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Sensory Deprivation Chamber

A lot of people think of it as only a mental therapy but I found it better than a massage.

Just Loving Film

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Going to the movies alone.


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Listening to different genres of music every now and then that you are not familiar with or don't particularly like. You may come across something that you love.

Won't You Take Me To Flavortown?

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Soy sauce in mashed potatoes. Be careful not to overdo it, but it can be a game changer. A little sour cream or cheese and you got yourself a one way ticket to flavortown.

It Definitely Sounds Gross

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The mixed drink known as a "Lunchbox." Pour a can of cheap beer into a tall glass, top it off with orange juice, and add a shot or so of amaretto. Every friend I've told about it said it sounds gross, but every one of them loved it when I made them one.

To Reset

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Yoga. Especially if you are active and old

So Much Acid

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A few of dashes of Tabasco in an espresso. Someone tried to prank me with a spicy espresso once, turns out it's delicious.


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Online dating.

I used to be one of those people who wanted to meet the love of my life organically and only downloaded a dating app when I wasn't down for a serious commitment.

Ironically, that's how I met my boyfriend. We lived two blocks away from each other growing up, attended the same high school, rode the same bus, were in the same club, and shared a ton of close mutual friends. We had every opportunity to meet organically, but it took Tinder to bring us together.

Immersive Life

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Dungeons and Dragons. As a kid I hated the thought of even trying it because of the negative connotations that went along with being a "geek", but as I got older I slowly started to look into it more. Found some friends of mine who played it, made a character and started a campaign with them... then I became obsessed. I'd never had more fun in my life! Nothing had taken me by storm like that before, and now a year and a bit later I DM games for coworkers who I introduce it to and I am still playing in that campaign! It's an out of this world experience.

A Podcast For You

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I went so long assuming podcasts were boring; listening to people talk for an hour? No thanks. Recently tried listening to one on a run and I'm hooked. You can learn so many things about history, philosophy, current trends etc. all while working out, driving somewhere, shopping etc.

PB And Pan

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Peanut butter on pancakes. I lived in Texas and my friend had it and thought it was weird. Tried it and it was awesome but when I tell people to try it they give me the same weird look.


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Scuba diving

I've been terrified of the ocean ever since my step dad took me canoeing in it and we flipped over on a coral reef, got cut up and burned pretty bad from fire coral.

However, one day I was like screw it I'm gonna scuba dive because I had money, And so I started the certification and was pretty nervous getting into it but, 5 dives later I loved it.

Soon after I went to Guam on a work trip and got my advanced cert there, did some wreck diving and night dives. And just wow, it can be such an amazing experience and felt even more incredible when I overcame my fear of the ocean.


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I had a friend in college who insisted pizza rolls and reddi-whip was the sh-t. We decided to humor him and try it, disgusting. We called him out on his bullsh-t and he ate the rest of the 40 pizza rolls we made all with whipped cream on top. I still can't tell if he actually enjoyed them or was just playing the long con.

Sandwiches Collide

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Grilled peanut butter and jelly. It's a pb and j cooked like a grilled cheese. You are welcome in advance.

MSG Life

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Monosodium glutamate (MSG) gets a way worse rep than it deserves; I replied to another comment on here about how magical umami is for your brain's rewards systems

Basque Drinks

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Kalimotxo. Half cheap red wine, half coke. Serve with ice. Made popular in the Basque region of Spain.

Crunch And Spice

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Takis (Fuego) crushed up in chili.

You've Heard Of Shower Beer, Here's....

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Eating an orange in the shower.

Okay, a few reasons why this is the superior location for citrus consumption:

-hot, moist air heightens your sense of smell. Heightened smell+good smell=great time.

-cold juices of the citrus juxtaposing the hot water. Nice, right?

-you know how your hands get all sticky after you eat an orange? And you have to wash them off afterwards? Well, boy do I have some good news for you. Guess where you are?

It's. Amazing.

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I know people who won't try sushi because of how is looks. You poor souls...

Clay doll sitting on a stack of gold coins
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

We all have those friends who do extremely well for themselves. They're rich, and they know it... and everyone else knows it too.

They go on expensive vacations and buy the latest and greatest in technology. They want for nothing and always seem to have the means to go out or buy something on a whim.

However, we may also know someone who can do all of those things but doesn't. These are the people who are just as wealthy as those who flaunt their money (maybe even wealthier) but are subtle about it.

They live modest lives, rarely, if ever, talk about money, and never make it obvious they have money.

Sometimes, they even try to do the opposite -- make it seem like they are middle class.

However, no matter how hard they try, there are few subtle, but tell-tale, signs that they are rich.

Redditors are revealing what those signs are.

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