People Share Their 2019 New Year's Resolutions

"Move on from my sh-tty relationship."

People Share Their 2019 New Year's Resolutions

2019 is fast approaching. Soon, 2018 will be left behind in a burning, rotting wreck where it belongs and the New Year will herald the arrival of new challenges, new opportunities, and most importantly, new resolutions. Will you be able to keep them? If you're like 99.8% of the country, probably not, but...maybe this year's the year!

Reddit user, u/oknatethegreat, wanted to know what are you hoping to improve for the coming year when they asked:

Reddit, what's your New Year's resolution for 2019?

Work On That Foreign Language

Improve my German to the point I can at least talk to my coworkers without them having to switch to english



Implement my budget.

Move on from my sh-tty relationship.


Moving on from sh-tty relationships can be tough, but sooo worth it in the long term.

Wish you best of luck buddy.


Encompass It All

I am a farmer, I wanna write a guide story book about how I started, how to approach farming and methodes I used in the last 4 years.

From my 1st seed order to building over 6 greenhouses in a span of 4 years, and still growing.


Never Hold Anything Back

try to speak up more about how I feel


Do it. Start now. It'll be the best thing you've done in your life.


Get That Degree!

that i will be able to keep doing what i did this first school semester, i love not having my parents yell at me for having C's!


C's do get degrees

But I bet your parents love you more than you think . They just want the best for you I bet!


Maybe Get Off The Couch, Too!

Drink slightly more than this year and continue smoking.

I'm feeling pretty confident about my resolution for once!


Over The River...

One of mine is to call my grandma every month at minimum and send her a text, email, or Facebook message every two weeks min


Set a granny alarm in your phone. I've gotta do that, too.


Can't Seduce You If It's Not There

Eat better. I've got the exercising thing down. I just struggle with excessive snacking.


Don't buy the candy. If it's in the cupboard it's free. It's easier to ignore it once then twice a day.

Fruit lots of fruit. I don't know if 10 apples a day is healthy but I stopped buying candy and less sugar = less pain and it became self reinforcing the same way a coffee makes you enjoy the bitter.


Aiming For The Stars

Get a real career, be more productive, try.


I believe in you


Start Small...Finish Large

I'm gonna run a marathon in 360 days from today. Right now I can run 3 miles. Wish me luck lol.


I started off at 2 miles three times a week with one increasingly long run every weekend to train for my marathons. You can do it!
