People Share The Most Cringeworthy Phase They Went Through As A Teen

People Share The Most Cringeworthy Phase They Went Through As A Teen

Our teen years are an important step in our development, both physically and socially. Unfortunately, most of us have to go through some pretty cringeworthy personality phases before we settle down into who we will be as adults.

Reddit user u/sixesand7s asked:

"Whats the cringiest teenage phase you went through?"


There was a time in my mid-teens where I could grow my sideburns out but no other facial hair to accompany it. I thought the sideburns looked cool on their own, but upon further review, they did not.




I LOVED WWF growing up. I had a couple of cassettes with some of their walkout music. If my mom was sitting around with her friends, I would put on a song, usually Stone-Cold, Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels, then proceed to "walk-out" acting like them, standing on a random item and raise my hands to the crowd. I would take it as far as I could before the embarrassment took over and I would hide in shame.



The only goth dressed all in white.


Non-conform to the non-conformists. I like it.



I'm a super white ginger dude who is not cool at all.

I used to wear a gold chain in high school and actively "studied" on how to be hip. I hate it, I hate thinking about it, and I hate you for making me think about it again.



In high school I would wear cat ears to school. Every. Single. Day.


As a current middle school teacher, I am happy to tell you that others have taken up the cause in your absence.




"Frosted tips"


hello fellow 90's kid



"I was born in the wrong generation because today's music sucks" phase in high school



There were a good few years during ages 12-15 where I tried to convince everyone including myself that I was a robot. I have no idea why. I had all these explanations as to how I grew (pneumatic bones) and how my brain was actually a computer. During truth or dare my biggest secret was always "I am actually a robot".. so cringey. Everyone thought I was trolling but to be honest I actually believed it myself.

Now looking back I kind of view those times as undiagnosed mental issues that presented in weird ways, but by god everyone thought I was the weirdest person ever and I don't even blame them!



Bowl haircut, parted down the middle with the McDonald's arch in the front. 🤢



I wrote poems and songs about my boyfriend (now fiance) when we first got together in our early teens.

He still has the damn papers and hides them from me so I can't throw them away. I cringe so hard remembering the sh*t I wrote.


The longer couples are together, the more creative they have to be to have quality time together.

But quality time isn't always what other people think it will be.

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