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People Explain Which Rules Were Instutituted In Their School Because Of Their Behavior

People Explain Which Rules Were Instutituted In Their School Because Of Their Behavior

Life in school wasn't always fun. Most of the time it was mind-numbingly boring and excruciating.

But it can be fun to reminisce. It can be especially fun to think about all of the things you did that were not exactly "by the rules," including the ones that caused new rules to arise.

u/RetroFr asked:

What school rule had to be put in place because of you?

Here were some of those answers.

Didn't Know We Needed This In Writing

Not me, but because of my graduating class' senior prank, "motorcycles are not allowed to be driven inside the building."



My science teacher banned the phrases "shut up", "you suck", and "your mom" because of my class. And he wrote them in the whiteboard and it looks like " shut up, you suck your mom" and me and my friends had a good laugh about that.



While in film school all of the tripods had to have bright pink tape on it after my friend and I managed to cause a major lockdown when a teacher thought the tripod we were carrying was a large gun. It was a pretty wild fuck up. It was the largest SWAT response in Canadian history at the time and caused trauma to a bunch of students and teachers. All because a teacher couldn't do a double take.


Marching Band Interference

I figured out what pitch the buzzer was at our basketball games. Turns out it's hilarious to count down the shot clock early and then play your instrument(s) obnoxiously loud at that pitch to make the opposing team take a shot. It also turns out the Mountain West Conference will also shut that down by the next season.


Alcoholic Beverages

It wasn't just me it was a group effort but we convinced a kid to drink hand sanitizer... he ended up having to get his stomach pumped. So hand sanitizer was banned from the entire school... I'm still friends with him to this day 10 years later



No Photoshop on the school computers. A section of our school computers had some of the Adobe suite, including Photoshop. I was caught, at thirteen years old, aggressively photoshopping my Principal and the Vice Principal onto a still from a porn video. Parents were called, and they had to delete that software they probably spent hundreds of pounds on.


We Can't Let People Know We Drink Water!!!

Water banned on test days.

I was on accutane and played sports, so I drank a LOT of water. I carried a gallon jug with me everywhere. On the day of finals, I accidentally dropped the jug. It smashed open on the desk and multiple students' answer sheets were destroyed.


Gender Roles

//Boys can't wear skirts in school//

Late 80's. It was a very hot year and the rules said pants or skirts must be worn in school. So a few of us boys wore skirts to school because we wanted to make a point about them being more like shorts and much cooler than pants. The skirts were all ankle length and much cooler than jeans. They out us in detention and changed the rule language to include gender about articles of clothing. Very rural town. We pissed off a lot of people.


No 2 Tickets

Not me, my younger sister. Circa 1993. Her group of friends senior year was a tight group of boys and girls, some dating, many not, who all wanted to do prom together. Tickets could only be bought for two - couple tickets, as it were - so my sis and her female friend bought their ticket together. Neither my sister nor her friend happened to be gay, but the school didn't know or care.

They felt it appropriate to call the parents to make sure they knew what their daughters were doing. No male/female couples were called. My mother is smart as a whip and likes nothing more than to take on authority. She gave that principal a legendary tongue lashing about "just what was he implying" and "why would that matter, if true?"

From that day forth, prom tickets are sold individually at that school.


Pet Pet

The fence behind the school was closed after me and my friend would go to the supermarket and comeback. The teachers didn't know that they just saw us going to the open fence one day and asked us what we are doing and we said we were touching stray cats. (part of me wanted to say touching pussies but it was a Catholic school and my 2nd week there). And they closed it.


Things That Scream 'I Make Terrible Financial Decisons'

Reddit user Mysterious_Fudge171 asked: 'What screams "I make terrible financial decisions?"'

How people manage their money can be a very contentious issue.

Some people have an air-tight budget, which they wouldn't dare stray from, even if they aren't even close to living paycheck to paycheck.

Others don't worry too much about how they spend day in and day out, even if they are still aware of how much they have in their checking and saving accounts.

Then there are those who love to spend money and are very good at doing so, but the concept of savings and a budget seems to escape them.

Often finding themselves confused by being in over their heads in credit card debt, despite the thousand dollar shopping spree they went on last week.

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