People Share The Most Universally Awkward Moments

People Share The Most Universally Awkward Moments

Awkward is the way we are feeling.

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But at least you're not alone. Something weird and upsetting happens, and you're like, "am I the only person who feels crazy right now?" Well, the fun answer is--no, you are not. And the sad answer is, everybody feels awkward right now.

u/Jborbon13 asked Reddit:

What is the universally-known awkward moment?

Here's what they came up with.

Hallway Story

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Walking towards a colleague or someone else that you know in a hallway, calculating the appropriate distance before locking eyes and saying hi

It's Always A Question

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Not being able to hear what someone is saying, so you say "what?" Then they say it again but you STILL can't hear them so you just laugh and say "yeah" and pray they weren't asking a question.

This Is Where Entitlement Comes In Handy

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It's really awkward when you're in a conversation with multiple people and you are just not given any time to add your input. Then the topic changes and you're just sitting there with the thing you wanted to say still lingering in your mind for the next hour.

Who Who, Who Who?

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Knowing someone for years and having a brain fart with their name while trying to introduce them to someone else.

NYC Walkers

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That awkward yet exhilarating moment when you're trying to overtake someone on the path and you have a couple of seconds where you're walking next to them at a familiar distance

Questions Galore

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"Hi, how are you?"

"Good, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing well, what about you?"

'Scuse Me

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Opening a public bathroom stall/changing room door that the person inside failed to lock.

Waving Through A Window

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Waving back to someone who is actually waving to the person behind you.


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Saying goodbye to someone, only to meet them again minutes later.

The Truffle Shuffle

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Today I was at the store and I rounded the corner at the same time as a man coming from the opposite direction. We both took turns mumbling "sorry" and trying to shuffle around each other but moving in the same direction every time. It probably lasted 10 seconds but it felt like hours.

The White People Smile

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Smiling at someone who doesn't smile back. You'll just end up with a ???? on your face.


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Accidentally saying "Bye I love you!" inappropriately to someone you don't actually love. Like your boss... or a customer.


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"Happy birthday!"

"You too."

"Enjoy your food!"

"You too."

"How are yoooou?"

"You tooooo."

"Happy birthday!"

"You too!"

Wrong Convo

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Thinking someone is talking to you when they're actually talking to someone on a Bluetooth device.

A Ways Away

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Having someone hold the door for you 30 feet away, making you run awkwardly just to let them go.

Can't Get Away

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Bumping into someone you know at the supermarket, exchange pleasantries and carry on. Then as you go about your shopping you keep bumping into them.

Happy Talk Keep Talkin Happy Talk

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You and the person you're talking to trying to get a word in at the same time.

Me: So I-- Them: Then ou---

Me: So I was--- Them: Yeah so w---

Me: You fir-- Them: Go ahe---

Oh Hayyyyy....

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Being left alone with someone you were only introduced to a minute earlier.


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Coming across someone and neither of you know which way to walk so you both end up almost running into each other several times.

Or not knowing if someone's going for a handshake or fist bump.

I <3 U

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Ending a business phone call with "I love you" by accident.

Man walking away with a briefcase
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