People Share The Adult Versions Of Learning Santa Isn't Real

People Share The Adult Versions Of Learning Santa Isn't Real

"No, Little Charlotte, Santa Isn't Real. And Neither Is..."

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Life's full of ups and downs, but it's easier to focus on the downs. A promotion that was wrongly given to someone else. Not finishing that novel you've been working on since before college. Discovering that maybe that widow's peak you've had since you were 19 might just be early male pattern baldness.

To know they weren't alone, Reddit user, u/crushedcreditcard, wanted to know about adulthood's similar disappointments when they asked: What's the adult equivalent of learning Santa isn't real?

Even Zeus Can Fall

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Your parents are human too so they have their own opinions and thoughts and feelings and their own perspective like everyone else, so not everything they tell you is true.

They are no longer your teacher.


Being The Best Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

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Being the best employee doesn't necessarily mean you'll be rewarded the best.


I'm A Toys R' Us...Adult?

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Some professions die.

Just because you were a good travel agent or fax repairman doesn't mean you can be one forever.


It's not just the professions which are dying. Many low level jobs staffed by middle aged people are on the brink of being made redundant.

I'm CPA with some knowledge of VBA. But I mostly work in auditing and due diligence. It is very easy to write macros in excel and we have streamlined our teams because macros automate so much of our work. Due to this, we haven't replaced our leavers in 3 quarters.

I have seen so many people work in payroll processing, accounts payable/receivable management and reporting which can be let go due to this.


Things Don't Always Matter

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You can do everything right and still fail.


It Doesn't Just Happen

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That none of the standard "adult life" accouterments are guaranteed to occur.

A place of your own, a functional long term relationship, a career that makes sense to you or is at least rewarding..


35 years old. I've always lived with roommates, I've effectively always been single, and after five years of ownership I just replaced my 2001 Ford Focus hatchback with a 2001 Ford Focus hatchback.

Many people, I know, have it much worse, but man... This isn't what I expected.


You Gotta Squish The Bugs, Man

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The realization that bugs are going to get into your house and no one is going to get rid of them but you.

That's your job now bro,

Merry F-cking Christmas.


How Are They Even Moving?

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When you see a band play live and they're all really old now


When You Can't Trust Bill...

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Some time ago, there was an AskReddit "what did you love in childhood and who ruined it for you?". The top answer was "Bill Cosby, and Bill Cosby."


He Was Inside Of Us All Along

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Learning that Santa is real and you're him.


WHAT?! *burns the world down

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H/T: Reddit

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