People Confess The Juicy Gossip They've Learned In Their Personal Life

I definitely don't endorse gossiping. Do it all you want, just keep me out of it.

Like many people though, while I definitely don't like being involved in drama, I get a vicarious thrill from hearing about it.

Hearing juicy gossip is like watching an actual soap opera unfold in your own town. It's truly something.

It turns out that people are sitting on all sorts of secrets.

We heard some of them after Redditor jonhart989 asked the online community:

"What's some juicy gossip you just found out in your personal lives?"

"One student a few years back..."

"I teach kindergarten! One student a few years back was acting off, super hyper and behaving in ways she never had. When asked if she had taken her peanut butter at home (code for her ADHD medicine, as it was administered in a spoonful of peanut butter), she told us that her mom sold all of her peanut butter to some guy in their trailer park named Steve."


Oh dear. This tells you a lot about the environment that young girl lives in.

"I've heard so many stories."

"Hairdresser here, I've heard so many stories. People truly tell their personal business to their hairdressers as if we're therapists."

"Had a client, sweet middle aged woman, she brought up Scientology. Having heard and watched that show about it I went in about it. "Oh they're absolutely crazy, blah blah blah..." And, she blurts out that her son is a Scientologist."

"I wanted to sink into the floor, then had to backtrack and, agree about all of these "nice" things that they do and how, yeah, you're right, DEFINITELY not a cult. Yikes."


It's totally a cult.

Shame she doesn't see it.

"A local CEO..."

"A local CEO of a telecom company secretly disappears every winter for two weeks. He doesn't tell anyone where he goes. He's married and has children. One of my department's paramedics is gay and goes on gay cruises in the Caribbean. He spotted the CEO on one of the cruises during one of his disappearances."


That Atlantis Cruise sure wakes up people's inner desires, doesn't it?

"The mayor's wife..."

"The mayor's wife cheated on him with a member of the town council and then they got into a fist fight during a council meeting."


This is definitely juicy! Well, the whole town definitely found out what was up after that!

"My friend..."

"My friend just dropped out of university to become an escort. He's happier, apparently."


Hey, if they are, more power to them!

Sex work is real work.

"My parents aren't going to lend out anymore..."

"That my brother asked my mom for a $1000 for rent, she gave him $1400 so he could also pay back a loan. Then he turned around and also asked my dad for $1000 for rent which he also gave him. He then turned around and used the money to buy tickets to Burning Man."

"My parents aren't going to lend out anymore money without talking to each other first."


I find it odd that a spouse wouldn't bring up that they'd lent money to someone...

"I just found out..."

"I just found out my neighbour has been having an affair with another one of my neighbours and the kids figured it out."


Nancy Drew and the Oh No Our Parents Are Banging.


"My ex..."

"My ex after one week of being single started dating this SoundCloud rapper and now she’s pregnant with twins. We’re still in our teens."


But do his songs slap, tho?

Seriously, though, this is a wild ride.

"My dad is having an affair..."

"My dad is having an affair. Just found out 30 mins ago. Mom is devastated although I had my suspicions. They've been married for 46 years. Dad is 73."


This is so heartbreaking, especially after such a long marriage.

"That my uncle..."

"That my uncle left my auntie for the phone sex line worker he was calling for the last three years."


This is somehow so existentially sad...

There's no doubt that if you prick up your ears, you'll hear something juicy. Just don't gossip yourself. It definitely won't end well.

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