People Share The Kindest Thing They've Ever Overheard Someone Say About Them
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It's easy to beat yourselves up, after all, you're your own worst enemy. Sometimes it's easier to beat yourselves up and it can be hard to pull yourself out of the funk. That's why we have friends, loved ones, and random strangers on the street yelling at us to boost our spirits and remind us we're not at all that bad.

Reddit user, u/El_patronus, wanted to know what you became privy to when they asked:

What's the most kind/beautiful thing you've overheard about yourself by accident?

You Turned Out Okay

Was home from college and my parents thought I was asleep.

Heard them complimenting each other on how they "did a good job" raising me.


"Pretty Hard Not To..."


I don't have a lot of coworkers (about 13 altogether and I only work directly with 4-5). But when I was in the break room I heard a few of them talking about a coworker they don't like, saying she's rude to everyone. And one of them said "She's pretty nice to [whatever my name is]." And the others said "Well, everyone likes [whatever my name is], pretty hard not to." It was hard to walk back in there and not be like LOVE YOU TOO THANKS GUYS


Talking You Up

I had a girl over (first time dating in years) and my roommate (female, super close friend) was there as well. Heard my roommate say "I know he's shy and a little awkward at first but give it a shot, he's super sweet and really funny once he's comfortable, he's worth the effort".

Gave me a huge much needed boost since I struggle [with] confidence and usually don't like myself


The Best Comparison

My dad doesn't really compliment people. He's the quiet type that hides behind jokes and sarcasm. However, I once heard him talk to an old friend of his at a christmas party, saying; "That's my kid right there. Pure rock n' roll, just like his old man. Never gives up, just keeps steaming on like a freight train. I tell ya, some kids just have that fire, you know?"


This Is All A Teacher Wants To Hear

I worked really hard on creating an art project for my 1st grade class. I heard on student say to the other, "This is the best project we've had all year!"


This Band Rocks

My old band was due to play in a bar.

I was stood ordering a drink and I overheard two people discussing the band. Apparently they'd heard the guitarist - me -was amazing.


Making The Customer Happy

Was on a conference call with one of our clients and they didn't know I was on it (or hadn't heard I was there as I was just taking notes) and they said; it's a shame he isn't on this call as I'd like him to know that he's positively changed the working life of many people and his work was much appreciated. I had to walk away and cry as it was my last day.


In Another Language, Even!

Heard a girl compliment my looks to her friends in my second language.

She never figured out I could understand what she was saying. I wouldn't even consider myself attractive so it was nice I guess.


The Other Family Credit


My wife's family said I was the rock in their family.


The Best Laughter

I was joking around with some acquaintances at a party and somebody got me with a really funny joke. I started giggling like a madman and I heard a girl on the other end of the room turn to my sister and say "I just love his laugh, It's so happy!" and she responded "I know!".

That still makes me smile when I remember.
