People Share The Craziest Untrue Rumor They've Ever Heard About Themselves

People Share The Craziest Untrue Rumor They've Ever Heard About Themselves

Rumors get started in all sorts of weird ways.

Sometimes rumors are like a giant game of telephone, where the truth gets stretched more and more out of proportion until it becomes unrecognizable.

Sometimes, they come literally out of nowhere, and you're scratching your head.

u/Roentgenographer asked:

What untrue rumour have you heard about yourself?

Here were some of their stories.

Rumors From The Lion's Den

When I was 13 my dad married a horrible woman who didn't like me. She told him that her daughter had seen me skipping class, doing drugs and that I'd be having sex with girls... when he confronted me about this I laughed out loud and said "I wish".


Perfect Jealousy

That I got a nose job after getting in a car accident at 16-years-old.

Nope, I just got lucky and grew into my face. But I appreciate the flattery that they loved, "My perfect button nose that I couldn't have gotten naturally".

That was seriously her insult to me.


Snitches Ain't Stitchin These Lies Together

That I snitched. With everyone unaware of what happened, my cousin shot someone and drove to our house. Within 15 minutes, the cops were closing in on our property. My cousin ran into our house leaving his car on and door open. I went to turn it off and on the way back was forced down by cops and taken into custody. The cops already knew who did it, I'd answered no questions besides where I lived. Rumor is I ratted my cousin out because the cops knew where the house was.


I'm Still Alive, Suckas

I'm 38 yo with Cystic Fibrosis. In 1981, when I was born, the life expectancy was 18 at tops. In school, between age 7 and 16, the other children was informed about my condition and several times during this time, I was told by other kids that I wouldn't live to see my 20th birthday. Healthcare has improved over the last 38 years and I'm still hanging in there. Over the years, I've bumped into classmates who was quite shocked to see me. They assumed that I dropped dead at 18.


Nope, You're Just Insane

This guy (adult man) who had a crush on me told everyone that we were married. I only dated him once and I wasn't interested.

One afternoon I got home from getting my groceries and my neigbour congratulated me. I was like "what?"

When I texted the guy about this rumour he said I was overreacting. He also said that it offended him that I didn't like the rumour. We dated like once. I didn't like him like that. He's seriously insane.


Still Kickin, Queens

I was forced to switch schools in the middle of my junior year of high school. Most kids knew I had health issues and it wasn't uncommon for me to be absent for a week or two at a time. When the one month mark of my withdraw hit, kids started talking. Apparently, I died of a brain tumor.


I Worry About The Way Information Travels

I once had a migraine back in secondary school and asked my friend sitting next to me for Paracetamol, of which I took 2. About 10 minutes later it gets so painful I'm sent home by my teacher. I return to school the following day and everyone, including my friends, were shocked to see me as somehow it had spread around that I was in a coma in hospital having my stomach pumped because I tried to overdose?


Nope, Doing My Work, Earning My Keep

That I was a horrible, lazy worker.

I found out about this rumor because one guy I was on assignment with found out we were together for the first time, and was prepared to do all the work himself.

After the day was over, he told me that he was amazed how little work he had to do, and that there is a bad rumor that I'm really bad to work with.

I knew instantly who started it.


Ah, Yes, My Not-Religion

I found out in grade school that I shouldn't be celebrating my birthday and holidays because I was a Jehovahs Witness. I had never even heard of that religion before that day. This was in Jr high years and found out the girl that started the rumor had been telling people that since second grade.


Some People Can't Deal With New Jobs

Oh I have a story for this one!

I used to work midnights at a gas station up the street from my house. I ended up putting in my two weeks after I got a new job, but they wanted me to start earlier than expected, so I wasn't able to work 2 of the 3 of my last nights at the gas station. I tried talking to both managers about it so the shifts could get covered, and they were so pissed that I was quitting in the first place that they told me it wasn't their problem and that they didn't care. So I ended up sending an email to the district manager and quitting without finishing my two weeks.

Like two weeks later my fiancé, brother, and I stop at the gas station to grab gas and snacks before we went somewhere. I stayed in the car. There was a new girl at the counter, who had never seen my fiancé or brother before. For some reason they were talking about me behind the counter, and the new girl, who never met me, told my fiancé that I got fired for stealing cigarettes and money out of the register. I guess the manager didn't see that he was the one the new cashier was talking to. Funny when my fiancé came out and told me what she said.


The Absolute Worst Things Someone Can Say After Sex

Reddit user AMGBOI69420 asked: 'What’s the worst thing you can say right after having sex?'

Who knows the perfect thing to utter after a night of carnal passion?

It's especially vexing after a first time together.

All that anticipation and wonder can be surpassed or completely destroyed.

So often, every syllable can count.

But there is certainly a list of what not to do in these situations.

And... they're pretty basic.

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