People Share The Worst Thing They've Ever Come Home To

Not in my house!

Home is a sanctuary. It is the place where we are all entitled to enter and all that ails us just fades away because the outside world is a dark place. And it's our haven, our time in our safe space that keeps us sane. However, this is too often not the case. Home can be a place of turmoil and grief. Sometimes what is on the other side of the front door can be daunting and a life changing experience.

Redditor u/Cyan26 wanted to know what unknowns were creeping behind closed doors by asking... What's the worse thing you've come home to?


One day I came home and all of my mother's stuff was gone, along with my mother. She moved out without telling anyone but my dad. Pretty crappy. lizard-boyo

Unfortunately this happened to me a few weeks ago. I get a snap from my brother that my dad just disappeared. I didn't even get a phone call that he was leaving. I haven't seen him since August when I left for college. I honestly would have hugged a lot harder if I knew that'd be the last time. SammyDBella

You give me Fever... 


I was 13 and came home from school. My mother was walking around the house naked and delirious. Randomly picking objects up and dropping them. Calling me by a name that wasn't mine. I called 911 and a neighbor.

She had a fever of 104. It was bacterial meningitis. She was in a medically induced coma after that, required brain surgery and then months of antibiotics. She had amnesia after that and was never really the same. maikakun

Home is where the heart is... or where the horror is. Anything to share?


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