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People Reveal Which Worrisome Trends They're Beginning To Notice

Trends come and go - anyone who has paid attention to history can tell you that things happen in cycles. Unfortunately, these same craptastical things tend to show up in new and different ways, leaving people blind to them until it's too late. One Reddit user asked: What worrying trend are you beginning to notice?

Aaaaaand yeah now we're kind of bummed out. We grabbed some of our favorite (see also: least depressing) responses to share with you. We were kind of expecting people to talk about the re-emergence of the fanny pack or something, but no. We got a cold hard look at the world we live in and it was a bummer.

*Some responses have been edited for clarity or combined from multiple comments based on one response.

Everything Is A Billboard

How deeply advertising is penetrating our everyday lives.

Here in Australia a big story at the moment is how a horse race was permitted to advertise via projection on the sails of the Sydney Opera House. Our most recognizable landmark was used as a billboard. It's embarrassing.

- Beezneez86

A Simpler Time

Seems like you can't find any simple flavors anymore. Everything has to be fancy. You can't buy a blueberry muffin, it has to be wild field berries and rolled oat muffin. You can't by BBQ chips, it has to be Salsa and Roasted Peanut butter chips. Or whatever.

7-Eleven Slurpees used to be available in regular flavors, such as orange, lime, and cherry. I used to love the orange flavor. Now there are no more regular flavors anymore, just things with names like Honey Bubble Gum Sriracha Blast.

There's rarely any solo caramel flavor anymore. Everything is salted caramel. Just give me regular caramel. What happened?

- ARedditUserType

Not Something To Be Proud Of

Willful ignorance. People who are proud not to have any knowledge about a given subject, but still have very strong opinions about it. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine on Facebook and her willful ignorance made me want to reach through the screen and strangle her.

She posted this fake news story about a "Pro-Choice Activist Proudly Having Her 27th Abortion." It took me all of 2 seconds to Google it and find that it was fake. So I told her that it was fake and provided her with links to prove that it was and explained how and why I looked it up. She said: "I ain't got no time for all that lol i just know it's disgusting and anyone who does that is a mass murderer in my eyes."

Okaaaaaaaay nevermind that literally nobody does that and I just showed her that. But whatever. I went on to explain to her about fake news and why it's being spread and even pointed out that her sharing it is contributing to the problem. She still didn't seem to care that it was fake.

So I reported the post to FB as fake news and just left it alone.

- feral-id


Parents putting the blame of their child failing classes on the teacher entirely, as if their child could do no wrong in any capacity.

There are a lot of little fart knockers out there who need the parents to be parents and not a friend

- superwailord

Listen Up

Adults with poor listening skills. Often when talking to a person my age or older they interrupt, talk over me or don't listen beyond the first few words and I have to repeat myself until they comprehend.

I work with several people like this. And what's even worse is it translates to email as well. I'll send them a detailed email going over everything they need to know and then over the next few days I'll get back multiple emails with questions that I already went over in detail in my initial email.

- Corgi_with_stilts

Inescapable Illness

I'm nearly 30, but it seems like teenagers/young people in their early 20's are developing serious mental issues like depression and anxiety earlier and earlier. It almost seems as if it's normal for a teenager to be depressed and semi-suicidal, and social media isn't helping. The amount of pressure put on these kids at a younger and younger age to get into a good school, get a good job, succeed is more in-their-faces than ever, and being constantly connected means that it's inescapable. When these young people reach adulthood in the next decade or so, and these deeply ingrained issues start to reallycome to fruition, I think we're going to have a massive mental health tidal wave on our hands that the current professional medical field isn't prepared to handle.

- coombuyah26

The Growing Gap

Rising housing costs and increased homelessness. Seeing much more in the streets and can see why. Rents are so high that anyone struggling with a minimum wage job would be on the streets. Dual income properties are paying more than 60% of their income just for rent alone. It isn't long before the lower class isn't a class anymore and the middle and upper classes will be the poor. The gap between the elite 1 % is growing far too big. Banks own the country and drive prices up. It is a shame.

- BruceBanner-Hulk

Padded Bras Are A Perfect Example

This is something I've noticed change drastically (IMO) during my lifetime (and I'm only 33).

When I was preteen/"tween", clothing in the girl's section was clearly meant for children whereas these days most of it could be put in the Junior's section and I wouldn't even notice.

There's also quite a difference in bras- none of the ones available in the girls section when I started wearing one had any padding. There was thicker lining so nipples didn't show through, but not padded like push-up bras. Now, there are padded bras aimed at little girls just starting to wear bras- I saw them once at Kohls out of the corner of my eye and mistook them for women's sports bras- it made me feel uncomfortable (and sad) when I went to browse and realized they were actually being aimed at little girls in the 7ish-14ish age range.

My husband held one up once and said, "Babe, you should get one like this! It's really cute!" He was so embarrassed.

- Wisconsin_Death_Trip

Witch Trials

Maybe I'm just being paranoid but the rise of social media combined the current popularity of outrage-bait and "call-out culture" makes me feel like lynch mobs are about to come back in a big way

I feel like we're already entering a new "salem witch trials" era if the recent news is anything to be believed.

- HlynkaCG

Thanks Mom

Can anyone else who works in retail, customer service, basically any public facing job confirm my hunch that over the last ten years there has been a sharp rise in the amount of grown adult men with so few social skills there mother has to come and order those turtle Beach headphones for them? Like they'll pay with there own money, out of there own Metallica chain wallet but there mom does all the talking. Seems like a lot more grown adult men with the social skills of a shy child.

- Douglerful

H/T: Reddit

Scams That Are All Too Easy To Fall For

Reddit user ChoiceLine2569 asked: 'What's a scam that's really easy to fall for?'

Suspicious person using computers in darkened room
Clint Patterson/Unsplash

Let's face it: Not even the wisest person is immune from being hoodwinked and swindled out of their hard-earned cash.

With every scheme that is exposed, another new tactic seems to quickly take its place.

The increase in deceptive emails and phone calls under the guise of unpaid fees or fines that don't exist is enough to make skeptics out of everyone–which can't be good for your social interactions with friends and colleagues since not everyone is out to get you.

But it's good to be familiar with the most common fraudulent acts in order to protect yourself.

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How people manage their money can be a very contentious issue.

Some people have an air-tight budget, which they wouldn't dare stray from, even if they aren't even close to living paycheck to paycheck.

Others don't worry too much about how they spend day in and day out, even if they are still aware of how much they have in their checking and saving accounts.

Then there are those who love to spend money and are very good at doing so, but the concept of savings and a budget seems to escape them.

Often finding themselves confused by being in over their heads in credit card debt, despite the thousand dollar shopping spree they went on last week.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

That has always been one of my favorite life sayings.

Whether it's true or not is all subjective.

Maybe it's a truth.

Maybe it's a lie unfortunate people sell themselves.

And at some point in life, we're ALL unfortunate, here and there, now and again.

What is sexy to some is a stomach-turner to others.

Who hasn't been out with friends hunting for love interests and then been left shooketh by certain people's choices?

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Couple trying to navigate a hiking trail
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Traveling for most people is a wonderful adventure, full of new experiences, sights, and memories.

But even for the best travelers, there are bound to be some flop destinations along the way.

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