People Divulge Dirty Little Secrets They've Never Told Anyone

People Divulge Dirty Little Secrets They've Never Told Anyone
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"What's your dirty little secret?" –– Thanks to Redditor WeTheSummerKid, we're about to find out.

We all have our dirty little secrets, that much is true. How much you allow them to consume you is another business altogether. Some of these are wholesome, though. Who'd have known?

"Eighty percent..."

Eighty percent of the time I have no idea what I'm doing, I just follow my gut. And so far I've managed to fix everything I said I was an expert at.


"I pick up..."


I pick up the dog poop in my elderly neighbors yard without telling him. I noticed one day that he had stopped doing it so often or only did it for 5mins or so, so I started doing it when he was at bingo or whatever he goes to on Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday. Idk if he knows I do it but he only sometimes goes out there now and picks up a few pieces and goes inside. Him being a bit old and living in high heat weather probably makes it hard for him to do it for more than 5mins.


"My family..."

My family doesn't know that I paid for my Xbox One by selling smut online for lucrative gains; I told them I had some money from my birthday left over.


"I think I've been stuck..."

I think I've been stuck in a deep depression for over a year or more. I act like I'm okay because my friends and parents lean on me emotionally but I haven't felt too much joy for a long time. I'm also drinking a lot more than I used to.


"There's been several times..."


There's been several times in my life where I ran out of toilet paper and used the cardboard tube to wipe, you just gotta make do sometimes.


"I can't be..."

I can't be sexually aroused when someone else is involved. On my own, hell yeah. The moment another person is involved I just can't perform. It's eating me up on the inside. Needless to say I'm the only person in my friends group who has never had sex. I'm beginning to feel more and more awkward and ugly and unwanted as the years are going by. I think I might have to take professional help for this but just the thought of talking about this to someone makes me want to die.


"On the surface..."

On the surface, my life seems pretty great and most of my friends and family think I've got a good thing going. Secretly, I'm constantly depressed and pretty much hate everything about my life. I regret not taking risks or really doing anything that wasn't on the straight and narrow when I was younger. The worst is that I'm so stressed out and overwhelmed just trying to keep up, I've just given up on it ever getting better.


"I once pooped..."

I once pooped my pants at an all you can eat buffet, and I didn't leave until I finished my second plate of shrimp.


"My commute home..."

My commute home after work is 40 minutes long and I'm driving on deserted highways at 4 am. I spend nearly every single commute home crying in my car because I don't feel like there's any other safe place for me to release my feelings without being judged.


"There's a little cheesecake shop..."

There's a little cheesecake shop down by my apartment that my boyfriend 'found' a couple months ago. Anytime we go he's always so proud he found it all on his own and is under the impression that we only go together. Little does he know I've been eating turtle cheesecake at least every couple weeks for about a year. I'll never tell him though, he'd be so crushed lol.

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